New York Initial Certificate to Professional

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New York Initial Certificate to Professional

Post by scooter93 »

Hi everybody. I’ve tried searching and can’t find a clear answer to this question and figured I’d ask here simply because the members of this forum are typically much more helpful than the NYS Dept of Edu. Haha. I am wondering if it is actually possible to transition from the New York State Initial Teaching Certification to the Professional Certification without actually teaching in the states. It seems as though you need to complete two years of some sort of mentorship while teaching in NY, but hopefully I’m wrong. If it’s not possible, does anyone have any suggestions about how to move forward?
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Post by PsyGuy »

Technically yes, but practically no.

IS experience can count but it is up to the discretion of the DOE if the IS is recognized by the MOE regulating authority in the ISs location. This tends to mean different things over time as it hinges on what "recognized" means. In practice if youre teaching at an AS accredited by a regional K12 accreditation commission and youre teaching the US NC and your IS is for all purposes either in actuality or the de-facto local US embassy IS, your experience is much more likely to be acceptable. The more your IS deviates from that the less likely its to be acceptable even if its a public DS operating under the MOE regulating authority and even if you arent teaching ESOL, your chances of that experience diminish significantly.

In regards to the mentoring requirement, technically this can be completed at an IS. There is a simple form to complete by the HOS. The practical aspect of it is that the mentorship has to conform to NYS regulations and there are numerous cases where IE mentorship was rejected. The deciding factor tends to be if the leader or mentor held or holds a NYS professional edu/leadership credential.

Well you can apply for a time extension which gives you another three years and then apply for a re-issuance giving you an additional 5 years. The time extension requires a justification when you submit the application. The re-issuance requires you to retake the subject matter credentialing exam.

You could transition the credential elsewhere:

1) DC tends to accept all comers and there renewal is well developed and relatively lax though its only 4 years (renewable).
2) IL has a very straightforward system and currently has a PD exception for those not employed in an appropriate DS, though this is set to change sometime in the future.
3) WA has an effective lifetime residency credential that is professional grade (same as the NY initial credential)
4) CA CLEAR credential is the gold standard in IE, and while the credential must be renewed every five years it requires no PD. You would have to add a NY ESOL endorsement which is a major pain. So much so its likely easier to complete the requirements for the NYS Professional credential.
5) NJ offers a true lifetime credential though their acceptance of the required experience is on par with that in NY.
6) HI will rather easily issue you a Standard (Professional grade) credential assuming you have acceptable experience. This is renewable every 5 years. Though their renewal options are less flexible than DCs.
*HIs renewal system is strictly an experience/performance option only. DCs is effectively either a PD or professional testing options.
7) QTS is a non US option and if you do so quickly you may avoid induction and ECT/NQT designation.
8) HK RT credential is a professional grade credential for which assuming you have the Masters degree that NYS requires would be readily available.

There are other options but none of them are better.
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Re: New York Initial Certificate to Professional

Post by scooter93 »

Thank you so much. Seems like WA is the best option for me.
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Post by PsyGuy »


I would give QTS a try. You have nothing to lose and even QTS as an ECT is still QTS, you never have to do Induction and you can do Induction at any time. Its a simple online application and upload of some documents. ... cognition/
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Re: New York Initial Certificate to Professional

Post by jboeh2 »


I studied in NY and started teaching internationally without any full-time experience in the states. I was able to attain my professional teaching certification a year ago, as they accepted my international teaching experience. I did have my Master's from NY prior to moving abroad.

Good luck
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Re: Reply

Post by fernwohnen »

PsyGuy wrote:
> @scooter93
> I would give QTS a try. You have nothing to lose and even QTS as an ECT is
> still QTS, you never have to do Induction and you can do Induction at any
> time. Its a simple online application and upload of some documents.
> ... cognition/

My husband applied for QTS status this year as he had started teaching internationally straight out of University. He has been teaching for over 20 years without a certificate and it has not been an issue until recently. He got QTS status as an ECT (saying he needs to do an induction period).

Will international schools accept that as certification?

There are so few schools that will accept teachers without certifcation this year so we were trying to figure out how he could complete an induction period without teaching in England for two years. It would be amazing if his certification would work as is.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Yes. When you get the initial issuance of QTS as an ECT (entry grade credential) it is still a professional edu credential. The academic argument is whether the two new forms of QTS represent either (A) entry grade and professional grade or (B) professional grade and advanced grade. That debate isnt particularly relevant though, QTS as an ECT is still a professional edu credential (that might seem confusing because the term "professional" is used in two different contexts).

ECT QTS will work just fine. Its acknowledged by the Dfe and all the inspectorates as a K12/KS professional edu credential. That said there are ISs, mostly the tier 1/elite tier BSs that will want or require full QTS meaning the IT has already successfully completed induction.

Your spouse need not teach in the UK to complete induction it can be completes at an BSO that has been inspected within the last 6 years (recently doubled from 3 years under the previous induction scheme)and rated satisfactory, and holds membership with an accrediting organization. A BSO/IS is not required to offer an IT induction so even if you work in a BSO they may not provide you an induction program. Given the new ECT framework finding BSOs to do induction has become increasingly costly for a BS to provide.

Nor does your spouse need to complete induction at all. ECT QTS is still QTS.
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Re: Reply

Post by fernwohnen »


Thank you so much for your very through answer! This information helps a lot.
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