when they say they will consider you for future posts, will they?

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when they say they will consider you for future posts, will they?

Post by waybuloo »

Had my first ever IS interview and unfortunately didn't make it to the second round. They told me the next day and the email saying they will consider me for future posts and I shall apply if there is anything suitable.

My question is: is it true or they just saying it......
fine dude
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Re: when they say they will consider you for future posts, will they?

Post by fine dude »

That's like the lottery company saying, 'We are cheering for you to win big bucks next time." International schools are commercial enterprises, even the not-for-profit ones and everyone is dispensable. The sooner you realise, the better.
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Re: when they say they will consider you for future posts, will they?

Post by waybuloo »

I thought so. Thanks
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Post by PsyGuy »

They dont mean it. Theyre just being polite.
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Re: when they say they will consider you for future posts, will they?

Post by Heliotrope »

Some schools will genuinely mean it, some are just being polite.

Sometimes they are very interested in hiring you, but can't for some reason. I've seen an IS go with their second choice because they came as part of a teaching couple and they really wanted the spouse, and then contacting and hiring their first choice two years later.
Myself I've had two schools contact me years later after I applied, and one of those straight up offered me a job three years after I applied there without the need to interview again.
However, in all those cases the recruiter who did the interview was still at the same school. Once they leave, then your chances are probably slim to none.

Re: when they say they will consider you for future posts, will they?

Post by Illiane_Blues »

If you didn't make it to the second round I wouldn't hold my breath.
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Re: when they say they will consider you for future posts, will they?

Post by sid »

If I say it, I mean it. But as others pointed out, there's no universal approach here. Some people are just saying words, thinking perhaps that they're being kind, but in my mind it's not a kindness if it isn't true.
So, perhaps one cannot tell until later if the recruiter meant it.
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Re: when they say they will consider you for future posts, will they?

Post by expatscot »

Pre-teaching, I had this in a job which I'd applied for and really wanted, and about a year later when another vacancy came up the manager phoned me directly and asked me to apply (not surprisingly, I got the job.)

It's going to depend on the person. However, I'd say that if you'd got to the second or final round, there'd be a better chance of you being remembered than in the first sift of interviews.
fine dude
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Re: when they say they will consider you for future posts, will they?

Post by fine dude »

Recruiting has evolved for the worse and is more of a business transaction these days. Of course, there are a very few exceptions, but the excess supply of teachers where an increasing number of them are enrolling in EdD/PhD programs to look competitive. Not sure how many of them actually take these degrees to completion. The visa and work permit regulations have also become stringent, thanks to a few bad apples. How do you remember one teacher from the past when you get 80-100 applications for each vacancy in the following year?
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Post by PsyGuy »

If a candidate makes it to a final and gets a personalized email from the recruiter or the HOS, it might mean something later on. A first round candidate getting a generic form email means they have already forgotten you.
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