mental health and wellbeing support for teachers?

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mental health and wellbeing support for teachers?

Post by FromTheRooftops »


I'm new here and would like to ask about the mental health and wellbeing support you have experienced in international schools. From the schools I've worked at and the ones I've heard about, I know that the support goes from end of the spectrum to the other. From paying for psychological services and providing a stipend for things like a gym membership, to, sadly, using mental health struggles as a reason to not renew a contract.

I guess I'd love to hear about the best examples you've experienced or hear of, as well as any creative ways that schools that have limited resources are still able to have teachers feel supported - how they do more with less.

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Re: mental health and wellbeing support for teachers?

Post by FromTheRooftops »

I'll add a reply, hopefully to get the ball rolling! As a school counsellor, I'd love to hear of what's working to have new ideas to keep advocating for the folks I work with... here's the good of what I've heard of and seen

re School
-such a broad topic, and so many ways that a school can positively impact the wellness and mental health of staff, and so much is individual, but here are a few things. And I think a lot of these are more about the personalities and integrity of the people, rather than the $ resources that are available.
-living up to commitments, positive staff culture, trust between staff and administration, opportunities for professional growth, acknowledging challenges that staff are facing...

-being honest and transparent. Not try to sugarcoat or hide things. With things changing so much, being upfront. Hopefully schools honour all contracts, but I'm guessing there are some schools that will have a hard time keeping the lights on, let alone meeting all of their financial commitments. Nobody wants to hear bad news, but we don't want to be lied to.

re direct mental health support
-I know of one school that has an agreement with a local counselling service that teachers can go for counselling and the school is billed directly. I don't know if the school is told who went or if it is anonymous.
-some schools allow for counselling under their medical insurance, so staff pay the regular co-pay.
-another school medical insurance has a flexible amount used for more discretionary medical things (ie dental) and counselling falls under this.

re "Wellness"
-a wellness committee of teachers to advocate for this
-a token $ amount to use for something "wellness-y", be it yoga lessons, a new bicycle etc...
-community building things, be it dinners, some sort of excursion, happy hours etc...

Your thoughs?
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Post by PsyGuy »

Drinking usually.
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Re: Comment

Post by buffalofan »

PsyGuy wrote:
> Drinking usually.

Is this what my school really means when they constantly urge us to take "wellness" breaks throughout the day when doing VL?
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Post by PsyGuy »

I would interpret it as such.
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