PYP or IPC in terms of cost to school?

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PYP or IPC in terms of cost to school?

Post by TeacherGal »

Which curriculum is more costly to a school? I'm thinking of initial charge and certification and all other costs entailed.
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Post by PsyGuy »

PYP is more cost intensive than IPC and its not even close.
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Re: PYP or IPC in terms of cost to school?

Post by TeacherGal »

Thanks. What do you mean by 'it's not even close'?
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Post by PsyGuy »


I mean the differences arent some marginal difference that even at the institutional level of an IS is within sight of one another. The cost differential isnt some technical distinction like "statistical significance" either. Its not comparing a Honda to a Toyoda or a BMW to a Benz, its not even comparing the Benz to the Honda its more like comparing the Benz (USD$50K) to a Vespa (USD%5K), its an order of magnitude difference. Especially when costs are assessed longitudinally.

The ONLY time I can think of when PYP costs less is at the early exploratory stage where you can get a lot of general information for practically nothing, this is one of the factors why the IB is more often counterfeited/knocked off compared to FWE. The IB doesnt have to protect its guidance as much as FWE, because of the IBs assessment scheme. Whereas FWE will give you a piece of paper at SLL, its no different than any IS buying some paper stock and minting their own. FWE has to be much more protective of their "box".

Thats really the big selling point of FWE (IPC) compared to other proprietary curriculums (the major exception being NCs with the USNC being the cheapest), FWE is a program/curriculum in a box. You unpack it, distribute it, have meetings to review it with faculty and then they start writing lesson plans. Which is little more than choosing activities to fulfill objectives. IPC and FWE doesnt require a lot of meds/peds/asst or professional expertise to implement and execute. Its not very different from the "boxed" programs used by ETs in ESOL. Which is what it was intended to be, IB has a higher standard of practice to entry.
FWE is following a recipe, IB is creating a recipe.
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Re: PYP or IPC in terms of cost to school?

Post by wt2015 »


What is FWE? What is your personal/professional experience implementing the IPC? With whom did you train?

Having been the person who did the ordering for materials for our units, I believe IPC to be initially, quite costly. Once you have collected lots of books, realia, and other materials the cost goes down, over time.

The work involved in implementing the IPC at the highest level is very work intensive. PYP comes with Scope & Sequence. In the IPC, the S&C is developed as a staff. Objectives, assessments, everything is made by teachers.

Also, IPC requires a separate but integrated math and Language Arts program, which is another added cost.
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Post by PsyGuy »


FWE = Field Work Education

PYP has higher costs, implementing PYP "at the highest" level is work intensive as well . You can also spend a lot of coin on IB materials. No one who was an IB practitioner would call the IBs PYP guidance a done scope and sequence (at best its suggested timeline). ISs and thus it's ITs have to do all of that. In IPC an ET/IT can just open their "box" and turn pages, and no one is going to send them to mandatory workshops or be subject to an inspectorate (which doesnt exist in IPC) the IT can do anything, which is to say whatever leadership is comfortable with, and how much value they want to squeeze out of their "box". The costs whether longitudinally or initial are higher with PYP over IPC, by an order of magnitude (at least longitudinally and still more expensive at any particular cross section). IPC is write the check get the box, PYP is write a check, consultant, write a check, authorization, write a check, train, write a check, re-authorization, write a check, etc. Do IPC for ten years and amortize the initial costs and then do the same with PYP and you will come to the same concision.
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Re: Reply

Post by wt2015 »

PsyGuy wrote:
> IPC is write the check get the box, PYP is
> write a check, consultant, write a check, authorization, write a check,
> train, write a check, re-authorization, write a check, etc. Do IPC for ten
> years and amortize the initial costs and then do the same with PYP and you
> will come to the same concision.

No idea what "box" you are talking about. IPC is a very loose curriculum and a school attempting to become certified as implementing the curriculum at the Mastery level requires creating every single lesson, from scratch. I've been on an IPC accreditation team. The work and materials involved are immense.
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Post by PsyGuy »


We disagree, we dont share the same definition of "immense".
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