Teaching in New Zealand

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Teaching in New Zealand

Post by booboo14 »

I was just wondering if anyone has taught there and what it is like. There seems to be a lot of jobs in New Zealand and I was wondering why. There doesn't seem to be any reviews of schools tho, perhaps not many international schools?
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Post by PsyGuy »

I dont see how there are a "lot" of vacancies in NZ there are more than Ireland but far fewer than England, and the ratio of vacancies to population is about what it is in any major western metropolitan area.

First, There arent so much ISs are there are independent/private DSs that accept foreign students. Second, there isnt a demand to "import" western EDU. Third, there isnt a lot of foreign investment and international business to justify a significant IS population, just about everything moves through AUS. What you have is some embassy kids whos parents are content to send them to an independent/private DS.

Lastly, what you are seeing over all is brain drain, NZ hasnt kept up with the salaries in EDU and there are better opportunities for NZ DTs in AUS.
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Re: Teaching in New Zealand

Post by Midori4040 »


If I may ask, where do you search for jobs? Thanks in advance.
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Re: Teaching in New Zealand

Post by mamava »

Join either Search or ISS. There are other sites (TIE online, etc.) but I haven't found the same quality of jobs as I have on Search or ISS. For every school I'm interested in, I also check their websites frequently for job postings and changes. And I leverage the friendships/relationships of every person I know internationally for what they hear/who they know.

There is no one place that is comprehensive, in my experience. You have to know what you want, how marketable you are at the "tier levels" (however arbitrary they may be, you have to know how you compete at different schools), and who you may know that will get your application noticed more than the rest of the pile.
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Post by PsyGuy »


I wouldnt join ISS or SA just for NZ, that would be a waste. Id recommend looking at TES, though again your going to find only a handful of vacancies, the resource however is free.
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Re: Teaching in New Zealand

Post by Numbersrule »

There are no true International schools in New Zealand so your best bet is TES or the NZ version, Edgazette. It’s also free like TES. Some schools offer the igsce and/or the IB diploma as an alternative to the NZ NCEA system. Jobs start to be advertised now for the new academic year that starts the end of Jan. that’s why you’re seeing them in TES.
I taught there for 12 years before my current job in Asia. Absolutely loved it and plan to return. It’s a great country. It is geographically isolated though which makes travel expensive with very long flights.

It has the full range of schools and students just like the UK/USA - rich, poor, religious, non-religious, private and state, huge inner city and small rural schools, etc.
I’d highly recommend it.
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