Which City in China Best to Live

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Which City in China Best to Live

Post by counselme »

If you had the choice to live in Nanjing, Beijing or Shanghai, where would you live and why or why not?
What is a good housing allowance for a single in each city?
As always, thanks in advance :)
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Re: Which City in China Best to Live

Post by joe30 »

I'd go with Shanghai. Less pollution than Beijing but all the western conveniences you could possibly want, as well as a thriving nightlife.
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Re: Which City in China Best to Live

Post by Lastname_Z »

Shenzhen is also a great option. Best air quality in China (out of big cities with lots of International Schools) and you're right beside Hong Kong (you could go every weekend if you wanted to).
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Re: Which City in China Best to Live

Post by tangchao »

Kunming... or Lhasa if you can take the cold.
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Re: Which City in China Best to Live

Post by senator »


All 3 are polluted, but Nanjing has a lot of history and genuine Chinese culture. And you can get enough Western stuff if you want.

Also more green areas and Purple Mountain, historic walls. Great place to learn Mandarin as the location is between the extreme accents of the north and south of China.

Other than those 3, Xiamen is still pretty clean. Also very beautiful and not so full of expats.
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Re: Which City in China Best to Live

Post by eion_padraig »

I'd say it depends a lot on what type of experience you want. Are you looking for a more Chinese experience? How concerned are you with pollution? Are you looking to learn and use Mandarin? Do you care if there is a large foreign population?

Nanjing was also a capital city (Southern Capital is the translation, vs Beijing which is North Capital), so it's a culturally rich location. However, it's been about 10 years since I last went to Nanjing, but I used to like to go there on weekends when I needed a break from Shanghai. It has some nice historic locations in huge parks (Purple Mountain, Xuanwu Lake, Nanjing City Wall) that are great for walking around. Like Beijing folks, Chinese people in Nanjing are proud of their city's history and their country's culture. Lots of foreign students go to study Chinese in Nanjing because there are good universities and the level of Mandarin is quite good for not being in the Northeast of the country. I just did a quick search online and there are apartments that are about 100 sq meters with 2 bedrooms+ and 2 bathrooms for mid 3000 RMB/month to about 4,000 RMB/month near Nanjing International School. Prices probably vary a lot by district and how new a building is, but I'd say if you received between 4k - 5k for housing you'd easily find a nice place.

Shanghai is very much an international city these days. However, different areas of the city have a very different feel to it. People there are in love with foreign things and money. International and domestic travel from Shanghai is going to be a lot easier with the two airports and high speed rail options. Cost will be a lot higher in general and housing is pricey. I was offered a housing stipend 6,000 RMB/month at a place that is in the outer district with less expensive housing and from my contacts it's clear that it was on the low end. If you want to live in the more central districts, I would say you're looking at 9,000 - 10,000 RMB/month for (90 - 100 sq meters, 2 bed/2 bathroom) places in Jing'An district (West Nanjing Road, Jing'An Temple) area. Some of the 30 - 50 sq meter places run 4k - 5k a month.

Beijing's pollution has ruled out living there for me. It's more difficult to get around the city and the cold is a factor during the winter. But the good sides are it's an international city, but the people are much more into Chinese history, culture, and politics. It's a great place to learn Mandarin. Not sure about housing, but I'd guess for Western quality apartments you're looking at Shanghai type prices.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Beijing if you are doing a degree or are really new to China and want the tourist experience. The air quality and environmental issues are a significant problem however. Beijing is a city of intellectuals, if your interested in that kind of social scene.

Shanghai is high on the list if you are single and really crave the cosmo city night life. Its very much a affluent business and trade city. Lot of people trying to make it big, or who have and dont know what to do with it.

Nanjing if you want something more subdued and authentic, or are more the introverted type.

Imports wont be a problem in any of them, there will be less availability and selection in Nanjing but your going to find hits and misses in all three. It will be cheaper in Nanjing but language will be more of a struggle and barrier. Housing costs wont really be a factor, your IS will provide you an allowance or direct housing and its likely to be at or above your expectations. The only real issue is if you have to live in one of the highly affluent enclaves.

Shanghai is probably the safest, Shanghai has availability of options. You can live further and further outside the CBD and find very reasonable neighborhoods and still be close enough to anywhere and everywhere you want to go. Imports are easily accessible, the air quality is okay. Affluence means locals want a better quality of life and lifestyle and have created a market space for it. Iy you want more authentic China you can do that easily enough on the weekends from Shanghai.
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