Teach Now (not converted to QTS) v PGCEi

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Teach Now (not converted to QTS) v PGCEi

Post by bps_72 »

I realise that the subject title has been covered rather extensively on this site, but I couldn’t find an answer to my particular question.

That is, assuming I was unable to get the Teach Now license converted to QTS, is it still worth getting? And in particular, still worth getting over a PGCEi?

I am from the UK, living and China, and don’t intend on going home anytime soon. Therefore I don’t need the QTS (although it would certainly be a bonus). Am I right in thinking that the state license is just the US equivalent, and would be accepted internationally just as freely as QTS? Please forgive my ignorance on this.

Further to that, is it anyone’s opinion or indeed experience that schools are sceptical of a British teacher with a U.S. license? Would they rather see a PGCEi given my nationality, or would the US license still be better received?

I do have some more questions, but don’t want to get carried away with a wall of text right now.

Thank you advance for any insight, I am most grateful.
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Post by PsyGuy »

This is a common topic even given the specifics.

In direct reply to your inquires:

1) Yes, the DC credential is a credential, a PGCEi in of itself is a qualification. A qualification no matter how high isnt a credential. A PGCEi can be, especially in lower tier ISs a working qualification (much as a M.Ed can be) but its still not a credential. This could change as the UK is starting an iQTS but its still in the development and pilot stage, and no one really knows (its ultimately an issue for parliament) what role and position iQTS will be anchored at in the spectrum of qualification, credential and license.

2) Yes, fully and its partially equivalent. It depends when youre applying and the assumptions. So first the assumption is that the TCL/TRA would issue you QTS based on the DC Standard (Professional grade) credential. If you were applying now as an OTT youd receive full QTS (Professional grade) without having the requirement of induction. However, if you applied next year (a very narrow window) than its more likely as things look now that you would receive partial QTS (Entry grade) as an ECT (previously NQT), because you would be required to complete induction (as the period of induction has changed), and with that change comes a difference now in equivalence (an increase) between requirements for induction (2 years) vs. most ITs complete in the USA/AUS/CAN of a year in field experience. This would increase the likelihood that the TCL/TRA would accept the DC credential but again youd be an ECT/NQT and have an induction requirement.
So depending on how the outcomes resolve themselves and the timing you could be transitioning equivalent credentials (Professional for Professional grade) or not (Professional grade for Entry grade). However in the latter case while youd get an Entry grade QTS as an ECT/NQT and have an induction requirement, you dont lose the DC credential. So youd really have either two Professional grade credentials or a Professional grade and an Entry grade credential.

3) There are leaders, and more of them in BSs that use the UK NC that want to see an IT with QTS and a traditional/academic pathways to that QTS, in the form of a Uni route PGCE. Anything less than that is inferior, and is really just gilding the poo. There are ISs that have to settle for less than that where a PGCEi is again, a working qualification.
Where the difference does matter is that the DC credential is a credential, it may not be prefered or even acceptable to a recruiter or leader, but it checks the 'legal' professional edu box. A PGCEi is far more likely to not check that box.

Generally speaking an IT candidate does the PGCEi because there are programs that are entirely academic that dont have a field experience component, thus the IT candidate can complete the program without stepping into a classroom or not having a classroom. The Teach Now program has a 12 week field experience requirement, thus the IT needs a classroom.
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