IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning

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IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning

Post by steve416 »

So I am looking into doing an M'ED and am a bit torn between some UK and Canadian schools. I was looking at places where I could also complete one of the IB certificates in teaching and learning or perhaps the leadership cert (it is a bit unclear to me if I need to be in a leadership role at this point for that certification).

I have 7 years experience in the PYP and have done an number of IB courses. Is there any additional value for me in completing the Teaching and Learning certificate?

I would like to use the masters as a possible way to break into admin eventually so I assume the leadership cert would be useful in that regard.

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Re: IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning

Post by sid »

It’s less of a thing than the IB tries to make it. Shows commitment to the IB, which can be helpful, but it’s not a proper qualification in any way shape or form.
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Re: IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning

Post by shadowjack »

Concur with Sid. You're better off doing the leadership. Many mid-level and upper level roles open with an MEd in leadership areas, plus experience.
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Re: IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning

Post by expatscot »

The Certificate in Teaching and Learning basically covers the Cat 1 training for most subjects.

Did it, paid for it, got taught lots of stuff I already knew. Very expensive piece of paper.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Many IB ISs dont even know what the T&L certificate is. The appropriate T&L certificate meets the PD/Training requirements, equivalent to a level 1 workshop, in PYP you already meet that requirement. A T&L certificate would have the most value an IBWS thats really into IB or if you wanted to transition to working at an IBO office.
The leadership certificate is only better in the sense that those programs often involve completing an M.Ed in Leadership, which has value, otherwise a Masters should do more than qualify you for the classroom, and a leadership credential would have much more value (though you can get one outside of an EPP program). If your just interested in a cheap M.Ed look at UPe, their M.Ed provides a similar benefit to the IB T&L certificates for about USD$3K or Uni. Portsmouth MS in Leadership is USD$10K. You could also look at combining the UPe degree with the Harvard CSML certificate which would cost USD$2K (USD$5K total), then look at the DC Administrative credential.
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Re: IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning

Post by steve416 »

Thanks for the replies that is very helpful.

I am trying to narrow down programs between U.K. and Canadian schools (I have dual citizenship so no extra fees). Would it be fair to say that generally speaking it doessn't matter where the degree is from unless it is a big name (Harvard, Oxbridge, not really a canadian equivalent that has the same name recognition)?
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Re: IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning

Post by sid »

Absolutely true.
fine dude
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Re: IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning

Post by fine dude »

There are heads of schools who graduated from tier 3 schools in the US. It's your a nalytical skills, experience, creativity, and time-tested wisdom that will propel you forward, not your GPA.
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Post by PsyGuy »


If its not a Global Ivy (Harvard, Yale, Stanford, McGill, OxBridge, Sorbonne, etc..) than a Masters is a Masters is a Masters.
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Re: Reply

Post by Zebra750 »


Even then - I have friends who have done a Masters at ivy league schools and still didn't land the nicest schools.
One of my former colleagues was at the same Tier II school I taught at making only slightly more than I was being paid. It feels to me that in our field, the power of those prestigious degrees and institutions has less punch.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

There are some ISs that prefers to hire ITs with an MA. Not because they think the MA necessarily makes them better teachers, but because then they can boast to (prospective) parents that "75/80/90/100% of our faculty have MAs!".

Like @Zebra750, I've also noticed that having a MA from an Ivy League university doesn't help you a whole lot when job hunting compared to any other MA, except with a subset of the above schools that again don't think the Ivy MAs are much better than other MAs or adds any utility other than for marketing purposes.

So I'd say any MA will do.
The University of the People is the cheapest one, although I'd be interested to hear if anyone heard if some schools might not accept it (solely because of the name).
The UoP MA is not in Leadership though.

I wouldn't bother with the Teaching and Learning certificate. You've already have done a number of IB courses, so you've already demonstrated your affinity with and proficiency in IB, assuming you also have experience teaching IB.
The University of Bath offers an MA where you also obtain the International Baccalaureate Educator Certificates (IBEC), costing you about 13,300 USD.
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Re: IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning

Post by PsyGuy »

The UPe Masters having its association with the IBO also provide the equivalent of the level 1 T&L certificate in that it meets the appropriate PD training requirement for an ISs authorization.

Not all the Ivy League are Global Ivys. Its really only two in the US: Harvard and Yale, the third is Stanford. Theres some debate over MIT and Julliard. Add McGill from CAN, Oxford and Cambridge from the UK, LSE is debatable and the Sorbonne. Add them all up including the debatable and theres only 10.
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Re: IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning

Post by steve416 »

Thanks for the feedback everyone.

If I am able to secure a spot at a global ivy I would definitely do it. If for no other reason than the experience itself. I think, the fees at UK/CAN schools are also not much (or at all) more expensive than less prestigious schools in those countries. In the unlikely event I can secure a spot I'll report back in a couple of years if it seems like it is helping me secure jobs.

Last questions on this thread I promise.

I would like to use the degree to move into leadership. So I am aiming at Educational Leadership programs only as they are direct training for the position I would like. I have found less of these programs offered entirely online from Canadian schools I am interested in then U.K. schools where the fees are a bit higher due to the exchange rates. Is the Educational Leadership title worth it?
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Re: IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning

Post by shadowjack »

Do a hybrid program, with time on campus in summer and online during school year. You won't be disappointed and you get a more personalized experience.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Yes, absolutely, if your program isnt providing some professional leadership credential such as a NPQ then the Ed.Ld designation and focus of study is the only indication of academic preparation in leadership.
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