Finding the right 'fit' for a teaching couple

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Finding the right 'fit' for a teaching couple

Post by Jse217 »

Both my wife and I are close to signing with a boarding school. We are both teachers with extensive experience in boarding schools, and have served as house masters in our careers.

We have been on the job hunt and I have been offered a teaching job, while my wife has been offered a part time boarding role. The school is very prestigious (elite/tier 1), so it is really hard to pass on the opportunity.

Although the head is impressed with my wife's abilities, experience, and CV, he cannot offer anything due to current needs--he is very optimistic about the future, however. We are really struggling if we should go. Should we make the jump, with the hope that something will open up in the next few months (year)? We have agreed to go, but have not yet signed anything, and my wife is having severe second thoughts.

Any advice?
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Re: Finding the right 'fit' for a teaching couple

Post by cms989 »

FYI if you found it via Search your verbal agreement is binding, you pretty much have to go
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Re: Finding the right 'fit' for a teaching couple

Post by expatscot »

You don't say which country - that will make a difference. Can you live comfortably on one salary? Also, if your wife is there with boarding responsibilities, then she'll have a work visa for that country (presumably) and will be able then, if a teacher, to do some cover / supply work as needed.

If it was me, I'd double check about the likelihood of cover work and something coming up either this year or next, and take it. As we say in Scotland, if it's for ye, it'll no' go by ye!
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Re: Finding the right 'fit' for a teaching couple

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

If it's a great school, doable financially with only one working AND it is a school/location where you can see yourself for an extended period of time, then it is certainly worth serious consideration. Admin sometimes tell you what you want to hear to get you to sign on but they are certainly aware that you will not be settled until she also has a f/t teaching gig (and will not stick around if that doesn't happen fairly soon) so it doesn't make sense to hire you if that is not a likelihood (since as a Tier 1 school they should have had their pick of candidates).

If all of the above things make sense and if you have no other attractive irons in the fire right now. then go for it.
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Re: Finding the right 'fit' for a teaching couple

Post by global_nomad »

This is interesting as I have never heard a boarding school described as "Tier 1." I am ignorant of jobs in these types of schools, though. Doesn't a boarding school mean you basically have to supervise (babysit) students after hours and weekends regularly?
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Re: Finding the right 'fit' for a teaching couple

Post by Jse217 »

Thanks for the responses

Yes, it is in a great location, is very manageable on one salary, and offers a very high standard of living. I agree that the school does not want unhappy staff, so it is likely that this is not a "bait and switch" tactic. We have come to the decision that we are going to sign, but know that we are taking a risk. But then again, most things in life embed levels of risk, so why should this be any different, especially considering moving to a new country.

Regarding the Tier 1 status, I agree, boarding schools do not usually fit the mould, for they are beasts of their on right. If you do not like boarding schools (which most day school teachers normally don't... for good reason,) it would most certainly not make the list. If you like them, however, this school is the cream of the crop, which is why we are willing to take our chances.

Although we are taking the positions, how binding is Search in regards to placement? Although we are registered with search, and our profiles are active, we found and applied for this school out side of search. Would search hold you responsible if contacts were made without using their services? This alone would make a good forum topic.

Nevertheless, thanks for the help. Happy hunting!
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Post by PsyGuy »

First, verbal anything isnt binding. The only thing that matters are contracts and those have to be in writing. You arent obligated to anything at this point.

The initial issue is how comfortable is your spouse in this type of position. While one salary at an elite tier IS can easily equal two salaries at a lower tier IS, the issue of professional and personal satisfaction can potentially become a wedge in your spouses happiness. These types of compensation appointments are common at upper tier ISs, but they can also last quite long. There might simply not become a vacancy in your spouses field for some time, and this scenario may persist for the immediate and near future. Is that what your spouse wants to be doing 5 years in the future.

Is the IS repped by SA? If they arent then there is no issue with SA. If you close your profiles (and there is no reason you should). SA will keep your fees you paid, and will have no one to involve for the placement. You are not responsible for any placement fee as a result of accepting an appointment outside of SA.
If the IS is repped by SA, and you report the appointment, than SA will invoice the IS for the placement regardless of how contact was made. If you intend to report and close your profiles in such a manner I would strongly advice consulting with your ISs leadership on how they wish to proceed.
Regardless, your spouse should maintain their profile. Part-time work isnt considered a full appointment and the region your moving too may have ISs in the vicinity that may have a vacancy for your spouse who should continue her job search.


It is unlikely the spouse will have a work visa for part time employment. Its more likely the spouse will get a dependents/spousal visa that allows for some limited employment.


There are a number of 1st tier IS boarding ISs particularly in Switzerland.
Boarding responsibility can vary greatly by IS and region. In some regions being a boarding supervisor is essentially being a dormitory supervisor or resident advisor. You handle maintenance issues, and livability issues, serving essentially as the contact point to report problems, and attend to minor issues. In other boarding scenarios the role of house parent can be very involved, essentially a surrogate parent, with significant wellness and pastoral care responsibilitys. You may easily have extended duty hours.
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