Attending Fair After Accepting Position

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Attending Fair After Accepting Position

Post by SuperNintendo »

We are registered to attend the UNI fair this weekend but were fortunate enough to receive and accept job offers beforehand. We already took the time off from our current jobs, booked accommodation, and paid for the event prior to accepting this offer. We are debating about whether or not we should go ahead and attend at least the first day for a networking opportunity considering we've already made the financial commitment. We don't want to be unreasonable, but we know the importance of networking. The fair is a great time to meet people in one place at one time.

Does anyone have any experience in this situation? What did you (or would you) do?

I apologize if this topic has previously been discussed. I tried searching the forum using several different phrases, but each time my search yielded no results because it said my words were omitted due to being to common.
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Re: Attending Fair After Accepting Position

Post by overseaslifer »

Too bad you didn't have this dilemma before heading to Bangkok ... you could have had a few days in Phuket!

I have not been in your position but if you do attend it might seem like you are looking to take a second option! If your new school finds out they might not be impressed.

Anyone else have an insight?
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Re: Attending Fair After Accepting Position

Post by justlooking »

I had a friend who was in just this position. He went ahead to the fair and said he had so much fun- the opposite of all my fair experiences. He was relaxed because he had already signed with his first choice school, but he was able to meet some of the people he would be working with, catch up with old friends, and do some networking. He also hung out in the bar and talked down some people who were very stressed out. I think there was probably also an element of amusement in it just observing some of the nerves and the recruiters' hard sells.
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Re: Attending Fair After Accepting Position

Post by martalin »

No. Teacher candidates and recruiters are busy interviewing and you will be occupying time that a viable candidate could be using. Waterloo will be cold and dull (super nice locals, though). Enjoy a staycation instead.
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Re: Attending Fair After Accepting Position

Post by austin »

We had the same issue before Cambridge. We ended up losing money on our flights and some serious time preparing, but we elected to stay home. I do love the fairs though, and we will try to hit one up next time around if we haven't found a position before then.
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Re: Attending Fair After Accepting Position

Post by mamava »

I agree. If the school that hired you is there, you could ask them if you could connect, but keep in mind that they are frantically trying to hire, and every teacher there is frantically trying to get a job. I've spent a lot of time in Iowa in the winter and I'd cut my losses. Keep the time off, and use agoda to find another place to spend the time!
Thames Pirate
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Re: Attending Fair After Accepting Position

Post by Thames Pirate »

Sometimes you can get a refund. You could also travel, pop in and out of the fair as it suits you, and do other things. We got a no-show refund on our non-refundable hotel room. So apparently you can't cancel, but you can fail to show up and get some money back.

You could take the already planned sub days at home, using them to get caught up on grading, do research for your upcoming move, or just do something local that you somehow have never done.
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Re: Attending Fair After Accepting Position

Post by global_nomad »

I have a friend who just did this recently for the Bangkok fair. He received his first choice job a couple weeks before the fair and still went. It happens more often than you think for those lucky enough to secure jobs before the fairs.
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Re: Attending Fair After Accepting Position

Post by Walter »

Going to Bangkok for a few days sounds a little more attractive than a long weekend in Cedar Falls in February.
It's fine to go if you really think that you couldn't spend the weekend more productively, but if the school that has hired you is planning to be there as well be sure to explain to them beforehand.
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Post by PsyGuy »

There is absolutely no black list.

The advice depends on your scenario. IS your current IS attending? Will they see you, or recognize you? If the answer is no than there is very little risk in recruiting. You may mind a better offer, or safety/backup offer. ISs dont share much, and agencies even less.
If your IS is attending and you cant stay out of sight, it could easily create an issue resulting in the loss of a contract, but your IS could be recruiting for your vacancy as well.

I would not inform your current IS, if they are not attending or you can avoid them.

The fair is indeed a great time to an opportunity to network, and practice your interviewing while building contacts. You owe other candidates and recruiters nothing, you dont owe other candidates time or interview opportunities.

Youve already spent the money and its unlikely you will get much back, or much utility but check with your airline and hotel for cancellation options. Of course you will also be out the UNI fee.

If you do attend you need to do so for the options and access the fair offers, there is nothing to do in the area or anything worth seeing with the current weather.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Attending Fair After Accepting Position

Post by Thames Pirate »

True, the advantage of being pre-hired is much more significant in London or Bangkok than in Iowa!
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Post by PsyGuy »

@Thames Pirate

How is per-hiring or first night recruiting better in BKK than Iowa? If an IT candidate gets there dream job on first night in Iowa and then wants to bing watch some Game of Thrones in their hotel room, and has no interest in touring the city of BKK in the heat, how is that more significant?

Neither BKK or LON give you a trophy, certificate, t-shirt or prize for 1st night hiring.

@Walter and leadership do not dictate the rewards in IE of individual candidates.
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Re: Attending Fair After Accepting Position

Post by Thames Pirate »

It's only better because London and Bangkok are more interesting cities and that a few days there to hang out are generally more exciting. That's all I meant. If the candidate wants to watch TV in a hotel room it doesn't matter.
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Re: Attending Fair After Accepting Position

Post by MartElla »

It seemed a perfectly understandable position. Anybody that wouldn't enjoy a weekend away in London or Bangkok is insane.

Two great cities, with tons of things to do, and they've just got a new job! Life doesn't get much why not save the GoT binge for another time?
Thames Pirate
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Re: Attending Fair After Accepting Position

Post by Thames Pirate »


This was PsyGuy trying to attack me personally. I have pointed out his elitist attitude on another thread, so he is trying to turn tables on me.

The type of person who wants to teach abroad is probably also the person who would jump at the chance to spend those already paid for days in London or Bangkok. Depending on the person, they could also enjoy Northern Iowa in February. LON and BKK are better, though.
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