Which and why?

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Which and why?

Post by Bellarex »

School 1 (in the ME)
Pros: ability to save around 25k, more/cheaper travel options, malls/shopping available, a lot of cultural activities, great PD opportunities.
Cons: semi-repressive culture, some political problems in country, heavy teacher workload, moving into admin not probable.

School 2 (in Brazil)
Pros: a lot of options for our kids, relaxed atmosphere, good possibility of moving into admin, neat school initiatives, less teacher workload.
Cons: ability to save around 12k (and paid in hurting Brazilian currency), travel is more expensive, less cultural activities.

If you had these two options on your table (and you had two small children), which would you take and why?
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Re: Which and why?

Post by mamava »

I am currently in Brazil, coming from the ME. If there's one thing being in the ME taught me was that money is not everything. It was great to see my bank account, but stacking it against professional torpor? Against falling behind what is going on in good schools in other areas of the world? Against watching our own kids receive an education that we know was not what it should be? That all forced us away, much more than the restrictive lifestyle and political climate. We are taking a money hit in Brazil, but hoping that things will get better. Meanwhile, while we tighten our belts a bit, we are loving the energy and enthusiasm of our staff, the feeling of being challenged as a professional, and watching our kids thrive.

Keep in mind that the ME is an area and different countries do have different experiences...we would have stayed in the ME had we been able to move to Qatar, for example, to a school there. And, because we had had 7 years in the ME and China, we had put away the money that will allow us to be here in Brazil. Those are personal choices that you have to decide.
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Re: Which and why?

Post by shadowjack »

If I had a choice, I would take the ME. It seems that there are better options associated with that.
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Re: Which and why?

Post by MedellinHeel »

If you are a single male Brazil no question.

Its not like you wouldn't be able to save any money there. Your social and dating life would be 1,000 times better in Brazil.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Brazil, dont need to think about it any longer, next to Bangkok, Brazil is an AMAZINGLY fun place and the ME is poo.

Since the LW stated "our kids" my assumption is they are not a single male, but maybe they are having spousal issues and are a male. In which case Brazil has a reputation for having the most beautiful woman in the world, and many a divorced, single, married but lonely wife has also taken a keen eye to the local male Brazilian population (monogamy is somewhat of a repulsive/alien concept to Brazilian men).
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Re: Which and why?

Post by MedellinHeel »

Oh, if you are married with kids, go on to ME.
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Re: Which and why?

Post by sciteach »

To me - it really depends on the school and country. If the school is Graded - I'd head to Brazil in a heartbeat. I've also heard good things about living in Porto Alegre but mixed things about other cities (it's a big country).

Personally - I don't want to work in the ME but a good school there in a nice place like Dubai would win hands down over a crime ridden city in Brazil. However - living in a nice city in Brazil would be heaven compared to living in a bad school in a fish bowl gated community in Saudi Arabia.

It really depends on the school and city which you are being placed in
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Re: Which and why?

Post by Bellarex »

Cairo and Brasilia are the cities. We're married (happily) and don't intend to add to the divorce rate.
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Re: Which and why?

Post by marina »

Brazil is very big. Different cities are completely different from one another culturally, racially, socially, economically, etc. Brasilia is okay. Cairo, and Egypt in general right now, is a place that I would not take kids. Brasilia and all Brazilian cities have crime. Really investigate the curriculum available to your kids at both. Their happiness will dictate your happiness. I also hear good things about EAB.
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Re: Which and why?

Post by shadowjack »

I don't know. I have married friends in Cairo and they feel very safe there, even now. If it is a good school with lots of opportunity, why not go? And Cairo is NOT Saudi, or Bahrain, or Qatar (you couldn't pay me to work in Qatar. Been there and it is a tiny place that can be hard to get out of. After awhile, you want to get out for the weekend or week a LOT). Lots of culture, things happening, great shopping both modern and old style, close to Europe for flights out of Cairo.

Brazil would be nice, but it will be hot and humid year round. The Brazilian currency is taking a beating. Huge corruption scandal. Government problems with the pension plan that allows people to retire earlier than Greece, for heaven's sake. Potential for lots of problems over the next 2 years.

So - my vote for Egypt haha.
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Re: Which and why?

Post by Bellarex »

Egypt is the clear choice financially in the short term. Like you said, shadowjack, lots of travel and leisure options. It's clear to me though, that I've got just about zero chance of getting into administration there. In Brasilia, it seems there's a decent chance I could move into an AP position in a year or two, which could pay off financially in the long run.

We're more attracted to the educational programs happening at the Brasilia school as well. Less work load means more time with my kids. Hmm.. it's a tough one.
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Re: Which and why?

Post by chilagringa »

Living in Latin America is awesome. My work life balance is... actually balanced!
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Re: Which and why?

Post by marina »

It's very hard to make such a move based off of what it could do for you in your next location, but it sounds like Brasilia is good for that too. I say live for today, and it sounds like Brasilia is good for your family and good for you. Also, Brazil is a land of malls. Do Brasilia. Just be warned that Brazil takes a good 5 to 10 months to get adjusted too. It's so slow and your entire mind needs to be rebooted. So don't be surprised if you hate it the first six to nine months. Once you get through that period, you will be good.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Well as @WT123 once quoted to me, Egypt is not in the ME its in Africa, but its a similar culture and lifestyle.

It doesnt change anything though Id still take Brasilia over Cairo in less time than a hummingbird beats its wings.
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