Yew Chung International Schools

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Re: freshening the post

Post by gccoach »

[quote="tdaley26"]any one else headed to shanghai soon?[/quote]

I am headed there to teach at YCIS - Puxi.
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Post by tdaley26 »

Well.... I will be on the other side of the river in YCIS Pudong. Maybe we'll run into each other tho.... best of luck
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Any updates on working at yew chung

Post by lgm5112 »

Hi guys,

Can you give me an update on how you find working at yew chung? I've got an interview with their Beijing school and it is very hard to find anything out about the school beyond their website and your posts.

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Post by shadowjack »

Reading between the lines, sounds like the poster developed a medical condition, received treatment, and then was unceremoniously "let go" as a result.

Happens to people - and much worse. However, if the poster was good enough to keep on, but the medical condition was the cause, why doesn't the company just say so, instead of the "we don't have to tell you" stuff?
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Post by shadowjack »

Meant to add that a situation like that would choke me and change my opinion too!
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Post by PsyGuy »

The kids are good, but its true everywhere. The biggest issues are admin and HR. They dont pay airfare until you get there and even though most people get it sooner they technically have 90 days to reimburse you. The stipend isnt enough to cover a decent health care plan. The housing is alright but its very commercial quality, nothing really good or bad about it, assuming nothing goes wrong. Repairs can take forever, and you will be given tons of excuses. They are never technically late on pay, because there are all kind of technical exceptions they can use. The salary is before tax, and they collect the full 25% tax rate. Again everything is reimbursed and you seldom if ever get reimbursed the full amount. Even though their salary after tax is one of the lowest they have the opinion that you should feel privileged since you make so much more then the locals.

Admin seems to have the opinion that they are doing you a favor by employing you. They certainly have an ego, and the admin way is far better then the teacher way. That means while you may be asked for input, they dont value it. if you have a problem with HR admin will just say they will look into it and nothing will ever happen. If parents have an issue with a teacher the teacher is assumed wrong.
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Post by Traveller1 »

*Sigh* more PsyGuy nonsense and half truths.

Flight reimbursement. Reimbursing new staff for their flight tickets happens at a number of international schools. Practically it makes sense. It certainly shouldn't take 90 days at Yew Chung - a new hire arrived on Thursday and was reimbursed on Friday. Usually it takes a couple of days to a week.

Medical Health Care plan. Pretty standard and is the same as many other international schools. The school pays full cover for the contract holders. This year it includes dental.

Salary. New hires are given the appropriate credit for their experience. If you've taught for 12 years you go straight to the top step. This is not the case with many international schools who have maximum/minimum step for all new hires, irrespective of years worked. It's usually half way or below on the salary scale.

Salary. It's definitely NOT the lowest in China or across the international schools circuit. For some reason they don't publish their salary scale, even internally. This is a mystery as it's reasonably attractive. The current top step is about 5000 US after tax. Then there is the gratuity of 11% at end of first contract and 20% at end of 2nd contract and there after. There's also a PD allowance of 8000 RMB from the 2nd contract on.

They've just revised their salary scale which takes effect from the 2013/ 2014 school year. You have to wonder why they have improved the salary package and benefits if they have such a poor regard for their teachers, as claimed. Yew Chung is a large organisation, and its not perfect. However I've never come across a perfect school, and small schools have their problems too.
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Post by PsyGuy »

BS, more smoke and mirrors by a cheerleader/admin.

Yeah Im sure some people get reimbursed quickly but there are those who take a lot longer to get reimbursed, and that shouldnt happen at all.
"Practical" to who, administration? Ive never heard a TEACHER having to pay their own airfare upfront describe that as "practical". How is it impractical? It takes the school a credit card and 5 minutes on the internet to book a ticket. Thats really practicle, then the teacher doesnt have to keep track of receipts, ticket stubs, boarding passes, and no worries about the "we need a receipt/invoice not a print out of your charges, sorry". How is a week "practical"? How would you feel if the teacher made you wait an extra week for grades, because it was more practical for the teacher.
In addition Yew Chung does not reimburse your airafare they reimburse quotes obtained after the teravel on what would be the cheapest cost to travel for that day from local agencies. From section 7.3 (Passage):

"Yew Chung pays for one (entry) one-way economy class airfare or half of a round trip airfare ticket to the city of work at the beginning of the contractual period and the final (exit) airfare from the city of work to the Employee’s recorded home country or equivalent at the end of the contractual period. The maximum amount reimbursed is
determined by Yew Chung getting quotes from various local travel agencies."

No, more BS its not the same as many other ISs even in China. Those school give their teachers a world wide health plan that covers both hospital and major care as well as clinical minor care. Yew chung gives you an allowance or stipend to purchase medical insurance through the school, in all but the MOST BASIC plan the premiums are not enough to cover what is equivalent to other ISs insurance plans.

LOL, dental in China. You can get a filling for $8 (less if you go to a medical school) in China. Dental work is super cheap.

Of course they are given "appropriate" credit but HR in HK determines what is and is not appropriate. They always seem to have a technicality for why some amount of experience doesnt count. One teacher (very recently) who was hired for an ELL position but who had been teaching primary for 3 years only got one year of experience because the experience wasnt in what she was teaching. Even though those 3 years in primary were as a primary bilingual reading intervention teacher.
The school caps salaries at 10 years so assuming they give you all of it sure you go right to the top of the cap. Water is also wet.
No its not halfway or middle of the scale at other ISs, they are for more consistent and fair with their salary scales then Yew Chung. Sure a new teacher at an upper tier school is going to take a bigger hit and wind up in the middle of the scale, but thats because those teachers have the years to loose, whereas Yew Chung in (Quingdo) attracts mostly entry level teachers who dont have the years to cap out.

Once again another cheerleader trying to paint over problems from a lower tier school, with the its not that bad brush, as if there are only two categories of schools, the absolute worst and everyone else. So what if its not the lowest that doesnt make it good, and no its not attractive. We have different definitions of attractive, ISB is attractive, WAB is attractive, Harrow is attractive. Yew Chung is about as far away from attractive as i can see.

8000 RMB AFTER the 2nd year thats 4K a year when annualized thats $650. That wont even pay the fee for an IB seminar. Why not give them the PD every year? They dont need PD each year? Teachers dont need to grow their first year? Why 11% bonus your first year and 20% your second and each year after? Incentive to stick around maybe? If its "so great" why not just pay them the 20% gratuity, and I dont know maybe provide them such a great working environment, the teachers dont want to leave.

I dont have to wonder why they revised their salary schedule, it sucks currently, and presumably it will suck less next year, and getting paid more allows abused teachers (like those at Yew Chung) to better cope with that abuse.
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Post by Traveller1 »

*Yawn* this is infantile and boring ..
As I said, forget PsyGuy's posts he's never worked for Yew Chung and he doesn't know what he's talking about. It pains me to waste time replying but his deliberate lies and misinformation really do need to be countered. You, DAVE, have no idea about this school, or the Foundation, so go and play somewhere else.

The medical plan is no different from other main stream international schools, they insure through MSH. The dental plan is with on a par with the rest of the medical plan. German dentists tend to cost a little more than 8 RMB.

8000 RMB is over 1000 USD a year, which beats the 500 USD you get at many schools.

The airfare, if one way, is reimbursed IN FULL. If it's a return fare then half is paid. Where do you get your information from?

The salary cap of 10 years was upgraded to 12 years in 2009. No wonder you get it all wrong, you're 4 years out of date. Next year there will be 16 steps on the scale with a starting cap at 9 years.

One example: Western Academy of Beijing, start at maximum step 8 out of 16. That sounds like half way to me. It's on their school website. Check it out.

The 53 year old teacher who started on Friday doesn't sound that young to me.

Every teacher is issued with a MacBook Pro, including all the Chinese teachers and there are SMARTboards in every classroom. That sounds like a pretty crummy school to me.

Put on your glasses now DAVE - nobody is suggesting this is a Tier 1 school. Neither is it a Tier 3 school, with a private owner milking the parents and teachers having to buy all their own resources to be able to teach. There are campuses in Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Qingdao and Chongqing. You're quoting one incident in Qingdao, one of the small campuses. Across all the campuses they must hire a minimum of 500 expatriates teachers.

If you're a teacher, which I'm starting to doubt, you should know that at every school there are teachers that have been let down by the system, one way or another. International schools are so much more complex than national schools so, yes, it is likely that things don't always work as they should. But to slam the whole Foundation because of a problem in Qingdao is absurd.

But just to clarify the question of recognition of year's service - it should be straight, year for year recognition. So maybe you don't have all your facts there DAVID. Have you met her? Did you talk to her? When did she work there?

As you haven't challenged the 5000 USD salary on Step 12, paid from day one of starting, one must assume that there's nothing wrong with that.

Your facts about the school are dated, at best, and you really don't have any idea about this school.
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Post by PsyGuy »

BS, your rhetoric is just that more of the same. You have no evidence or supporting documentation, to support your position or view. Your just another admin or staff chearleader on a mission to inflate your schools reputation and value. Its your information thats all smoke and mirrors. I hate having to repeat myself but since your statement are just misrepresetations and your current post adds nothing, I must.

The medical plan is not the same as other ISs. They provide a certain allowance towards buying a plan from the school, which will only cover the most basic plans
Accordingly section 7.2 iii

"iii. In case the Yew Chung’s insurer requires the payment of extra premium over and above the standard insurance premium that the insurer charges Yew Chung for the current year, Yew Chung will deduct this extra premium from the Employees’ pre-tax pay in the month that notification of same is received from the insurer."

Yew Chung goes cheap on the standard plan and requires teachers to pay out of pocket for anything thats equivilent that the average IS actually provides at no cost. Yew chung also does not cover dependents with its insurance plan, which many asian tier 1 schools and a good number of tier 2 schools do.

We didnt say german dentists I wrote dental care. I woudlnt go to a german dentist, im not german and my german sucks. I didnt write 8 RMB i wrote $8, thats USD. Which is about 50 RMB. next time read. Your right its on par with the other dental plans offered at chinese schools, its still a joke. You still have a joke dental plan.

8,000 RMb is about a $1,000, at least you can do math. No heres some more math take that $1,000 that you provide AFTER the second year and average that for what you provide the FIRST year (which is $0) So 1000 + 0 = 1000 / 2 = $500. See your just like the other bottom tier schools.

No the upper tier schools just provide their teachers PD. They dont give them tiny little budgets. In such cases they just pay the actual cost. You want to go to HK for an IB seminar, OK the school makes the arrangements, thats how schools like AIGZ, ISB, WAB, do it. They view PD as a NECESSARY expense of their mission, not an employee benefit.

I get my information from your school. Its exactly as i quoted, as opposed to your information which you just made up. hey how about being practicle and beinga real school, and just buy the teachera ticket. Only bilingual schools and ELL schools make a teacher reimburse or carry the airfare on their credit cards until they leave. Whats the problem, have issue of teachers leaving in the middle of their contracts? Wonder why that could be.

Since you indicated in your previous post that Yew Chung keeps a closed salary schedule even internally, how do YOU know what any step is or what the step cap is? How do you know the maximum salary at step 12 is $5000. The answer is you dont and they didnt extend the salary cap for teachers they extended it for admins. Not like thats a surprise.
Do you even read what you right? They raised the final step to step 12 with a maximum of step 12, and next year they will have 16 steps but REDUCE the starting step from 12 to 9? So your schools great plan is to reduces starting salary in the future? Thats a really great way to make progress, going backwards.

Yes WAB has a maximum starting step of 8 (10 for admins) and thats half way, but their road IS BETTER then yours. Their half way is WAY better then your half way and even better then the top of your salary scale. LOL, you two dont have the same scales. Id rather be half way on WABs scale then the top of your scale.

I didnt say young in age, but young in experience. Young TEACHERS, not young PEOPLE.

Yeah and every school also issues me a classroom, and a white board/smart board/laptop/pens/pencils/paper/post its/chalk/tape/scissors/stapler/desk/student desks/chairs/table, as well. You know what all those have in common with your Mac Book pro? You dont get to keep them. Just like i dont get to keep the smart board, or my projector, or any other "school" equipment.

yeah nobodies suggesting its a tier 1 school, we agree on something. Your the only one who is suggesting its NOT a tier 3 school, its a tier 3 school. The policies are yew Chung policies standard at ALL mainland Yew Chung schools (there are differences for HK)

Im slamming your schools foundation because its true of ALL the Yew Chung schools, including the ones in Bejing, Shanghai, etc. Those policies are the SAME across all of the foundations schools.

Yes ISs let teachers down, but dont dismiss that, Its not "the system", its the school. The school doesnt "let teachers down", like some MYP1 year old asking a girl out on a date. This is business, this is YOUR school, abusing its teachers. You seem to think its ok, that there is some acceptable amount of cheating your teachers and staff as long as its only a little, as long as there are worse offenders out there, then its fine.

I defiantly doubt your a teacher, more like an admin. Like all my information its either from direct experience or from reliable source. Yes i know her, yes i talked to her, and it was recent.
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Post by Traveller1 »

OK David, just tell us when you worked there and which campus.

As you have never worked for Yew Chung, like all the other schools that you waffle about, you have no idea what you're talking about. Quoting from old documents, out of context, is an example of your half-truths.

I don't have a credibility problem, you do. Your posts on this forum drive people crazy because of your ignorance and half-truths. Your posts are also often racist, bigoted and biased.

Your distain for administrators is somewhat ironic given that you post as a knowledgeable administrator. If I can't defend the school I work for, and have invested my life in for the past 6 years, it really doesn't matter whether I'm an administrator or a teacher, because in your distorted view I don't have the right to say anything.

So :
- If most international schools are 'thrifty' about who they hire why would they offer a 'gold' medical plan to their staff? No, most offer just the 'standard' plan. I work there and I don't pay 1 cent towards my medical plan. I get the same level of cover as I got from AETNA and International SOS at other schools.

- 8000 RMB is 1284.61 on the XE Currency Converter website.

- You have no idea about Yew Chung salaries. As I work there I do. The new package extends to all staff. The steps go beyond the current scale. When you have no idea about a school it's better that you say nothing.

- POST 1: "Yew Chung in (Quingdo) attracts mostly entry level teachers"
POST 2: "I didnt say young in age, but young in experience. Young TEACHERS, not young PEOPLE"
I'm surprised you're up on this data as you don't work there and never have. I've come across surprisingly few 50 year old inexperienced teachers. One sort of implies the other dontcha think?

- The Foundation and its schools aren't perfect but it certainly isn't what you claim it to be.

David, a little something from your Mongolian thread comment - Mongolians call 'Lunar New Year' Tsagaan Tsar. I think it's above your paygrade to talk about Mongolia, because like Yew Chung, you don't know what you're talking about.
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Post by higgsboson »

Traveler1 1 Whines: [quote]If I can't defend the school I work for, and have invested my life in for the past 6 years, it really doesn't matter whether I'm an administrator or a teacher, because in your distorted view I don't have the right to say anything. [/quote]

It does matter because admin at YCIS sucks and they are properly described as cheerleaders, ass kissers and broad collection of tweedle D's and tweedle Dums and I AM speaking from experience.

YCIS is basically a well resourced and fairly well paying tier 3 school.
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Post by durianfan »

Just need to clarify a glaring error - dental care is not "super cheap" in China. Yes, it is cheaper than the US, but the standards are MUCH lower and prices are still cheaper (with much better standards) in Thailand.

Fillings are not $8. Maybe if you went to a guy on the street.

Root - work starts at about $600, depending on how much work you have to get done. But again, just do a search and you'll read about all the nightmares that can occur in a dental chair here in China.
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Post by IAMBOG »

YCIS is basically a well resourced and fairly well paying tier 3 school.[/quote]
So what makes it tier 3? I understand accommodation is good, flights paid (or rather refunded), well-resourced, pays well, a fair amount of expat kids attend (in Shanghai at least), all the teachers I've spoken to seem to like working there.

What makes it third tier?
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Post by lifeisnotsobad »

If you are concerned about credibility issues then higgsboson actually makes SighGuy look good. Here is a previous posting from our favourite 'elementary particle':

"What a bunch of twats most of you twonks really are! The issue is clear as day: BIS screwed the OP over and should be burned to the ground, with the admin team chained to their desks. Its schools like BIS that made me realize, do them before they do you.

I'm about to do my school over big time! I'll collect my salary, tell them all, "see you Monday" and then catch a taxi to the airport. I only wish I could be there to see the looks on their faces when a key IB teach with 4 EE students to supervise never shows up. Bet the OP wishes he could have done over BIS in a like manner.

International schools are just businesses and its the teachers job the take care of himself. Take the money and run, like I did once in Europe. I showed up for the free week in a hotel, took the relocation money and headed for Thailand. That's the way to do it!" (Quote="higgsboson")
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