English teacher w/ 3 dependants..HELP!

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Post by FutureTeacher33 »

[quote="PsyGuy"]I think French is marketable.

Your school will assign you to a school, you want to request an IB school, and English lit, would be language A English in an IB diploma program. That's what you want. Otherwise an English assignment in English in an MYP program would be second. The problem with ESL is you'd be likely t be assigned to a inner city school with ESL, and that's not going to have an IB program. You really want to be doing student teaching in an IB school doesn't really matter what.

In primary ESL you would either be doing inclusion, meaning you work with the primary teacher as sort of an assistant or co teacher, or your doing pull out meaning when the kids do language arts they come to your room instead.[/quote]

Thanks for everything!!!!!

This may be hard to believe, but I am all out of quetions lol. You have been so helpful and I really appreciate your answers and patience! This is something that's very important to me and I want to do everything I can to make sure that I live my dream of being an international teacher.

I will get my B.A. in English w/ a minor in French and my Master's in Teaching w/ the ESL endorsement. And when it comes time to get serious about international job hunt, I will be looking into the Middle East and Africa (less desireable locations) to get started/gain experience w/ international teaching. I feel a lot more confident than I did at first and I feel better about securing a job with my family situation!
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Post by PsyGuy »

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Post by heyteach »


And when it comes time to get serious about international job hunt, I will be looking into the Middle East and Africa (less desireable locations) to get started/gain experience w/ international teaching. [/quote]

Seriously, don't assume the Middle East and Africa are "less desirable" just because PG says so. The less desirable locations are the ones YOU are not that interested in (for me, that would be most of Europe, or China). Don't assume you would not be able to get a job in a location you're really keen on. Consider all possibilities when the time comes.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Those areas arent undesirable because I say so its the consensus of the IT profession. When i was in Thailand, the school owner took some of us out for lunch and car shopping. I guess he wanted an entourage of westerners to be seen with. Well he was shopping for some very high end cars, and we went to one dealership that specialized in Lamborgini. The sales guy seemed disinterested and kind of aloof, like he was only talking to be polite. Another dealership sold porches, this guy was attentive, and had research and PR material to show how luxurious and how the cars performance was right up there with other high performance cars. He had a great sales technique. Thats what you middle east advocates sound like to me 'salesman', your aways selling how great it is, how much money you can save, how nice the packages are. Your selling. You dont here anyone pitching how great france, italy, spain, ireland, england, japan are. French schools dont have the great compensation packages, there is no housing and taxes are really high. BUT no one has to sell them. Go to ANY fair, at Boston last year the one French school had 2 vacancies and they still had one of the longest lines even though there wasnt a vacancy for those teachers. Same thing with the Italy schools, and ASIJ wasnt recruiting at all, they had ZERO positions and people were waiting to talk to their director. Why is that? They dont even have to bring brochures or even do a presentation, and teachers are STILL interested. Thats a highly desirable school.
Now look at your middle eastern schools in Kuwait, UAE, Saudi, and Moracco. They always always have vacancies, many of them have 6 or more vacancies and they are STILL recruiting. The Search Bethesda fair, is almost all middle eastern schools. Why is that? If the middle east is so nice, and so well paid, and its so great there, why dont they get to act like the french schools? I'll tell you why:

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Re: Rebuttal

Post by heyteach »

I don't regard myself as an advocate, cheerleader, or salesman for any area. Much of the ME does not appeal to me for various reasons. I would reckon there are some serious unfounded fears and prejudices among candidates that keep them from applying. I do advocate, however, that one research and consider many regions and stay flexible and open-minded.

I love my porch. I enjoy sitting on it in the evening with a champagne cocktail, watching the sunset.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Your in the middle east and "I would reckon there are some serious unfounded fears and prejudices among candidates that keep them from applying", sounds like a cheerleader.
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Post by mysharona »

Really, you went to a porch dealership! Did they have decks too?
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