Countries with the highest saving potential

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Post by PsyGuy »

No you can leave the country anytime you want, you are not a prisoner. The 2 year time frame has to do with being granted PR (permanent residency), as it relates to taxes, and your pension benefits.

Although breaks are short and schools dont provide yearly airfare, many teachers do take vacations and even if not going 'home' do leave for holiday. Its pretty easy to keep track of when and how long your in an out of the country. Its stamped in passport with the date every time you move through immigration.
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Post by stellalocal »

I was advised by a KL school that I would have to be in the country on 1st Jan and again on a date in June or July (can't remember when exactly) during the first year for tax reasons. Other than that I would have been free to travel as I wished.
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Post by matt »

Psyguy hasn't worked in Eastern Europe. File a few schools under the GOOD category. Even though you now have to pay local taxes, you can still save quite a bit (about 15 - 20K) and have a social life in Prague. Bucharest, Budapest, and Warsaw don't have local taxes and offer great packages. You can save up to 20K / year as a single if you don't go nuts with the traveling, keeping it restricted to breaks. I've heard many great things about savings in Moscow. Some people stay a long time, although it is one of the most expensive cities in the world. Find a local pub with cheap drinks and beautiful Russian girls. Don't go out "clubbing" for your entertainment.
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Post by PsyGuy »

everyone thinks their city or country is special. I wouldnt put eastern europe on the 'good' list, its slightly better then western europe, as taxes are lower, but not so much so they compensate for a lack of a housing allowance. That coupled together makes it detrimental to savings.

Yeah Moscow and Prague are great but you will spend all your money on a social/night life. Those hot eastern european models (and they all look it) wont date you either, you wont make enough as a teacher to get anything more then a smile from them. Eastern european woman are all business, passion but no warmth.
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Post by Mathman »

I will put it this way. All countries(probably) have at least one school with the potential to save about 20++ thousand a year after normal costs. The question is, are you good enough for them to employ you.

The cost of dating as a foreigner is always more expensive, and put it in perspective. The only foreigners making less than you are slaves and students. If you want to target cheap uni students, well...

At the end of the day, it depends on who will employ you and what kind of girl takes your fancy.
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Post by PsyGuy »

In general I agree. The groups that make less then an international teacher i would say are: Students, ESL teachers, and Dependents. Most of the corporate employees are on very nice expat packages (after all its their kids that enroll in our schools that provide us with a job). What your leaving out is that aside from tourists and a couple of retirees, there aren't any other groups present. This leaves a very small group of expats compared to locals.
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Post by vitaminz »

Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. There isn't anything to do other than go to work and maybe an expensive health club during the week so you won't spend much money there. It is tax free and most salaries are going to be $30000 a year and up. You could easily save 2/3 of that unless you travel a lot, eat out and shop a lot, or are stupid with your money.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Echo that, like the other posts ive made on the middle east. You have to go for the money, and the lifestyle makes saving either impossible or very easy.
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