ISS versus Search

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ISS versus Search

Post by raphael »

I have not been on here for a long time. I know that this thread has been discussed in the past but 1) I cannot find it and 2) I want more current information.

I am looking at (next year) either reactivating my Search files or venturing into ISS land. My teaching spouse and I will attend one of the big job fairs. I know that Cambridge is the big fair for Search. Where is the big fair for ISS stateside?

Does anyone know which option (ISS or Search) has more (and better) schools registered with them? We are both qualified, 10 years international experience (three different schools/countries) plus 5 years experience in the US. We are ready to move from a mediocre school to a second or top tier school. The last two jobs we got were not through either agency, but our first jobs overseas were through one of the smaller Search fairs.

I feel like Search is the better of the two options, but that is because I am more familiar with them. However, upon looking at the ISS page it seems like their applicant files are more thorough and potential employers might prefer that.

Current information and experience with regards to this is much appreciated.
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Post by heyteach »

My Search rep gave me this advice when I was pondering fairs: Attend the one that has the most OPENINGS you're interested in. It does no good to choose a fair only by the schools attending if they don't have jobs for you. I made a spreadsheet of all the schools I was interested in, the jobs they had available that I was qualified for, packages, and which fair(s) they were attending. Having it presented visually like that helped greatly in choosing a fair.
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Post by WiseTeach »

"I feel like Search is the better of the two options, but that is because I am more familiar with them. However, upon looking at the ISS page it seems like their applicant files are more thorough and potential employers might prefer that. "

Pay attention to those feelings. ISS has a fantastic looking web page, and at the beginning are more than happy to answer questions... until they have you signed up. Slow to respond, no interest whatsoever in assisting you, and what appears to be a position, may in fact already have been filled. I would never use them again.
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Search VS ISS

Post by Roundtrip »

I was a member of ISS on two different occasions and never found a teaching position. A friend of mine was a member of Search. Once ISS got my money, they never did another thing for me. My friend, however, got personal emails from Search and personalized information and contacts. He and I both searched for overseas jobs at the same time, so I can definitely make a comparison between the two companies. I would definitely go with Search the next time around. You should know though before you dish out the money for these companies and attend the hiring fairs, if you are 60 years old or older, you are probably wasting your money. These companies won't tell you that or even bring it up when you register with them.
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Post by Canada11 »

Definitely go with Search Associates. I think you'll have way more options with them. They have more schools and more jobs. SA is very popular so you have to register early for their fairs or risk not getting in.
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Re: ISS versus Search

Post by global_nomad »

Any updated opinions concerning ISS versus Search? I've always used ISS and landed great jobs. What are the advantages of moving to Search? I've heard on numerous occasions that some personal reps. at Search are terrible and offer no help, while others help a lot. Thoughts?
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Post by PsyGuy »


There wouldnt be, if your one of ISSs special snowflakes than you have the best premium agency experience. This is the main issue between SA and ISS. In SA there is a more normative experience, candidates generally get some Q&A attention and CS, and some associates give a little more hand holding whereas others do nothing more than cash your check, but its relatively typical of the general experience for everyone. ISS is the boutique experience its either feast or famine. Either you are valuable to them and are attended too accordingly or youre a ghost. You would likely get a poorer client experience with SA. SA repps more ISs but the majority of them are lower bottom tier ISs that add little for the professional experienced IT other than increasing SAs school database. Does it really matter if there are 100 more train wreck China, ME, ISs? You wouldnt be interested in them. The upper tier IS pool is very stable and resistant to change, staying with ISS means you do not have to contend with as large of a bottom tier IS base.

The only benefit of SA over ISS is if you are located in one of those 'swap' markets in IE such as HK or Dubai and you want to attend one of the regional dump fairs in the hopes of moving up.

Re: ISS versus Search

Post by sdakota »

Last edited by sdakota on Sun Apr 24, 2016 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ISS versus Search

Post by shadowjack »

More of my friends have had better luck through Search than ISS. Also, Cambridge is not the main fair. It is the last of the big three fairs, with Bangkok being the first and London being the second.

ISS runs online fairs now, I understand. Not sure what their database is like now (my friends about 3 years ago said it was not as good as Search when I previewed them what the Search base looked like), but I like Search.

Just my two halalas.

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Post by PsyGuy »


ISS does conduct virtual Fairs, but they also hold a number of long time physical fairs including BKK.
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Re: ISS versus Search

Post by shadowjack »

PsyGuy - I know that. And they usually run their fairs before SA. But one of their big pushes (I get the promotional emails) is that they offer online fairs now too.
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Re: ISS versus Search

Post by global_nomad »

Thanks for the feedback. I think I'll just stick with ISS since they already have all my stuff.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Its more promotional pushing than productivity on the success of the iFairs.
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Re: ISS versus Search

Post by shadowjack »

Tell me about it. I am still with SA :-) ISS doesn't inspire me that much.
Thames Pirate
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Re: ISS versus Search

Post by Thames Pirate »

I would also point out that there is a geographical component. ISS doesn't have as many active European schools, so if Europe is on your short list, Search is the better option. While there are some European schools (good ones) recruiting at fairs through ISS, there are far more with SA and CIS.
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