The contract was signed and sent today

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The contract was signed and sent today

Post by WyGal »

After two months of negotiations, the contract was signed and sent today for a school in the Netherlands. They offered very little for moving, I mean LITTLE. So half will be paid out of pocket. They did give us return flights home, half of housing till August, the 13th month, bonuses, 210 work days and a few other things. All fees paid for our family to secure all documents for staying, tuition in full all fees and accommodations for our son who has autism but is very verbal and high functioning. That was the sticking point for me, as his mom, I had to have it in the contract they would keep him for the entire contract.

My husband is going to be the director of IT in a school that has problems. I am a non teaching spouse and we have a SN child.

We are leaving a great job, actually 2 and super salary to trade it all for the adventure. I pray the Netherlands is all I hope it will be. Right?
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Post by JISAlum »

.....and in a couple of years you'll wonder why you waited so long.
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Post by doubtful »

When are you leaving?
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Not Bad

Post by PsyGuy »

You got a pretty good deal, especially with half a housing package. I really hope they are able to provide adequate services for your son, even the best schools admit their services dont reach the standards required in the States.
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Post by WyGal »

I pulled DS from public school at Thanksgiving and he is back on level again. I also run his ST pages and handwriting. What the school doesn't do I will at home.

We are happy for DS that he will be at a school where everyone is a little different. So he has a little autism, the next guy will be able to speak japanese. It will be good.
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Post by Roundtrip »

I think you made the right decision. No school is perfect, just realize before you go that there will be some things that you don't like, just like in America. Once you are in an international school abroad, you will get to know other teachers in other European schools and can compare notes. It's relatively easy to get on with other international schools once you are over there if things are not to your liking at your school. Just make sure you do it when you are young, because after 50, they really don't want to give you a chance. GO FOR IT!! I did, and it was the greatest year of my life.
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