UNI Fair

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UNI Fair

Post by star32569 »

Has anyone been and what was your experience. I am newly certified and wanted to try it out to get some experience with interviewing and see what options are out there.
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Re: UNI Fair

Post by shadowjack »

Unless you are in a hard-to-fill area such as HS math, or chemistry or physics, beware.

The schools that will want to hire you will NOT be schools you want to be at. If you think American schools have horror stories, you ain't seen nothing. But it is different than in US schools. LOL

Good luck. My advice? Do your two years, get experience, then go overseas.
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Re: UNI Fair

Post by star32569 »

Have you gone to the fair? Where the job options that bad?
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Re: UNI Fair

Post by shopaholic »


I went to the SEARCH Cambridge fair when I was a new teacher (in 2010) and was offered a post at a solid tier 2 school in Western Europe. So it does happen. I'm not in a shortage subject at all, but I researched schools carefully and I interview well.

I don't know anything about ISS, but SEARCH was great. I wasn't allowed to attend London as a new teacher back then, but Cambridge was fine and there were a lot of other teachers without extensive or any international experience.
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Re: UNI Fair

Post by Penguin03 »

I went to the UNI fair straight out if teacher’s college, and had a great experience. It is the perfect fair for a new teacher. No, you’re lot going to land an amazing tier 1 school, but who cares?! Now is the time to get your feet wet and work your way up to that. I went in 2007, but have met many teachers since then who landed there first job at that fair. There are quite a few Latin American schools that attend that fair. I went with five other newly certified teachers and we all had at least two job offers we were happy with. Go with an open mind, yet do your research, and you’ll have a great time!
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Post by PsyGuy »

Cold, there always seems to be a blizzard in the vicinity at fair time. Its basically a dump fair. Its one fair and their limited database all at the end of peak recruiting. UNI is the go to fair for intern class ITs who cant get into SA. The opportunities are about the same as the SF fair and are LCSA heavy with the rest being ME and hardship regions in Asia filling out the rest. If its basically anywhere or bust UNI and you absolutely want to do a fair UNI is a less expensive alternative than SA (why spend 4 times the coin to take a hardship appointment in a month).
I concur though with @SJ, the vast majority of ISs are going to be the ones with low comp and the heavy potential of becoming a train wreck.
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Re: UNI Fair

Post by owenmcmullen »

I had a great experience, although I never attended the fair. I signed up and was sent all the schools' information and encouraged by UNI to contact schools before the conference. I did, got a Skype interview with one of my preferred schools, and had a job offer right after Christmas, a month before the actual job fair.
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Re: UNI Fair

Post by Overhere »

UNI is a very good fair. My wife and I have been twice and walked away both times with jobs. There are a wide variety of schools represented and to characterize it as a dump fair is shortsighted and uninformed.
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