Escuela Campo alegre

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Escuela Campo alegre

Post by wherenext »

There's an ad for jobs in that school in Venezuela. There a very flatering review in the ISR base. But only one!
Do you know anything about that school? the person doesn't say anything about security. How is it? Can people come and go freely? (Latin America doesn't have the best reputation in that field!)
I'm very used to Asia, where I feel really safe, but if the review writter is not biaised, and the school is that good, it's very tempting!

Hope I'll hear from one of you soon!

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Joined: Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:05 pm
Location: Venezuela

Post by milofischer »

Venezuela is an EXTREMELLY, and I mean EXTREMELY dangerous country. I worked there for years and left because I knew too many people that had been shot, kidnapped, or had their homes robbed at gunpoint. No one is safe there anywhere, especially not if you're a Gringo!
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Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2007 9:00 am


Post by draug »

I worked at ECA for several years. It is an excellent school with the best remuneration package in SAmerica.
I agree that in parts of Caracas you are virtually guaranteed to get a gun stuck in your face. However, if you have half a brain and don't do the stuff that in most cities will get you into trouble, you will ususally be ok.
The people who are likely to rob you mainly want what you have got, and are rarely out to hurt you. There will be exceptions (granted: I know the previous poster took a very dim view so I am not trying to totally discount what he said) but generally, no amateur heroics, and don't go out dripping in expensive accoutrements and that will be a big step towards staying out of trouble.
I have a variety of fairly close friends working there now, none of whom, in the last 3+ years, have reported any difficulties to me.
The school, though, really is first class. Definitely one of the first-strongers. Jean Vahey is a superb director and the staff is generally top notch.
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