Stonehill Bangalore

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Stonehill Bangalore

Post by cantona66 »

I would be very interested to find out some more about people's impressions or experiences of Stonehill International School in India. There is no review on ISR and the previous mention in the forum wasn't all that positive. I'm guessing that the school has grown and developed since the last mention as it is only a few years old. Any information gratefully received.
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Re: Stonehill Bangalore

Post by Briz »

Peter Mackenzie has a fairly good reputation. This year they have A LOT of openings as the house was cleaned. No one seems to know exactly why. The pay is about 10k USD more per year than schools with better DP programs in the area. They do have all 3 IB programs. The school used to be more "blond", but has recently been admitting more local students. The biggest difficulty teachers have is living in the fishbowl of India. This is what bothers even the most sedentary people I know. You will have a social life if you work at it, but no evening will carry on past midnight. Taxes on high end activities (30% at a good restaurant) kill any savings quickly. If you like downloading movies and staying in more than going out, you can get by. The Indian stare is not like the asian gawk, you will feel distain in the looks you receive. I would NEVER come here as a single girl, and I would tell single guys to commute to work and live in areas that have more of a nightlife (indiranagar, kominahalli etc.), but it will be difficult to find a local gf/bf.

I never worked at Stonehill so I cannot comment on the school beyond relating stories of people I have met. I have worked in Bangalore recently. Really think about the "living in India" before you make the committment!
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Re: Stonehill Bangalore

Post by cantona66 »

Thanks Briz. Much appreciated.
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Re: Stonehill Bangalore

Post by PsychBean »

Anymore info on this school or area?
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Re: Stonehill Bangalore

Post by Flyingpigs »

I agree with Briz on the 'living in India' bit. India is not for everyone. I have no information about the school, but I have lived and worked in India...its an acquired taste and can be fabulous and horrific all in the space of a new york minute.
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Re: Stonehill Bangalore

Post by namastececi »

Any new advice on this school?
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Re: Stonehill Bangalore

Post by Screech »

School is okay and seems to be going in the right direction. Peter MacKenzie left last year, big surprise to the staff. He was basically fired but no one really knows why. The secondary principal is the interim head so has been trying to do two jobs and has done them both badly. Not really his fault as he has too much on his plate with little support from the Board, who like to interfere in the running of the school. That doesn't really affect us as teachers, only the school admin. A new head has been employed for next academic year so that may change the dynamics. Time will tell.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Its still a third tier school trying to buy its way out of the mess. Pete left from rising levels of stress and frustration, they basically tied his hands, but the board didnt want to do anything themselves. The expectation was basically to keep things running with hope and wishes. The frustration just built and he had words with several members of the board.

I would further agree about life in India, it is NOTHING like the movie "Outsourced" or "Eat, Pray, Love". You have to work if you want anything close to a social life, which basically consists of cafe life and eating out. A lot of people do the movie download night and a beer with some friends at someone apartment.
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Re: Stonehill Bangalore

Post by paularr »

I think that's a bit harsh. Bangalore is fairly decent city with plenty to do. It is very different to other large Indian cities in terms of climate, culture and attitude. Stonehill is a fairly young school. It has had its share of problems, like may international schools in developing countries. I would disagree with the 'third tier'. I think it is certainly one of the better schools in the region. A new Director has been appointed who will start in August (Dr. Beverly Sortland - currently Director at American School of Douala).
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Post by PsyGuy »

Schools always think they can put on a coat of paint or change admins and change the school image. Admins dont make or break the school, ownership does, and its the same ownership. They will just have a new face as figurehead. It will still have its share of problems, and being "young" is an excuse, nor does it mitigate the working environment. Its still a third tier school.
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