Best Cities for Older Women Interested in Dating

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Best Cities for Older Women Interested in Dating

Post by justateacher »

Just wondering if anyone wants to chime in on the best or worst cities to live in if you are a woman who wants to date. Please only comment if it's good for women over 35!!
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Post by PsyGuy »

The USA.

Aside from that, Italy would be the top of my list, but only if by dating you mean overnight relationships.

If you want to get married and dont mind a husband who wants a green card ,Turkey is my top choice.

If you prefer older more mature men (divorcees), northern europe is my top option, but youd need to have celebrity like looks.

If your into asian men stay home, by that age they are all married, and younger men would be too shy and intimidated.

If your looking for fellow expats it depends on your age preference the 2nd tier schools are mostly guys in their 20s and they still play video games, and act like college guys. The 1st tier schools are mostly married guys, or older guys that are divorced and still have "issues" or they are bachelors acting like they are still in their 20s (yes that includes me).
My best advice is a large IS in a major city. Its going to 1) Give you the most options as far as playing in your own backyard. 2) Give you the most access to expats in other fields (mainly business and IT).

The IS culture and the expat experience is far more friendlier to men then woman.
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Post by justateacher »

i agree about the USA which is why i am highly considering returning home for a few years to try to get married before i am officially "old". LOL

sadly, yes, far friendlier for men.. sigh.
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Post by Cee13 »

It's been less than 24 hours since justateacher posted this and there have been over 180 views. So obviously people were interested in reading this post.

PsyGuy-Over this past year you have most definitely given some (including myself) sound advice. Not all was great advice, but I have appreciated your responses nonetheless. Last February other users weren't replying to threads nearly like they are this year.

That said, your response to justateacher really turned me off! You may have insight as a seasoned IS teacher/admin and maybe your reply was welcomed, but it didn't sit well with me.

First and foremost you're a man (I think) so you can't possibly understand what it means to be a single woman who is about to pack up her life to move overseas. Thankfully I've already secured an overseas teaching position for next year, but there could be other single women on here who would benefit from reading a more positive/enlightened response. Anyone? Bueller....Bueller?

Anyway, to start off by saying "The USA" is kind of flip. Isn't it obvious that there's a strong possibility the poster is from the USA? Then you basically said to go to Italy for sex, Turkey for a man to use you for a Green Card, Northern Europe if you look like a super model, Asia don't even bother, and Tier II schools if you want a real winner! Hey, and maybe you're right....but to put it like that is just obnoxious! Sorry for that rant. Just had to say it!
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Post by CaliPro »


Where is your sense of humor? lol
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Post by IAMBOG »

He's obnoxious and sometimes talks out of his *****, but in this case I think he's probably pretty much on the money, give or take.

Not sure about the North European celebrity. If she was looking to date a superstar she'd need to look like a celebrity. If she is looking for a nice reasonably attractive middle-aged guy, then she probably needs to be a reasonably attractive middle-aged gal.

As I used to say, when I had noserings, earrings and funny coloured hair, for every guy with a nosering and a tattoo on his arm, there is a girl with a tongue stud and tattoo on her back. Like finds like.
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Post by PsyGuy »


You really need to decide quickly. Your looking at a year to find a guy, 2 years before hes ready to make a commitment and then a year for the wedding planing, that puts you at 39, and if you want kids thats REALLY starting to push the fertility boundries (assuming you want kids).


Most of the european guys in their late 30s and 40s that are still looking for their next wife have unbelievably high expectations or they are looking for much younger woman.


I will be the first to say I do not understand woman, or girls, or any of the fairer gender. I can unequivically without hesitation say that i do not know what its like being a single woman (and you should always use sun screen).
I do however understand men and what they are looking for in certain regions, including the USA (which if the OP was in the USA and looking for her prince charming, staying in the USA is really the best option). Im not here to be encouraging or to offer support, Im sure the OP has girlfriends to go to the powder room with and consult the mirror and the great sisterhood.
There is this great episode of sexinthecity where carrie, charlotte, samantha and miranda are discussing mirandas latest date and all the reasons he didnt want to go up to her apartment and carries boyfriend berger says "no hes just not into you". Im sure it doesnt sit well with you, but men are easy. We dont have complexity when it comes to relationships, we have needs, we seek to have those needs fulfilled, we go back to what we were doing before, and then we repeat the cycle (it looks a lot like a time diagram of a cell undergoing mitosis).

I didnt recommend tier 2 school, I recommended large ISs in metropolitan areas, most of those schools are typically tier 1.
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Re: Comment

Post by IAMBOG »

Most of the european guys in their late 30s and 40s that are still looking for their next wife have unbelievably high expectations or they are looking for much younger women.[/quote]

So you know most European men personally, do you? Strange, I don't remember meeting you? An unbelievably high expectations does not always manifest itself in requiring a celebrity type (I just had a fleeting image of me holding hands with Paris Hilton and felt quite nauseous). That's not my outook at all, but yes, we know that it's yours. In a population of 700 million there is scope for everyone.

You can have expectations, but unless it matches reality in some way, you'll end up disappointed. Few of the average looking men in the world are going to end up dating a supermodel, regardless of how much they desire it.
Last edited by IAMBOG on Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by vitaminz »

[quote="Cee13"] Thankfully I've already secured an overseas teaching position for next year, but there could be other single women on here who would benefit from reading a more positive/enlightened response. Anyone? Bueller....Bueller?

Anyway, to start off by saying "The USA" is kind of flip. Isn't it obvious that there's a strong possibility the poster is from the USA? Then you basically said to go to Italy for sex, Turkey for a man to use you for a Green Card, Northern Europe if you look like a super model, Asia don't even bother, and Tier II schools if you want a real winner! Hey, and maybe you're right....but to put it like that is just obnoxious! Sorry for that rant. Just had to say it![/quote]

Perhaps that is his positive/enlightened response. I am not a woman but think his take on it might be what some women need to hear rather than go about it blind and end up in a place where single older women are treated badly.
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Post by PsyGuy »


I wouldnt think the Paris Hilton, Selena Gomez was the celebrity type I was referring too, more like Katherine Heigl, Angelina Jolie, Nichole Kidman, Julia Roberts, as to what men in that older mature age bracket are looking for as far as "expectations". This describes the "better then average" euro guy who is looking to get married again and doesnt want to date younger woman.
Most of the "average" looking men in europe stay married.
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Post by higgsboson »

Egypt is where you want to go. If sure you'll find a young, swarthy Egyptian stud that can float your boat.

If anyone ever had any doubts about the voracious sexual appetite of older women, just go to Sharm for a weekend. They are as disgusting as a fat German in Pattaya!
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Post by sevarem »

Well, I know some women that have had pretty good luck in Central/South America, and no, none of those matches and marriages resulted in a green card. And they're still together.

My friend is doing pretty well, dating-wise, in Curacao. I knew one woman who married a Peruvian guy. They're in Korea now. So my suggestion would be that general region.
Open Communication
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Post by Open Communication »

Last edited by Open Communication on Thu May 30, 2013 6:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by PsyGuy »

ME men treat their woman like property, wouldnt go their at all. Australian men arent very nice to their woman either. Brits dont ooze romance and passion from their pores (not my words but those of a woman from Manchester who has the sexiest accent). Those were just my top lists. French guys are up their. If you want a real mans man who gives you only 30 minutes of his day but makes those 30 minutes count EE men are a good choice (again not my words). SA guys can be real charmers but from what i hear they only pay lips aervice to the idea of fidelity.

@Open Communication

Its different for men, woman get old, men get mature and distinguished. Its totally not fair but its the way it is.
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Post by Cee13 »

Thanks Sevarem
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