Aspiring International Teacher. Advice Welcomed

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Post by CaliPro »

I suppose I will just use UNI and Search this first go around.
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Post by lolaj »

I'm doing the EPI program through Valencia College starting in a few days (same course as TeacherReady). Just wondering what everyone's experience with it has been and how getting hired after completion. I'm guessing I should do my tests ASAP so when I complete the course I can apply straight away for my certificate.

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Post by Mathman »

You missed sport psyguy.
Single man social life indicator is given by the following formula

Life = (sport+buddies+3*GFs)^(ave alcohol consumption per night out)

(If still living with mum, then it is 0 by default)
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Post by PsyGuy »


No I didnt, I included my sports.
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Post by antitravolta »


I did the EPI program through TeacherReady and got my AA from Valencia when it was a community college. When I finished the program, I had multiple offers in Florida. I didn't try to make a direct leap overseas and don't know anybody who did so I may not be much help, but getting hired was relatively easy in Florida.
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Post by CaliPro »

Guys, a question for you all.

I am in Korea now and will finish my contract in December. Initially I was planning on going straight home for Christmas and taking my licensing exams and then attending the UNI Fair. Then after the fair going to SEA for 1-2 months before heading to Colombia for an additional 1-2 months, pretty much a big vacation before summer and school in the Fall 14'.

I would really rather not fly back to SEA (looking at 1,600 usd) and would rather just go straight there after my contract and come back to the states in early February. 1,600 usd is like 3 months rent abroad.

So my questions are

1) What other job fairs are held in the US from late Feb - March/April?
2) What would be my chances of finding work in the ME or Central Asia by only online means (Search, Skype, etc)?
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Post by CaliPro »

From my calculations, I can stay about a month in Philippines after Korea and return home on Jan 15th. That would give me roughly 2 weeks until the UNI Fair.

That is really pushing it as I will have very little time to take my licensing tests before the fair. So I would have to pass it on the first go around.

Then go to the UNI Fair with proof that I passed and would be getting my official certification soon.

I know seniors in college that have went to the UNI that hadnt graduated yet that got jobs for the Fall.

If that falls through I will have 2 options.

Attend the SF Fair or simply try to get a job solely from online / skype etc.

Ugh this is gonna be a stressful next 6 months!
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Post by PsyGuy »

The SA BOS fair and the SA SF fairs would be your best options as far as a fair goes. Having you certificate in hand would be beneficial but given your certification areas and your resume the schools that would be interested in you, wont see a delay of a couple weeks in getting your certificate as an issue.

If the ME or the lower tier asian schools are your target goals, you dont really need to attend a fair. Those schools would just as easily hire you with a video interview as a F2F interview.
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Re: Reply

Post by CaliPro »

[quote="PsyGuy"]The SA BOS fair and the SA SF fairs would be your best options as far as a fair goes. Having you certificate in hand would be beneficial but given your certification areas and your resume the schools that would be interested in you, wont see a delay of a couple weeks in getting your certificate as an issue.

If the ME or the lower tier asian schools are your target goals, you dont really need to attend a fair. Those schools would just as easily hire you with a video interview as a F2F interview.[/quote]

I am starting to rethink things at the moment. Kinda thinking I need to go somewhere fun for the first 2 years atleast.

My initial plan was to go straight to a country / school I could save the most money and slave / save away the next 10 years and attempt to passively retire by 40. However, by 40 I will be married and have kids and my priorities will be different. So I am thinking what is the rush, ie 50 seems like a more appropriate target base.

I think now I am leaning towards trying to get hired in Colombia for my first contract.

Contemplating if I can skip the Fairs and get hired through emailing the admin at the schools in Colombia and doing skype interviews.

Would rather save that 600-700 bucks it would cost to attend a fair.

Hmm decisions decisions.
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Post by PsyGuy »


If your focused on only Columbia, you need to identify the schools you want, and contact them. Your goal should be to get the interview and offer before the fairs even start. The issue is that on paper your not an A list candidate, and recruiters are going to want to examine the competition, meaning at least some fair time before they offer a contract. If you get the interview before the fairs then thats enough, and you can skip the fairs. Some of those schools 9the top tier ones) are likely to suggest meeting at a fair.

If your open to SCA and your not picky then you can get hired somewhere without attending a fair.
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Post by CaliPro »


Hmm, seems like that is gonna be alittle difficult (getting an offer prior to the fairs & my certification) esp with me doing the alternative route.

I suppose it is worth a try though.

Where is the best place to see a list / database of most the schools in Colombia? (Search?)

Also how would you recommend my initial email to them look like? ie How to go about writing it and explaining my situation?

Also, who to contact / email (the principle?)

Thanks in advance.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Thats the outcome you need to skip the fair; at the least you need your interviews completed before the fair, and at best you need an offer before the peak fair/recruiting season. Teachers get offers "AT" fairs, thats why they (the fairs) are successful and why they continue to occur. If they didnt work, or no one got hired at them, people would stop going, and eventually all recruiting would be done by video online.
If you have a broad job search and more flexibility you have room for options, but as soon as you "focus" on a factor, such as a specific country you drastically limit your options and have to become flexible somewhere else, and in this case that means you need to attend a fair. Add to that that your a very inexperienced candidate with a lite resume. Youve got a high needs area and a very recent certification, thats it. You have to bring more to the table to get an offer, and those are mostly going to be logistical factors.

Search will get you the better schools, but you also want to hit the IB list and the regional accreditation members lists.

Make it short, succinct is the way to go. Recruiters dont have a lot of time to read self flattery and look for "the catch". There really isnt anything to explain, their going to see your subject line, realize your applying for a job and then click on the link to your resume, and its going to be a lot of "white space". Your resume amounts to: Certified in Math, No Experience. Paint it, color it, highlight it, dump glitter on it and your not going to change that. So the issue for a recruiter is: How bad do I need a math teacher?

So your letter should focus on boosting the security and comfort of the admin with your mathematics expertise. Some things i would do:

1) Get a hold of the IB course guide and create a lesson for an advance math concept. Show you have at least technical background in the curriculum and that your preparation gave you a solid foundation in methodology.

2) Get an AP guidebook and create a math syllabus for a math course, something like Algebra I and II. Then get it approved by the College Board, thats all there is to being AP certified really.

3) Create a teaching demo and link it in your cover letter/introduction. Show them your not going to choke and run screaming from the room, and that you have an instructional style that works.

4) While no amount of training equals any amount of experience, training is worth more then nothing. An IB workshop or AP workshop wont give you much, but in a sea of entry level resumes it doesnt take much to edge out the competition.

If your really focused on Columbia and you have identified the schools youd like to work at, get to know someone on the faculty or staff outside of admin. Your doing research, there name came up at a conference and you want to work with them. Create a dialog, and then when you apply or interview your new friend an recommend you, and thats the strongest external means of getting an offer.
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Post by CaliPro »

Good info.

I think I am gonna try to go ahead and plan to attend the UNI Fair and just eat the 700 usd.

This is assuming I pass my licensing exam on the first or 2nd go around.

Ill arrive home on Jan 15 which will give me roughly 2 weeks to pass the exams before attending the fair.

As far as messaging the schools prior to the fair.

You said sending my email / resume to recruiters. So I dont just email the principle or are you lumping the admin with recruiters? I am abit confused on that part. And if they are different should I email both?

Also you mentioned using Search, IB, and regional accreditation lists. I am familiar with Search, but what is the IB and regional accreditation list you speak of? Is it on Search or a different website?

Great points on the resume. I assume I will just have to put an asterisk beside my certification saying pending or something? As I will email / contact them prior to being certified.

Ugh I got lots to do between now and December! fml
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