Advice please

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Advice please

Post by mrspepper »

So I finally received a response from one school, and it's a school I'm really excited about. They asked me how their school's principles would influence my application...refering to the fact that they are a Christian school. As an American who was brought up to be super PC, I responded delicately that my hubby and I are both from Christian backgrounds and would fit in nicely there. I haven't hear back from them since (a few days). I'm wondering if I need to be more clear and state precisely we are Christians and we want to work for you. Would it be weird for me to send a follow-up email explaining as much? Or should I let it go and cross my fingers?
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Re: Advice please

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

[quote="mrspepper"]So I finally received a response from one school, and it's a school I'm really excited about. They asked me how their school's principles would influence my application...refering to the fact that they are a Christian school. As an American who was brought up to be super PC, I responded delicately that my hubby and I are both from Christian backgrounds and would fit in nicely there. I haven't hear back from them since (a few days). I'm wondering if I need to be more clear and state precisely we are Christians and we want to work for you. Would it be weird for me to send a follow-up email explaining as much? Or should I let it go and cross my fingers?[/quote]
In most cases, if a school brings up religion, they are indeed holy rollers and you can throw out the PC. You may want to write and tell them you prayed on it and realized you did portray your faith as strongly as you should have. I'm only half joking , of course.

Generally they are looking for more than just being from christian backgrounds. They want strong and active christians to help spread the word with the students.

If you don't hear back in a few days, you may want to write to check on the status of your application and play up why you would be so excited to work there, specifically because of the christian ethos of the school (if you are into that sort of thing).
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Post by mrspepper »

Thanks for the advice! It's been about 3 working days since I emailed them. I'm not sure how fast schools are working to fill positions at this point in the year. It's hard to decide what's pushy and what's lazy at this point.
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Post by PsyGuy »

when a school mentions religion, its usually them being PC about it. What they are looking for is fellow fanatics, that are going to help serve the koolaid.

I wouldnt right back yet though, unless you were going to follow wrldtrvlr123's advice and tell them you prayed about it. I know he was half joking but seriously, thats the only real play. Id also think hard if thats the kind of environment you want to be in.
Id give them until the end of the week and then right them a followup email. My experience has been if a school wants you, they want you, they dont play hard to get.
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Post by mrspepper »

I did end up giving them to the end of the week and then I sent a follow-up email making it clear that we are in line with their religion. I haven't heard from them since, so I guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed for now.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Yeah you answered the question wrong, and now they dont want you, sorry.
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Re: Yeah

Post by stellalocal »

[quote="PsyGuy"]when a school mentions religion, its usually them being PC about it. What they are looking for is fellow fanatics, that are going to help serve the koolaid.

I had an interview with a very Christian school in the past, when asked about my own religion I was totally honest and said I wasn't at all religious. Still got offered the job.

I think this school sounds like many others out there, they're not quite sure if they want you at the moment (maybe there's a first/second choice still deciding whether to accept) so they're keeping you hanging. If they decide not to offer the job they may use your answer as a reason (if they decide to give one).

Good luck
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Post by PsyGuy »

Maybe, but if there holding on for the OPs as possible 2nd or 3rd choice candidates they wouldnt just ignore a candidate they want they would maintain some kind of polite communication. 1) They dont want to damage their reputation or image. 2) They dont want the OP to become unavailable. If they do decide to contact the OP candidate how do you explain why you blew them off, and didnt even return an email. As a candidate i wouldnt want to work for a school that practiced that type of recruitment. The message it sends is "we dont really want you".
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Post by mrspepper »

Great...and our last hope disappears.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Did they contact you or something? Its times like this I really keep my fingers crossed and hope Im wrong.
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Post by Mathman »

I have learnt how to read the 'interested' but seeing if there is better (or cheaper in my case). They keep you on the hook until they do find someone. Some are honest about it, and some will give a different reason, but say they need time to consider. I decided to not wait for a tier one school and took up a decent school trying to improve.

It sounds like they are not interested, move on. Or pray really hard and have a prophetic vision of you working at the school. That is probably the only way they will hire you.

@Stella some of these Christian schools are moderate, and some are fanatical. A school tried to convert me to Jesuit......So it depends.
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Post by stellalocal »

[quote="Mathman"]I have learnt how to read the 'interested' but seeing if there is better (or cheaper in my case). They keep you on the hook until they do find someone. Some are honest about it, and some will give a different reason, but say they need time to consider. I decided to not wait for a tier one school and took up a decent school trying to improve.

@Stella some of these Christian schools are moderate, and some are fanatical. A school tried to convert me to Jesuit......So it depends.[/quote]

Oh, now that would drive me mad. Can't be doing with people forcing their beliefs on me.

Hopefully MrsPepper has other applications in at the moment. If this one works out then great, but I wouldn't give up searching for a job until a contract has been signed.
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Post by seinfeld »

International schools with religious mantras front and center are the most bigoted schools out there tbh.

Hong Kong IS have a 7 page application form in which 2 or 3 qs are about your religious background.

My wife (then girlfriend) had a chat with Concordia Shangai once, all was going good until they asked if we were married. No we aren't. Well okay we won't hire you unless you are. Buh-bye then. Same school was racist towards my friend when she took her basketball team there.
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Post by hjayty »

[quote="seinfeld"] Same school was racist towards my friend when she took her basketball team there.[/quote]

Oh, horse hockey. While I do not work at this school, I am very familiar with it. I don't buy this for one second.

I don't get how people expect schools to bend their entire value system to individual beliefs or lack thereof. One would think that people would do their homework before applying to a school and realize they won't be hired as a couple if they're not actually married. It's really not rocket science.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I wrote about something similar when addressing the gay issue of a teaching couple. Some people are just not accepting and tolerant of others, and its counter productive for people to think that they can force acceptance on others. If the school is offended by your way of life, they arent going to want you.
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