newbie - hello

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Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:07 pm

newbie - hello

Post by teacherbeth »


I'm new to these boards but not so much to the game...I taught at two international schools in Italy years ago and now my family are looking to go abroad again. I have a couple of questions that maybe someone can answer.

I was thinking I would do the fair thing but I'm reading around and now I think that maybe I should start just contacting schools directly. (for sept., 2011) Do schools hire that way? Do most people do the hiring fair thing or should I be sending my c.v.? I'm thinking of trying to find somewhere in the UAE or possibly Oman or Singapore or Bangkok. I would probably go to Europe again but I've sort of done that and would like to try something different. Also a break from cold winters would be grand. :)

Another question - do most schools want a medical history and if they do, how picky are they about that? We are a teaching couple with two school aged kids. If you have a medical condition that's stable and you've been working with no problems for years, do you think it would be a problem? I notice some places want to know that.

Thanks in advance. Any other tips or advice, please feel free to pm me. I'd love to hear from anyone at a school in any of those places with your take on it.

Thanks again.
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:57 am

Post by InAmerica »

Hi there,
I contacted schools directly by sending them emails with CV, etc! I also looked up schools websites and checked availabilities etc online. I ended up having replies and a couple of requests and interviews over skype and got my new job in Oman!!
It saved on the Fair expenses!
Good Luck
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:07 pm

Post by teacherbeth »

thanks for the reply! there are a couple of schools i'm interested in in oman. would you mind if i contacted you to talk about your school? i can't make the pm function work here. do you know how to make it work?

Thanks! :)
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