London Fair and references

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London Fair and references

Post by Moien »

Dear all,

After nine years working abroad in an international school I will be going back home in 2013. However, I am considering the possibility of looking for a position somewhere else in another IS.

I am aware that it is not going to be easy for a number of reasons:

(a) the subject I teach, Spanish as a Foreign Language, is not the one with most openings every year,

(b) I am interested in only a few places where the competition is nothing but fierce: Switzerland, a couple of schools in Singapore, Doha and Abu Dhabi, and perhaps a few in Japan.

I have a few questions and would appreciate any help

- When I told a colleage of mine about all this she told me that we had an additional problem: we were "expensive" to hire because of our c.v.: international experience (+10 years), Ph.D. Is it really so? Shouldn't it be an advantage?

- Can you get an invitation to the London fair (January) through or is only through Search Associates or ISS? Is there any difference in your options?

- Our school has more than 300 teachers. The Administration probably does not even know I work here. Up to what point may be determinant what my present employer says about me?

- Is it a good idea to send an unrequested c.v. to s school?

Thanks in advance
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Post by PsyGuy »

Well Abu Dhabi isnt that fierce unless your only interested in the american school. Switzerland is impossible if you dont have an EU passport. Your right though Spanish isnt that in demand a field, maybe a half dozen a year world wide, and the odds are against you that one of your select schools will have one.

In response to your questions:

1) Your friend is right you are going to be expensive, and foreign languages arent something a head is likely to want to sink a lot of money into for a teacher (especially if there is someone cheaper)

2) The IBO doesnt run fairs so you cant get an invitation from them. ISS doesnt have a London fair either. Your options are Search and CIS if you want to go to London, you must be a candidate with each of those agencies to attend their fair.

3) If you send a C.V. to a school blind it will probably get lost and or ignored. You should only send a C.V. in response to a posted position. The schools your interested in get so many resumes a year, its hard enough to sort through the ones they get for positions they need to hire for.

4) I didnt really understand the question about your current administration and what they would say about you? Most schools and you should check with yours require notice sometime in December (some earlier) about returning or leaving faculty. Maybe I misunderstood the question?

5) It should really be easy for you to focus on the few schools you are targeting, and if you use search and list Spanish as one of your preferences you will get an email update for all spanish vacancies that become available, so you could monitor it easily enough. Though honestly I dont think youll get lucky. In my experience Spanish isnt a popular choice in Japan or Singapore. If you dont have an EU passport Switzerland isnt likely to happen (you might be the exception, your certainly competitive). I couldnt comment on the other countries though.

6) I know you didnt mention it, but if your really interested specifically in those areas, have you thought of higher education? Its very doable to do a 1-3 year Visiting Professor, or Lecturer position with your credentials. Especially considering that universities like to have "well rounded and represented" foreign language departments. It would be an "in" to some of the regions your interested in. The compensation package might not be at generous, but you will certainly have more time available, since you want have to concern yourself with research and publishing, like you would in a TT (tenure track) position. If you do decide to pursue higher education, in addition to Spanish in the department of foreign languages, you should also look in the department of education for possible appointments (which tend to be more common and have higher demand).
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Post by heyteach »

A former colleague got a job in Switzerland last year without an EU passport. She teaches English.
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Post by Moien »

Thanks for the answers. Yes, I do have a EU passport, so no problems with that.

What I meant about the references is that, probably the director of my school does not have anything special (good or bad) to say about me. I was evaluated twice by Deputy Directors that have already left the school. So, I can only imagine a very "aseptic" letter or comment when requested saying something like "He teaches here and has been doing it for nine years". That is why I wonder up to what point such references are important.
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Go for it then

Post by PsyGuy »

Go for the Swiss jobs then, your just the kind of candidate they are looking for. You'd really have to be lucky for a vacancy in Japan or Singapore to open up (there are only a couple schools that offer Spanish).

Most letters dont really mean very much. The fact that you have 9 years of service at the same school without complaint, is going to speak volumes of your capabilities and performance. An aseptic form letter is all they are going to need, to know you didnt have any problems.
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Post by Moien »

Thanks again!
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