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new to this....

Post by maya »

Hi ,
I am looking for international counseling jobs ( never worked overseas) but have 5 years of school counseling experience in the USA public schools.I have couple of questions
1. Job market for school counsellors ( for some reasons I don't see very many openings and when I do see they tend to be filled so quick before I can even send my CV , etc to school...
2. This question would be I guess directed to fellow counsellors currently working in international schools. Brief discription or difference working as a counsellor in the usa vs.abroad?
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Counselors Overseas

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

Hi Maja:

I'm not a counselor but have worked with many overseas and a friend who is a counselor just went through the hiring process.

There are quite a few jobs out there. A while ago there were like 15 schools listed on Search Associates looking for counselors. Since the positions are limited, you really do need to join Search or a similar organization to get access to the jobs as they get posted.

As for what a counselor does overseas that might be different, I'm sure some will chime in. From what I have seen there is not real answer for that. Many schools will offer a very similar experience. Some schools may have counselors doing learning support or behavioral intervention/consultation. At other smaller schools you may take on some Admin. duties or even have to cover classes. Many counselors at schools will also be involved in college application help, administering exams etc.

If you have certain expectations or areas/roles that you have a great interest in (or wish to avoid) you would just need to do your research and get an accurate job description from the potential school.
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Joined: Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:31 am
Location: usa

Post by maya »

Thanks for your input, and what you described sounds pretty close to what schools in the states use counselors for. I am registered with Search and plan on attending Cambridge fair, but it still seems to be rather difficult to get something..
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