Thank you email

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Thank you email

Post by Spawnboy99 »

After an interview how many people write a quick note expressing thanks etc, if you do what do you write without sounding to overbearing. The interview process is still ongoing and probably the school will be still interviewing until late December.
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Re: Thank you email

Post by sid »

I do - and I'm the recruiter. Every interviewed candidate gets an email thanking them for their time and, if true, the engaging conversation, etc.

As a candidate, I always send a thank you note, and as a recruiter I always appreciate getting one. Keep it brief, just a few sentences. Appreciate your time and consideration... interesting discussion of topic x... glad to find out y practice at the school. Nothing fancy, but definitely with a specific reference or two. Extra credit if you subtly remind me of points in conversation where you were particularly impressive.
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Re: Thank you email

Post by Banter1584 »

I have always sent thank you emails to the interviewers, to reiterate my desire for working at the school and to tie up any loose ends from my answers, which may have come across as being unclear or weak in detail.

This was recommended by a recruiter friend and just adds a little layer of polish to your interview, which may swing the decision in your favour, if it is in the balance. For me I have had good responses using this whereby in my last 5 interviews after sending a thank you email I ended up getting offers for all of them!

In the end anything that makes you stand out in this competitive job market however small, needs to be exercised!!!
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Post by PsyGuy »

I always do. A brief thank you for their time and then 2-3 short point about their IS, the interview, or something we had in common. It take almost no time or effort to do.
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