Shanghai Work Permits, new regs and Age limits.

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Shanghai Work Permits, new regs and Age limits.

Post by MaryAnne »

I am currently in Shanghai with a Foreign Expert Certificate. I understand that these are changing or have changed to a unified permit with 3 bands A,B,C. I am pretty sure, that as a classroom teacher, I would be in Band B? My HR dept does not seem to know that or is not willing to talk about it. I have heard on grapevine, not directly from anyone, that several major international schools in Shanghai have pre-emptively released or let go teachers who will turn 60 soon, because the rule that permits will not be issued for those over 60 (unless in Band A) is going to be enforced. Or might be enforced. And Work permits cannot be guaranteed. HR says that is only "rumour" and "there is nothing in those rumours".

I will turn 60 before my current contract expires. It is vital for me that I continue working after 60, and I was hired on that understanding. I have a short window when I might be able do something about this, legally, but it would be at significant cost to me and besides, I rather like my present job, lack of communication from HR notwithstanding.

I have been trying to get some more concrete information, including reading the full text of the Entry-Exit rule, but everything still seems to be "maybe" or 'maybe not".

I would appreciate input from anyone who has more information, or is directly affected. Thanks
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Post by PsyGuy »

You dont say a lot, but if you have a reasonable option to obtain band A status I would strongly advise you do so. The first wave of implementation is likely to come down hard. China is putting in the resources that indicate this will be more than just show or toothless. ISs can make a lot happen, but your ISs doesnt appear to be one of those thats deeply invested in its staff.
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