What do you think of this candidate?

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Re: What do you think of this candidate?

Post by Dredge »


You mean, none of you had a career before teaching, or were really involved in your practical experiences, or got involved in your first year teaching, or have a Masters degree... read the whole post please. If you haven't, then most international teaching is more of a joke than anything.
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Re: What do you think of this candidate?

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

I read it. We just disagree. In my experience, very little that you done before actually teaching has any significant bearing (other than possibly having a Masters) on being a good teacher and/or is of that much interest to potential employers.

I'm sure there will always be exceptions but that is my personal experience and perception. And yes, I had a very successful career before teaching in a semi-relevant field and no one cares.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I fully concur with @WT123, ISs and recruiters dont generally care what a candidate does before education.
ITs are very indistinct from one another, a Masters has value but ITs with advance degrees are common.
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Re: What do you think of this candidate?

Post by Dredge »


In two of my previous interviews, the admins specifically commented on my prior experience because it was management level. If you were bagging groceries at Wal-Mart to get through University, of course they're not going to care.
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Re: What do you think of this candidate?

Post by Cafare52 »

Regarding the AP in question:

I am going strictly off her linkedin page and the fact that she was inducted this year in Tokyo, remains on their website and was also featured in the TIE magazine.

I talked to one of my veteran colleagues about this who came here from corporate and referred to her as a "career administrator." There are plenty of these stateside so why not abroad? She ran some English Academy in the Western US and then got one of those "international" masters degrees that doesn't lead to certification and then she jumped into one of the most competitive schools as an admin. Good for her. It's a dream job. Would I have trouble respecting her critiques of my teaching if I worked under her? Absolutely. But I would still have to work under her.

I met the current HOS at NIST in Thailand this year for a PD. He looks like he's about 40. How does this happen? Who knows? But it's a well-run school. I believe one of the best in Asia. He had people on his admin team with 15 years more Ed. experience than him. Imagine that dynamic in the leadership meetings. I was told by one of his employees that he "fell into" his 1st HOS job in Yokohama by being BFF with the prior HOS, did a great job and was recruited out. Great break! It's like that movie "Being There." And then of course having the goods once given the opportunity, which I am sure he does.

A lot of these "seasoned" leaders are doing their victory laps after careers in teaching and are well over the hill. I think some school boards would be well-served to explore younger leadership. My first job out of Uni' was at an elite private school-one of the most expensive in the US. The HOS had been there for years and basically went to fund raisers, had a great smile and served as the mouthpiece of the board to staff. What did we talk about in my interview? 40 minutes of sports. 15 minutes of "what do you bring to our school outside of teaching?" AKA: "Sell me on liking you." 5 minutes on pedagogy. I felt like I was being vetted for a fraternity. "How do you fit into our culture?" "Will you drink beer and watch hockey with us at least once a week?" "Are you articulate and confident enough to deal with our high profile parents?" "Would you be interested in doing a fishing charter with the rest of the department?" It was a great job. But I'm glad I came overseas.

You guys are great. Never let this post die!
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Post by PsyGuy »


Recruiters comment on all forms and sorts of minutia, its just conversation and building repertoire.


Fit and likability will take you much further in IE than merit.
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