Middle East Position vs. China position

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Middle East Position vs. China position

Post by neehow »

I am currently teaching English and Geography at Chinese school in North China. It's branch of school where students will plan on going to foreign universities and take Advanced Placement vs. Gakou. I like the school after 1 1/2 years but really want to leave the city - extremely polluted (400+ aqi today) and rather dull. I've been putting out feelers and found out about a Head of Dept. position in Middle East (KW) and was offered position. I'm still deciding whether it's worth it - actually money is better in China but could be interesting to live/teach in other part of world. For those who have taught in both China and middle east, what are pros and cons of each locale. The students would be locals/not international students as the school I'm in China. I have a few weeks to decide. Thoughts??
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Re: Middle East Position vs. China position

Post by sitka »

The Middle East is a big place. Which city/country?
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Re: Middle East Position vs. China position

Post by neehow »

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Re: Middle East Position vs. China position

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

I am assuming the KW is Kuwait? I've lived in China and Egypt (so this may be somewhat relevant here). In general, China was much easier and ironically less restrictive than Egypt (geographically Africa but spiritually ME). You don't feel the day day impact of living under a communist gov't but the impact of living in a Muslim country is very hard to get away from.

The two places you are comparing would be different in many regards. In our case, China offered much more infrastructure and western style amenities but that may be the opposite in your case (depending exactly where you are and where you are going).

We enjoyed Egypt but that was mainly due to the generally nice people, the cultural antiquities etc. From what I hear Kuwait would offer much less of both. TBH, I really haven't heard very many people (if any) describe their time in Kuwait as anything more positive than tolerable for a couple of years if the money/savings potential was good to great.

Even if accurate, that doesn't mean don't do it. You may really be in a place where the big change in country (weather, less pollution, culture etc) will make it seem better than it probably is.

A lot to consider. Maybe someone with 1st hand experience will have something more positive to say.
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Re: Middle East Position vs. China position

Post by jimmycajun »

I agree with wrldtrvlr123. I havent heard anybody who was really into Kuwait. Definitely seems like a place that is tolerable rather than desirable. If its your first time in the ME, it is also considered one of the tougher first posts as the more conservative, restrictive lifestyle can be a challenging cultural adjustment.
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Re: Middle East Position vs. China position

Post by neehow »

Thank you - from what I have heard the students in Chinese schools generally present less behavior issues than Middle East schools - based on what I've read on this website. But perhaps Kuwait might be easier in terms of the accessibility of Western food, expat life, less air pollution, and English language speakers which don't exist in great abundance in my city in China.
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Re: Middle East Position vs. China position

Post by sciteach »

It's a strange thing to say - but I see China a little more like the EU. That is - China is not really only country but many countries together as a whole. As such, I guess China is a bit like the ME with many places being different.

I currently live in China but I live within a bubble - meaning that a lot of people around me speak English, there are lovely wide tree lined streets and people even line up on the subway and normally don't push!! My students are truly international - albeit with a strong asian taste but this is ok. At other schools which are only Chinese - I'd expect that it's very different.

Some people love the ME, but everyone who I have spoken to face to face who has worked there either has mixed or negative experiences about working there (apart from Oman). The local population are meant to be much more difficult to teach, but would you want to work hard if you have a guaranteed job and working hard basically makes no difference to your career progression???

I've also heard that expat kids can also be more challenging here - but it really depends on the school. As such, it probably depends more on which school or country you want to work/live in. Have you thought about another school in China which is more international in a more cosmopolitan area???

As always - this is just my opinion and take it with a grain of salt....
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Re: Middle East Position vs. China position

Post by shadowjack »

Kuwait is all about $$ and travel. Salaries are usually lower than other countries and there is not a lot to do if you don't go looking for it. However, the weather from October to December and from February to April is a dream.

In terms of pollution, don't think Kuwait isn't polluted. There are no AQI stations there, but having lived there in the past there is a fair amount. Not like China, but enough to cause respiratory irritation. It is better in the winter than the summer, though, as the humidity is lower.

The good thing about Kuwait is that you will get a chance to hone your skills with students, you can learn some Arabic (I recommend it as it will make your job easier), and gain experience that would help you with your next move.

In the end, I expect it is 6 of 1, 1/2 dozen of another. Good luck with your choice!
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Re: Middle East Position vs. China position

Post by justlooking »

I haven't worked in Kuwait, but I have worked in Egypt, Dubai, and Oman- all wonderful in their own ways. At my current school, we have a lot of teachers who recently worked in Kuwait. A couple got positions several years ago in our international school and have been slowly adding their friends and former colleagues to our staff. All of these former employees of probably the best international school in Kuwait were close to their colleagues and loved the comaraderie but without exception they all have bad things to say about Kuwait and the Kuwaitis. They seem to agree with the former poster, Kuwait is tolerable but not likable in almost any way.

If you want to come to the ME, I recommend it, but I would avoid Kuwait.
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Re: Middle East Position vs. China position

Post by justlooking »

I haven't worked in Kuwait, but I have worked in Egypt, Dubai, and Oman- all wonderful in their own ways. At my current school, we have a lot of teachers who recently worked in Kuwait. A couple got positions several years ago in our international school and have been slowly adding their friends and former colleagues to our staff. All of these former employees of probably the best international school in Kuwait were close to their colleagues and loved the comaraderie but without exception they all have bad things to say about Kuwait and the Kuwaitis. They seem to agree with the former poster, Kuwait is tolerable but not likable in almost any way.

If you want to come to the ME, I recommend it, but I would avoid Kuwait.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I concur with WT123, its the ME, if you go you have to be a mercenary and go for the coin. Aside from that its just an exercise in resilience, int he face of adversarial futility.
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Re: Middle East Position vs. China position

Post by teachbynumbers »

I worked in Kuwait and made some really good money. I also wanted to kill the drivers there on a daily basis. The locals are mostly jerks and you just have to tolerate it because everybody related to somebody special.

I have also worked in China. I had a pretty good time. Food wasn't that good but the money made up for that. Students in China were amazing and I enjoyed teaching there far better than Kuwait. Travel opportunities are far better in China as well.
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Re: Middle East Position vs. China position

Post by Overhere »

teachbynumbers wrote:
> I also wanted to kill the drivers there on a daily basis.

Similar to my reaction to Chinese drivers.
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Re: Middle East Position vs. China position

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

Maybe. but in Beijing it was hard to be too mad or take it too seriously since everything happened at 20 MPH. In the ME there is higher likelihood that someone is going to actually get killed.
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Re: Middle East Position vs. China position

Post by shadowjack »

I used to drive down the 30 at 150 KmH to (a) go faster than the Bluebirds loaded with workers that drove 40 or 50 in the outside lane, and (b) be able to see the drivers coming up on me at 180 - 200 KmH BEFORE they were right on my rear flashing their lights honking their horn and jumping forward to almost hit me before slamming on their brakes briefly. It was the safest speed to go!
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