Wanna teach but not die! Seriously...

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Wanna teach but not die! Seriously...

Post by autumnrain »

Ok, maybe I have been back in the States for too long (10 years) after teaching in the Middle East and Asia for a number of years. Where IN THE WORLD is an actual safe place to live and teach these days? All this horrible crap going on in the ME, nuclear fish in Japan, crazy jihadists all over the place. Where, oh where to go???
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Re: Wanna teach but not die! Seriously...

Post by UnCloudy »

Deleted. Best wishes!
Last edited by UnCloudy on Sun Jan 11, 2015 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
fine dude
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Re: Wanna teach but not die! Seriously...

Post by fine dude »

Switzerland, they have nuclear bunkers there if that's what worries you!
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Re: Wanna teach but not die! Seriously...

Post by autumnrain »

Knew I'd get some smart arse answers. Of course, tons of stuff goes on here....

UnCloudy wrote:
> Uh, read the local news and you will feel better about your prospects in
> the world. Start by Googling school shootings. You're actually under the
> impression that it's "better" here? Then you should probably
> stay. Seriously...
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Re: Wanna teach but not die! Seriously...

Post by SafariDude »

You can't live your life in fear. When it is your time, it is your time. We have lived overseas for 10 years. First in Europe, now Asia. Each has it's own set of differnt issues. But each offered something that our home country, Canada, couldn't. Next year will be year 11. It will also be our last overseas. There will be culture shock. But we've loved our time overseas. We're just ready and prepared to go back home.

My advice, pick a country in a region that you've always want to explore. Weigh your options. Read blogs of expats living there. Research, research and research. Then take a deep breath and go for it!
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Re: Wanna teach but not die! Seriously...

Post by shadowjack »

News sells by being sensational. My friends in Saudi are very happy and not bothered by Syria. Bahrain doesn't affect Saudi either. In China, there is pollution, but my friends in China are loving it and have been there a long time or just moved there - and still loving it. My friends in typhoon country are also - guess what? - loving it.

Go where you want to go, don't believe the news at home, and enjoy your life without worrying all the time!

Just my two cents.

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Re: Wanna teach but not die! Seriously...

Post by whynot »

I would NEVER live in the States! The crime is really bad! Terrorist attacks are a possibility anywhere anytime! The corrupt politics! The people are so rude! I've never been there, but the stuff I read about in the media... get out of there, as soon as you can!
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Re: Wanna teach but not die! Seriously...

Post by Apis68 »

I have lived in five nations (none of them in Europe) and traveled in a lot more. There have been difficulties, for sure, but safety has never been one of them. I've encountered threats to my safety in several cities in the U.S., but not once since moving and traveling abroad. I've found that people in Eurasia and Africa are usually more courteous and helpful. Even when I've been in "dangerous" situations, police officers, protesters, shop-owners, and just people on the street have always been friendly and helpful. For all the ugliness in this world, strangers are seldom a problem and usually quite the contrary.
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Re: Wanna teach but not die! Seriously...

Post by datsyukian »


Your credibility is nonexistent considering you've never been there. It troubles me to think of how many close-minded people we have teaching in this world. Take a look at yourself before bashing things you have never experienced. Do you understand how large the United States are? Do you really think the crime is rampant everywhere? As for corrupt politics, you could throw a dart at a map and I'd bet on you'd land on a country with corrupt politics.

I am from Detroit, a dangerous city and currently live in Venezuela. Thank god I don't live in fear or my life would be miserable. Luckily, there are great people everywhere in the world and I understand what being a friend is.
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Re: Wanna teach but not die! Seriously...

Post by Rob »

I've taught in 12 international schools in 12 countries, and just returned to the States last year to retire (I'm 68). I've always felt safe, even with the several attempted coups in Liberia and a president's assassination in Korea many years ago. I also feel safe in the US. The problem with the press and movies is exaggeration and hyperbole sells, and that's what's happening. It is true that politics is getting bad, even corrupt, but if the voters can change that if they truly want to.
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Re: Wanna teach but not die! Seriously...

Post by jessiejames »

Datsyukian, I think whynot was having a little dig at the slightly dramatic original post. I do not think that was a serious post!
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