Worst experiences?

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Post by Michelle »

I've been following this thread for a while and I am wondering how you can say they didn't want to tell the parents because it would hurt their bottom line. who at the school would tell you this in admin. Or did you just make this conclusion on your own?

I would like to know too how you were so sure this teacher was having sex with this kid. Maybe the school tangled you up with the authorities because you blew the whistle based on assumptions only... Just sayin'.

I think this web site is about schools and admin and information that helps us decide if we want to work someplace . What you are reporting here is gossip type stuff with out facts to back it up. I think ISR was right to remove the stuff form the site. It sounds like if you can come up with a little proof they'll put your stuff back in.
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Post by Danda »

I can’t blame ISR either. Several parts of the story seem pretty hard to believe. The part about this guy having all of these connections just by not being an a-hole and all of these people putting their necks on the line to save him seems fishy. Maybe he married into some powerful family or something. I don’t know. How does someone that works in an international school have strong enough connections in immigration to thwart an NBI investigation and arrest. Also, the part about a school paying $25k to have all of this done just doesn’t ring true to me. That is one hell of an investment to get rid of this guy.

I’d love to see proof that it is all true, but until I do I’ll remain a bit skeptical.
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Post by dantespal »

I'll address a few points.

The city where I lived in the Philippines is right next to the old Clark air base. There are many expats who have been long term residents, and who have some degree of collective and individual clout. I lived in the city and have friends who lived in the city even longer, before I started teaching there. The only real connections that I had from this group was access to attorneys who did business with friends and who could be trusted. Those attorneys then jockey for power with everyone else. In the end, money is pretty much the determiner of justice in an extraordinary number of cases.

The connection that I lucked upon was the cousin of a former student's mother. The family was there from the beginning of the school, and had been mistreated by the school. I had a good relationship with her kid, so she liked me. She also became semi-friends with my wife. Because this woman knew what the school was capable of, and believed me, and had connections inside of the school that confirmed me, she was willing to ask for a favor. The favor was done in extreme secrecy and also involved some luck in how the case was assigned. I'm extremely fortunate and grateful that those people were willing to help.

They would never consider publicly backing what I just said and would disavow even knowing me if asked directly about it. I can't imagine a scenario where what they could lose was even close to weighing the same as the negligible benefits of backing my story.

The immigration help came from an attorney working with my connection. He had friends in the immigration office and had worked there earlier in his career. The NBI actually believed that I was out of compliance, and that Immigration would deport me. Once immigration looked me up, they saw that I was a permanent resident in good standing and that my U.S. passport had not expired. They knew this since they put a yearly visa stamp in my passport. The only (but appreciated) help that I got in immigration is that a friend of my connection took over the case. He seemed to be a younger middle manager type, but no one else really wanted to deal with it, so he was senior. He kept me in different room from the NBI and wouldn't let them take me back, like they wanted to do once they realized that they were wrong. When he did give me back to them, it was with a reminder that I was a friend of his and that he wanted them to take good care of me.

While I was at immigration, I also gave them information about the owners, who travel in and out of the country illegally because of their own connections. My dates matched exactly with their records, so they also looked at me as a possible way to make money of their own. They knew that I was only in it for payback.

Bottom line is that my connections weren't that powerful. They were powerful enough to keep the NBI from pursuing it with much zeal. They knew that they were on shaky ground and it was something that could blow up into something that they didn't want/wasn't worth to them.

After that, the connections to get papers signed were from filipino friends. Guards at the house were because we paid them, and the barangay captain was sympathetic to my Filipino family's plight.

Now as to how I know what I know:

That my labor case was bribed away by the school I know because my lawyer in the case was told by one of his connections with the Department of Labor. I can't prove it on an internet forum.

That the teacher was up to no good I know because I felt that the guy was a creep from the time that I first met him. That part of the Philippines has no shortage of international pervs. One day on my way out of the school, I saw the silhouettes of an adult and a small child inside of his darkened classroom. They were behind his desk, him sitting, her standing next to him. There was a cartoon video playing on the digital projector.

Even if nothing was going on, it was creepy. I went to the headmaster and he raced up there. Later he told me that there was other disturbing information that had already come up. The head went to the room, asked the little girl to leave, and then told the teacher that he was fired. The teacher begged for another chance and admitted that he had let things get out of control. The head stayed firm and sent him packing.

The head announced to the whole school that the teacher should not be talked about any longer. I pushed the head to take some action. The head agreed that something should be done, but wanted permission from the board first. The board told the head that it was enough that they guy was fired and that they wanted that to be the end of it. The head relayed to me that the Chairman of the board told him that it would scare away current and potential students and was not worth the problems since the guy was gone.

The girl that I saw the teacher in the room with was 8 years old. She told a female teacher that she had made plans to visit the teacher at his apartment to watch videos, but that she hadn't gone yet. Other notes and rumors brought up the story of the 15 year old student and the teacher. They had some pretty risque banter going on in Facebook. The girl agreed to talk with an older sister because she wasn't comfortable talking with the admin or a teacher directly. The sister told the headmaster that the girl had been over to the teacher's apartment several times and had sex with him. She told her that she had - sex even though she didn't want to.

You won't find any court documents about any of this because it never made it to court. The girl didn't want to go public and risk the shame and humiliation. The sister didn't think that it would help to tell the parents. The school didn't want to tell the parents or the police.

You may consider all of this just rumor, but I would sure be interested to know about this kind of things before I started working at a school.

I had an active case against the school in labor court. I had gone to the police to see if they would pursue the case. The police wouldn't even look into it unless the girl was willing to file charges. After I left the school, I created a website that detailed the truth about the school for potential teachers and parents. The school was beyond enraged that several teachers left reviews on ISR. If you've been around cut throat Korean businessmen, it is all about reputation and face, not so much about ethics.

The school had treated us badly, lied, deceived and cheated everyone--staff, teachers, students, and parents. Once I knew that I was leaving and had a job secured, I let loose on them with the website, which was actually a better url for the school than the one that they used. The Koreans were so aloof that they didn't have much in the way of connections, except for people that charged them way too much money for bribes and grease money.

I'm not using this forum to defame the school. I related my story as to how badly things could go wrong. I don't really see the need to provide emails that would just drag people into the story who don't really want anything to do with it anymore. I do like recounting the story myself because eventually, all of the details of the three years I spent at the school will make a great story.

If you knew anything about SE Asia, and one of the most corrupt cities within that zone, you'd know that this story isn't even that far out there. Believe it as you will or don't, it doesn't change anything.

I have a paper memo that the head sent out that says "I wish to inform you that ****** has left *** with immediate effect. I would be grateful if this news remains within *** and is not discussed outside our campus. We are looking for an ESL teacher to join our ESL team." Anyone could have typed it, so it isn't much for proof.

There is a website called expat exchange that has references to what happened. You have to look up schools in the Philippines. I could list a slew of witnesses to the whole thing, but what would I gain from doing so? It could only cause grief for anyone commenting.

I have memos that show that I was acting principal after the first two principals left during the first few months of the school. I have memos that show I was the head of high school after we hired a regular head. I have emails from the head who conspired with the Koreans whining about how his 'girlfriend' is having sex with other guys for money--all from the school email address.

You'd have a hard time finding someone who had lived in the Philippines long term as an expat who wouldn't recognize truth in the story that I just told. That it seems beyond belief, or made-up is only because you haven't lived as a local in a third world country. The behavior of the Koreans is also pretty within the realm of normal for Korean for profit school owners in third world countries.

So, fancy flight of fiction or cautionary tale, is pretty much up to you to decide.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I believe it happened, this isnt that rare for the Philippines.

The issue like many issues are complex, and they are not compensatory meaning that they weight of one factor does not balance against other factors. These factors are deal breakers, and for this website, publishing highly defamatory speech that cant be defended is just a deal breaker. All the explanation in the world doesnt mean anything when that explanation is anonymous, and you cant be called to testify in a lawsuit.
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