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Post by btech »

After being selected to move up in the hiring process, the school says, "email us your schedule, we'll get back to you on (insert date here) to set up an interview".

If a few days have passed since the given date, should I send a reminder email, or would that be considered pestering? I have an official offer at another school waiting on me.
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Post by sid »

Whether it's pestering or not, you need an answer or your first job offer may evaporate. Write them a polite note letting them know you are still interested, and that you need to have an interview scheduled before x of Feb as you have to honor commitments to other interested schools.
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Post by joethelion »


Over the years, I have been amazed by how directors often make plans to meet or talk and then disappear. This past year, the director from Yaounde set up tentative skype interview over a three day period over Chrismas holiday. I never heard from him again. He ignored all emails.

Nearly all jobs I've had, I had to pester and be determined.
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Post by expatteacher99 »

I agree...I'd ask. I don't think it's pestering if you write a polite, respectful email just telling them that you are still interested in their school, and that you are under a deadline to respond to an offer from another school. You can tell them that you would still like to interview if they are still interested. I've sent similar emails, sometimes that even started out with "I don't mean to be too pushy, but...." The majority of the time the principal/director got right back to me, sometimes with an offer.

Think about how you'll feel if you accept the other offer and then this school emails you the same day to set up an interview. Although, I guess it doesn't matter as much if the offer you have is your first choice. Either way, good luck!
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Post by teachman »

You definitely want to email that reminder. People forget to follow-up all the time... just politely ask them if you're getting that interview from them.
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Post by Dredge »

Some thoughts on not pestering:

Last year, I interviewed for a position and was supposed to hear back by the end of the week. The interview went great. Of course, I didn't hear back, then I pestered. It turns out the principal's mother-in-law died and he didn't have time to meet with staff, etc., to make a decision, but I didn't get the job.

This year, I interviewed once, heard back the next day for a second interview. After the second interview, I was supposed to hear back in a couple of days, but I didn't of course. I decided not to pester and I am glad I didn't. The director was out sick with a seriously bad flu for a week so they couldn't meet to discuss their decision. Well, what happened... I got the job!!!

I guess you just never know and sometimes pestering may make you seem like someone who is inconsiderate, or the world revolves around you. Just my opinion.

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Post by PsyGuy »

My feeling is that if you want the job bad enough its worth losing the job then pester them. If not, just let it be.

Most recruiters if its not at a fair take the approach that if they dont want you they arent going to contact you. Either that or you get a form rejection.
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