Did my husband completely ruin our chances?

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Did my husband completely ruin our chances?

Post by pacificsurf619 »

Hello Everyone,

I first want to thank all of you for all of your contributions and valuable knowledge. It has been such a valuable source of information and has helped me so much!!! :D

We have been doing two skype interviews at our dream school (teacher couple) and we had our third early this morning. Unfortunately due to the extreme time differences it needed to be very early and they only had additional questions for my husband. Well, he woke up late and barely made it to the computer so he did not use the video - BUT during the interview he accidentally clicked it on and he was sitting in his underwear!!! :(

The head of school and department head quickly excused themselves and said they would be contacting us again at a later date.

Did he completely ruin any chances? Is there anything I can do? Should I email the school and address the situation? Should I poison him? :oops:

Please help.
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Post by liketotravel »

Maybe it helped and you will get an offer tomorrow :).
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Post by sid »

You should do nothing.
Your husband should write a note of explanation and apology immediately.
It may be too late, or it might not. Recruiters have a sense of humor too, and many might see that side of this situation, particularly if your husband writes a note which takes responsibility.
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Re: Did my husband completely ruin our chances?

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

[quote="pacificsurf619"] Well, he woke up late and barely made it to the computer so he did not use the video - BUT during the interview he accidentally clicked it on and he was sitting in his underwear!!! :(

The head of school and department head quickly excused themselves and said they would be contacting us again at a later date.

Did he completely ruin any chances? Is there anything I can do? Should I email the school and address the situation? Should I poison him? :oops:

Please help.[/quote]
Good News: You'll be able to laugh about it someday (like I did when I read about it. Thanks!).

Bad News: Yes, the opportunity is likely blown. (Good news within the bad news: You get a few free passes the next couple of times you screw something up or do something wrong).

I say this because human nature will be for the school people involved to want to forget this as soon as possible and the easiest way to do this is to not hire you and Captain Underpants (I say that with all due sympathy and respect but simply couldn't resist).

Qualifier: The school may be locked and loaded on you guys and be willing to overlook this faux paux (depending on your qualifications and whether you are in high need areas).

In any case, keep pursuing your dreams and someday you will have a great story to tell (and to hold over his head).
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Post by IAMBOG »

[quote="liketotravel"]Maybe it helped and you will get an offer tomorrow :).[/quote]

Possibly not the kind of offer they're looking for though ;-)

I feel for you, but how I laughed.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Yeah its blown, but you wouldnt want to go anyway. Do you really want to be at a school where your husband is going to be known as Captain Underpants?
If they had to stop the interview because of their discomfort, they dont have a sense of humor about it, and minimizing their future discomfort is going to be accomplished by not hiring you.
All they are really going to think no matter what your explanation says is that you werent capable of presenting yourself professionally for an interview. I know scheduling of these interviews because of time differences may have you up late at night, but thats what you have to plan for and be organized to do. Anything else just sounds like excuses. If your up late marking papers and exams are you going to call in sick the next day because your tired. Thats what they are going to think, recruiters and admins care about performance, thats what matters.
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Post by sangster2 »

Captain Underpants, I love it. This made me laugh so much.

Thanks for the story. I am pretty sure you wouldn't want to be at that school, all the bosses having seen him in his underpants and you dying with embarrassment. You'd never live it down.
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Post by senator »

Yeah, you probably did not get the job. But..

think about, if you do get the job, what a FANTASTIC headmaster the guy would be to work for. Anyone who is secure enough and wise enough to keep his sense of humor is ok in my book.

Alas, very few school heads are that secure or possess much of a sense of humor. That's why they become school heads.
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Post by wntriscoming »

Ha! It's almost too horrible to be true. :lol:

I think I'd at least send an e-mail saying, "While we were hoping to make a lasting impression during our interview this morning, this wasn't exactly what we had in mind. Our sincere apologies! If you feel that our resumes are more impressive than John's underwear, please do drop us a line."
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Post by IAMBOG »

I think wntriscoming's response is excellent. Make light of it. I think I would follow it up with a second paragraph starting, "On a serious note, .......".

Anyway, the time for this response has long since past. It needed to be done within hours of the incident. Too late now.

So what happened?
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Post by txteach »

I agree... what happened? I looked for this thread just for the update. I so hope it still turned into a happy ending!
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