no nibbles so far

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Post by antitravolta »

@ hallier

The one mistake I've made from your list is heading a cover letter with "To Whom It May Concern:". I guess I need to fix that one. It wasn't out of laziness as much as not knowing who to put that I'm writing to. Should you put the head of the school as the name or the principal of your particular school (middle school for example)? This is something that differs from international schools to US schools as there are no school heads. There's just a principal. Thanks in advance for any help on this one and thanks for the very useful tips.
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Post by IAMBOG »

I always write both. I don't know whether it's right or not, but I figure I should acknowledge and address both the key figures in my possble employment.
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Post by antitravolta »

[quote="IAMBOG"]I always write both. I don't know whether it's right or not, but I figure I should acknowledge and address both the key figures in my possble employment.[/quote]

Do you address both of them in the header or do you write separate letters?
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Post by durianfan »

I look up the name of the head or principal - doesn't usually take long. But sometimes I have to check whether the head is male or female if the name doesn't make it obvious to me. I once had to look up a principal using wikipedia because there was no picture of her on the website and I didn't know if the name was male or female - luckily I stumbled across some info about the school there.
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Post by sevarem »


Okay, my turn to reassure you. With our first international school jobs, we had no contacts and we went to one of the job fairs in the US. We came away with no jobs. About a month later, one of the schools we had interviewed with at the fair contacted us with job offers. At the same time, we had been doing Skype interviews, and one of those interviews turned into an offer. There was a third possibility that seemed like it was going to turn into an offer (we had already interviewed twice), but we stopped the process once we accepted our current jobs.

So... I do think you'll get a job. You might not get a job at the job fair, but you will more than likely get a job.

ETA: One of the teachers here last year went to the job fair in Cambridge and came away with nothing. A few weeks later, one of the schools she interviewed with contacted her and offered her a job... in Italy. She's there now and loving it.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Actually public schools in the USA do have an HOS (Head of School), its your districts superintendent. They are essentially the CEO of the school/district which is the same position as a private/independent ISs headmaster/headmistress/director, If that helps you to think about it.

Alway direct the letter to the schools head, regardless of the persons title (such as principal or coordinator).
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Post by durianfan »

I would advise against writing letters to superintendents - waste of time and chances are he'll never see it.

You want the principal and/or the head of department. When I was looking for work in the US I would draft a cover letter and resume and drop it off at various schools where I knew they had openings. Just walk in, smile and introduce yourself to the secretary, and drop off the letter. One time I did that and got an interview right on the spot. Other times the principal would call me weeks later to come in for an interview.
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Post by sid »

Sometimes (often?) your letter will be read by a far different person than the one you address it too, for very good reasons.
With schools getting hundreds of applications, it's not uncommon for a school to set up a vetting system. It can work like this:
No matter where an application is sent, the receiver sends it to a focal point.
The focal point sends the application on to the person(s) responsible for vetting applications in that particular area (could be subject area, grade level, position, whatever).
That person/persons vets the whole lot of apps and prioritizes. Information is passed up the chain. Usually great applicants are contacted quickly, whereas medium to good ones might just be looked for at a fair. Depends on the school's style and how hard the post will be to fill and how many candidates the school wants to look at before getting serious.
Skype interviews will be done by whichever admin the school sees fit. It could be the Head, but also often someone closer to the position in question.
Interviews at the Fair will be done by whoever is sent. It could be the Head, someone close to the position, or someone with no immediate relationship/knowledge about the position.
At some point, when things are serious, the Head certainly becomes aware and ultimately makes a decision about hiring, but it could be quite some time before that happens. He may never even see your original application, though in most cases he'll at least glance at it.
The bigger the school, the bigger the potential distance between your app and the Head. In a small school, this may all be done by the Head, while in bigger schools it's a team effort.

But no matter what, it's still polite to address your letter by name to the appropriate .. That's usually the Head, unless you have a reason for something else.[/list]
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Re: Reply

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

[quote="PsyGuy"]Ive had several school contacts, a several interviews, and an offer already this year, with another im expecting.

Seriously, why are you interviewing? Just for the fun of it? As an offbeat hobby? Or would you really leave where you are at after one year?

I mean I still check out Search, ISR etc just out of curiosity, but would never bother to interview at this point.
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Post by dutchschultz »

I'm wondering the same thing as wrldtrvlr123 since PsyGuy claims to have been hired by DODEA and is working somewhere in Europe for them.
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Post by PsyGuy »


I wouldnt write my application to a public schools superintendent in the USA. I was responding to clarify that their is indeed an equivalent position in as Head of School for a USA public school. Both positions are the CEo of the school and are the boards representative and liaison.


Im very happy with my school and not interested in leaving my DoDDS position at all.
Interviewing is a skill, and like any skill you use it or you lose it. Ive invested a lot of time money and effort in "me" and dont want to neglect the upkeep needed in keeping my skill set well honed.
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Post by shadowjack »


In the same boat. Have had several no thank you's but no nibbles from anywhere.

At this point it doesn't mean anything. I had friends go recruiting two years ago and they applied to a bunch of places and never heard anything until late December. By then they had decided to stay where they were, and sort of kicked themselves. LOL

Keep the faith!
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Post by DCgirl »

So now my gauge has gotten 2 nibbles since I first responded. I still haven't heard anything but I'm not particularly worried yet.
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Post by sevarem »

At this point, we've gotten one possible nibble (from a school in the Middle East, so... not sure about that), one "see ya at the fair," and today landed us our second rejection. At least they were quick about it. We applied last night, and today they responded. Better than throwing resumes into a void, I guess.

Trying very hard not to feel panicky.
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Post by senator »

To Sevarem:

Don't ever let someone tell you point blank that "something is wrong with you". Stand up for yourself and stop being bullied.

With all due respect, while a lot of school heads like to employ doormats, they are not respected or much liked by their colleagues.

Now go the job fair and stop worrying so much.
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