American Community School of Abu Dhabi

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American Community School of Abu Dhabi

Post by nkraai »

Can anyone share experiences with this school and the city of Abu Dhabi?
How does Abu Dhabi compare in relation to Dubai and Doha?
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Post by aisha »

AD is smaller than Dubai, less to do. Singles tend to prefer Dubai whilst families like AD. People who come here from Doha seem to like it. Much more to do than in Doha.

The school is a good school though there is an interim Superintendent who is changing a lot of things. Next year there will be a new Superintendent.

Money is good, students well behaved.
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Post by vitaminz »

Abu Dhabi is a great place. I prefer it to Dubai because it is more laid back. I don't know much about the school.
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Post by inman »

The comments here so far seem to be from people who have been to these places. Just keep in mind that anyone who comes on telling you that there's nothing to do, it's all desert, and all the schools have majority local students has probably either never been anywhere near the middle east, or is in the middle east and doesn't want people going there to increase competition.

Now, to answer your question, Abu Dhabi is very nice. It's quite laid back, easy to get around and easy to have a great time. It's much more of a condensed city than Dubai, which is like one giant long road with various patches of amazing buildings along. Abu Dhabi does get a bit boring after a couple of years, but some people say there for much longer simply because they can have a good quality of life, travel around, and make decent money. Dubai is only an hour down the road and although it's a boring 1 hour drive drive, it's nice to go somewhere different. Dubai also provides very good quality of life but it's a bit more intense and in your face than Abu Dhabi. Dubai is certainly more pretentious.

Doha is nice and a bit more cultural than the UAE. There's not as much to do as in the UAE, but Qatari's seem quite friendly and there is currently a bit more money floating around than in the UAE. If you're looking at long term then Doha could be a very exciting prospect. It seems as though a lot of people are just waiting and hoping for things to become more relaxed as the country slowly builds towards hosting a world cup.
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Post by nkraai »

@inman - Thanks for all the information. My wife and I have applied at schools in all three of those cities, so it's nice to hear some perspective. From the sounds of the reviews and personal opinions, Abu Dhabi sounds like it might be the better choice for us if we have the opportunity.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Anyone telling you the ME is a great place, and some lost paradise is selling you something. Theer is no competition for the ME, theres a reason why schools in the ME never have long lines at fairs, and they form the majority of the schools at late or unpopular fairs. Yes, its a desert is someone arguing that its tropical or temperate. There really isnt anything to do, when the cheerleaders have to advocate "shopping". Have any of these cheerleaders actaully said what there is to do other then shoping and eating out (and most ME cuisine is uninspired).
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Post by aisha »

I personally won't say there are loads of things to do in AD but you can find things to do if you look. There is bowling, karaoke, the cinema, walking/running/biking on the Corniche, camping in the desert, ice skating, kite-boarding, sailing, diving etc.

There are also a lot of meet-up groups who do things together. Check out this website:

I live in the center and there are a lot of cheap restaurants and some very expensive ones which are associated with hotels.

AD isn't a cultural center, in fact there are very little 'cultural' activities but you can find things. You have to get the Times Out or get the paper. Also I had to look back at what I really did when I lived in other places and yes there were more things happening but I didn't do many of them.

If you have a family it is a very safe place. AD is very green actually, there are trees everywhere and grass which I didn't expect. Dubai is not so well planned and more dusty. I don't have kids but I think AD is okay for a few years. People with kids tend to stay longer than couples without kids in AD. Many people love it though, especially the British, at least they end up getting some good weather for 6 months of the year, instead of rain all the time.
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Post by heyteach »

I don't live in AD, but let's see what there is to do here in my city: swimming, walking barefoot on the beach every day, snorkeling (all within ten minutes' drive), scuba diving, kite surfing, paddle boarding, bowling, the opera and other concerts, sporting events, bowling, cinema, taking classes (for fun), location sketching/painting, birding, visiting museums, camping, hiking (okay, not in the city), ice-skating, eating out, drinking yourself into a stupor (not my cup of tea, but it's done).

It's an easy lifestyle and there's a reason why so many teachers stay well beyond their original contracts.

Calling us "cheerleaders" is a way of denigrating our opinions--which are based on real experience. We are simply encouraging people to take a second look at a region that the knee-jerks (emphasis on the word "jerk") bash with little first-hand knowledge.
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Post by nkraai »

Thanks for all of the information. I get that the ME doesn't have all of the cultural opportunities that WE has, but it all depends on what your goals for your next position are and interests. I am just trying to be realistic about where my wife and I might end up. Being new to the international scene, I realize we may not get a top tier school in a region we prefer starting off. (although we are still applying anyways) Especially since we want a safe place where we can save a fair amount of money, that eliminates certain regions/schools right away.
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Post by gus »

We have been at ACS for 5 year and are considering moving on this year. We were in Asia for 4 yrs and have been in the ME now for 10. We love ACS and really enjoy AD and if we decide to stay we will be very happy here.

School - kids are AMAZING, great athletics and service program and the arts program is growing and expanding with quality people. We have out grown our facilities but it is still a nice family feel campus. It is a very high quality teaching staff with well educated and generally very supportive parents. The school is going through some admin turn-over but for no real reason other than people looking to move on after a long period of not much turn over. We are currently in admin searches and have some very high quality, experienced administrators on site interviewing so the future looks good.

Abu Dhabi - if you have a family it's a fantastic place to live. If you are single it is good. Safe, good child care, housing is mixed but improving with the only real problem being there can be differences in the housing from one family to the next. We have a villa a 10min walk from the beach. There is lots enough to do but you do have to go looking for it as it won't come to you.

American School of Doha - School wise very similar with better facilities. Doha isn't near the city to live.

American School of Dubai - School is also very good just having gone through admin turn over as well. Facilities on new campus are amazing. You couldn't get me to live in Dubai if you tried. Too much traffic, congested, etc.

These good schools in the ME are not what you expect and not what others might try and tell you on line. 26 years of teaching, 14 years over seas and don't regret my time in the ME one bit and wouldn't change our AD experience for anything right now.

Good luck, if you have specific questions let me know.
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Post by nkraai »

@gus Thank you for the specific information on each of these three places. My wife and I have a young son, so somewhere safe and family-oriented is definitely of interest. As far as Abu Dhabi is concerned, is it necessary to have a car? Are there decent beaches near by for Westerners? If we are going to be somewhere hot, we need to be near water.

Is there anybody specific we should contact at ACS about employment? My wife is an elementary school counselor and I am an elementary teacher. Both with our Masters and 5+ years of experience. Unfortunately, we haven't heard from anywhere we have applied except the Saudi Aramco schools, which is supposedly difficult to get into. What's our next step?

Thanks for the help.
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Post by gus »

We live 5 minutes walk from the beach, some teachers across the street. There are also beach clubs here many teachers belong to. A car is not necessary but you would most likely get one here, especially with child. Driving is easy and teachers leaving often sell their vehicles to people coming in.

If you go on the ACS website the contact of the HR person and the application is on line. There is an ES counselor position open and sever ES positions.
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Post by nkraai »

@gus Well we have both applied in the past couple weeks, but haven't heard anything. That is why I was wondering if there were somebody specific we should be in contact with? Hopefully we will start hearing from schools sometime soon?
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Post by heyteach »

If you don't mind posting your email address, I can give you some advice privately that fits your criteria. (If you post it, post it so spambots can't read it--e.g., spell "at" and "dot")
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Post by gus »

The school is very busy with admin candidate visits this week but contact the HR person directly and see if you get any response.
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