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Post by PsyGuy »

Oh my gosh ive missed my arch nemesis, you know soon youll have enough to have your own little "league of arch nemesis", hows international_school_girl doing?

Well ive been doing this for around 8 years and im in my 30s so not so little time and not so young.

Junior and Senior admin is a reflection of position not experiences. This is my first year as an admin so Ive been a teacher for many more years then i have an admin, but you already knew that. My principals (all three of them) have been pretty much in one place for "a while"
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Post by liketotravel »

Psy I may have missed pieces of the puzzle, but why is the Search rep from Sydney claim there were no schools from Denmark at the fair?

Also remember seeing an attendee from the fair claim the same thing.

Were you in some sort of stealth mode?
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As good a definition as any

Post by PsyGuy »

You missed that piece of the puzzle, we werent registered for the Sydney fair because we aren't registered. I wouldnt say it was "stealth" mode. I mean all the fair is is a hotel and people, and all that makes a recruiter a recruiter is a name tag with a sticker on it.

Its just cheaper to recruit a candidate outside of Search. Search openly advertises the dates and locations of its fair, so its a convenient opportunity to meet with candidates that wouldnt otherwise be able to justify the expense of travel solely for one interview. Moving around the fair which is really just the meeting rooms and ballrooms on the first floor isnt exactly watched over by guards or anything. If your dressed professionally no ones going to stop you. The interviews take place in the recruiters own rooms, so getting "access" is really little more then booking a plane and hotel room. No one stands at the door to the recruiter lounge and checks id's or anything. You can even slip your own school folder inside the "school" mail folders.
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Post by liketotravel »

So you work at a municipal school that pays 7K plus to send a recruiter to a fair that has no intent in hiring someone?

I've been to tons of fairs and understand the lay outs. It just seems like a lot of effort for little gain, plus a little shady.
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Re: As good a definition as any

Post by pikefish »

...and now you are advertising your school engages in, at the least, very shady, sketchy, and unethical behavior. In my eyes, it is straight up theft from Search. Nice message for your students.
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Kinda agree

Post by PsyGuy »

It was for 2 recruiters. I wrote a separate earlier post thats referenced earlier in this post, but one of the problems being a junior recruiter is you just have to do what your told even if it doesnt make a lot (if any sense).
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Post by WiseTeach »

"...and now you are advertising your school engages in, at the least, very shady, sketchy, and unethical behavior. In my eyes, it is straight up theft from Search. Nice message for your students."

I don't want to wade much into this battle, and I don't know a lot about Search, but given some of the shadier sides of the agency I signed up with, I'd say Psyguy is well within his rights to go to a hotel and recruit. My first foray into this international scene and WOW what a gamut of personalities. I am personally all for eliminating the expensive middle-man connection if possible.
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The game is over

Post by hawkeye »

Let's assume for a moment that Psyguy did as he said. He went to the Sydney fair unregistered as his school is not registered with Search. So, he rocks up with his co-recruiter to the Sydney fair. He checks in to the hotel- which by the way was fully booked for that time, and then does what? Emails all the candidates for interviews? How? He has no access to the candidate list on Search as his school is not registered. So, he goes and puts a school information piece into each candidate file and asks them to contact him? Then he proceeds to interview candidates? Possibly. But as I said in a previous posting, the candidates he described were not even on the candidate list and he really knows nothing about Australian and NZ candidates and it shows. Maybe he just interviewed someone from the street who was as confused as him. But let's be honest here as there has been very little honest postings from Psyguy. I know who he is. He is not a junior administrator from Denmark and was not at the Sydney fair. How do I know? Psyguy has dropped enough information about himself in previous postings that it has been quite easy to build a picture of the real Psyguy. Some real giveaways were the fact that he went to a high school in Singapore and has over 20 certifications. You even said who your senior associate is. I've been travelling a bit lately and have had the time to go through the Search database to find you. It’s really has not been not that difficult.

But really Psyguy- it is a bit misleading to put down you are certified as an Early Childhood teacher when in reality your very limited teaching experience is as an ESL teacher and some business studies, and you are currently looking for work as a science teacher. I certainly wouldn't be hiring you for any Early Childhood position when you have no experience. But why should I be surprised- your postings about Australia and a blacklist have been very misleading. It's a shame as you do have some good things to say and if you stuck to what you know then we would all be so better off. But you can't seem to help yourself and you just crossed a big ethical line and everybody watching will know this. And really, the people who should count for you are the people who would want to hire you... and I can tell you they really won't be doing that! You can have all the followers you like on this board, but they won't give you your next job.

So, what's it to be Psyguy- would you like to test your theory about there not being a blacklist or would you like to keep going with the charade and have your real identity come out? I’ve tried to drop hints in my posting to tell you I know you are but you seem the type who needs the sledgehammer approach. I'm sure the heads who are watching this board would be delighted to know who you are. You know of course that Search will now be very interested to know who you are as well. Imagine writing that you attended a Search fair that had been set up and run by Search for Search candidates, and had no scruples about interviewing them even though you were not registered with them. I know this is an absolute lie anyway, but this says a lot about you and your ethics, and I can tell you that you are not the person that an international school should hire.

Over to you now…I'm happy to keep dropping tidbits about you on this forum so the heads can do their own searching just as I did.
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Post by interteach »

I think there's some merit to what Hawkeye has to say.

It's interesting to note that Psyguy says his school is not registered with Search, yet for some time he was posting vacancies available through them. This opens up - quite a bit - the possibility that this individual isn't accessing the Search database as a recruiter but rather as a candidate.

It's also interesting to look at the two versions of Psyguy that have appeared on this forum. The first was a teacher from Italy who didn't much seem inclined to work, and temporarily stopped posting after some comments about his posts about selecting a school based on his perceptions of the "quality" of women in a particular location. He then re-appeared shortly afterward as an expert on all things related to international schools.

Something is wrong here, and I'm not sure if I should be annoyed with him or should rather pity him out of my concern for him.
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Post by specialed »

What really bothers me is that this site could be so useful - a place to easily share information. When people like Psyguy (and others who lie or distort) post, it makes it an almost impossible task to sort it all out. I get the whole anonymous thing, but with anonymity comes greater responsibility.

Psyguy, please continue to help people, but please be honest and don't state facts that aren't true. It's ridiculous to think that a public school in Denmark is (a) going to hire a foreigner to be a counselor (no EU passport); (b) that this public school would illegally violate Search's terms and recruit illegally/shadily; and (c) that a public school would pay around $14,000 to send 2 junior admins to a job fair half way around the world (and even more to send recruiters to BKK for another shady recruiting trip) to send people on a recruiting junket to hire even more foreigners. I do know that the EU is getting very strict with hiring non-EU passport holders - they aren't looking for more foreigners.

I don't know what you think you are gaining by claiming things you are not. Are you getting paid by the claim? Is this a joke to see how far you can string people along? These don't sound very nice to me.
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Post by pikefish »

[quote="WiseTeach"]"I don't want to wade much into this battle, and I don't know a lot about Search, but given some of the shadier sides of the agency I signed up with, I'd say Psyguy is well within his rights to go to a hotel and recruit. My first foray into this international scene and WOW what a gamut of personalities. I am personally all for eliminating the expensive middle-man connection if possible.[/quote]

Although I am not a fan of either ISS or Search, I do believe in the old adage about two wrongs.
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Post by Walter »

I have no problem with people disguising their identities, but I have an issue with someone who pretends to be speaking from a position of authority and who tries to give himself yet more credibility by fabricating a background and experiences that are completely false. There are people who access this site who may have taken any or all of his claims and assertions as the real deal and acted accordingly. Thanks to Mr Hawkeye's impetus, I just checked out for myself who is Mr PsyGuy. He has one of the thinnest resumes I've seen, with just two years and seven months teaching at two Tier 9 schools in Asia. God knows how he amassed all those certifications - it certainly doesn't say much for the authorities in his home state. The notion that he would ever have a pick of offers from reputable schools is preposterous. All of this self-important, self-regarding, know-all, opinionated nonsense he's been blurting out makes him just like a modern day Walter Mitty.
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Post by PsyGuy »


There is no blacklist, and there is no theory to test, but keep trying. As for your hints, water is wet, do i seem worried?


Whats to say, last year I was in Italy this year in Denmark. I didnt disappear so much as my account was hijacked (actually it was broken into twice).


Im not a counselor, Im an academic VP. It was 7,000 for the both of us, not each.


I kinda had some ethical problems with the whole experience, and I suppose its all rationalization, but what it really comes down to is we were at a hotel, in a room we paid for, on tickets we paid for. Talking to people who wanted to talk to us.
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Re: Comment

Post by pikefish »

[quote="PsyGuy"]I kinda had some ethical problems with the whole experience, and I suppose its all rationalization, but what it really comes down to is we were at a hotel, in a room we paid for, on tickets we paid for. Talking to people who wanted to talk to us.[/quote]

...and, by your own admission, poaching their candidates by walking into their rented meeting rooms and stuffing contact information into their mailboxes. I would "kinda" have a problem with that too.
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