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Re: Sure

Post by pikefish »

[quote="PsyGuy"]Its a secure forum of the IBO. Here are the links:



So, I guess your really loving this moment right now???

Because Ive never met anyone who REALLY loved being proven wrong.[/quote]

No, I like being shown this. Thanks. Another question, are schools that do not offer IB excluded from the dirt that may or may not fly in there?
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Post by PsyGuy »

I'm sure you do "like" it, bu t that doesn't sound like you LOVED being proven wrong?

Its only accessible by:

1) Authorized IBO Professional Staff
2) Current Heads of IB schools
3) IB coordinators of IB schools

There is a process for special access in limited cases, such as:

4) University administrators offering IB teacher awards
5) IB training organizations
6) LEO/CI in their official capacity
7) Special circumstances as determined on a case by case basis, and only then on an as needed limited basis.

Lastly, there used to be a process where retired heads could maintain access, but that decision moved from the IBO to the individual schools. The policy is still not widely known yet, so it happens on occasion.
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Post by guru »


Your insipid response to Hawkeye was extremely disappointing. You hardly address any of the issues raised and once again you have tried to divert attention by going off one one of your tangents to try and deflect an obvious lack of knowledge.
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Post by hawkeye »

That's because he is not who he says he is. Obviously he was nowhere near Sydney for the Search fair, otherwise he would have addressed the issues I raised about his postings. It's pretty obvious he is not from Denmark either- looking at the times of his postings my tip is that he is posting from the US- probably Texas or California. This does raise some questions about why people feel the need to pretend they are someone they are not. This is not the game Second Life Psyguy - you are dealing with people who really are looking for advice and support from someone who actually knows what they are talking about and not pretending to know.
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Post by PsyGuy »


They asked about head net I provided the links. They said they would be happy to proven wrong, and Ive never met anyone who was happy to be proven wrong and find it disingenuous.

Wheres the lack of knowledge? Head net exists, and access is for IB schools. Given the scope of the question i thought it was pretty complete. You just need to find fault with something thats easily provable that I'm right.

This thread is about a blacklist, that I hope has been settled, as it does not exist.


Ive already addressed the issues in your post, I guess you didnt read it, i just dont want to copy and paste my earlier responses. To summarize:

1) Your experiences dont invalidate my experiences.
2) Your claim that I'm wrong doesnt make me wrong.
3) Your reply doesnt nullify or necessitate a modification, amendment, or change of my earlier responses.

Were just repeating ourselves. Its like two 5th graders going back and forth with "your wrong, no your wrong, no your wrong, no your wrong, no your wrong"

Your seriously claiming that someone cant be on this forum at any time of the day or night? Thats your proof?

Im just going to add 2 to the number of nemesis's I have
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There is none so blind as he who will not see

Post by Walter »

It isn't so much that the replies are insipid, it's that he changes the goalposts whenever he's challenged and shown to be wrong or reverts to the failsafe of "that's only your point of view".
So he uses the IB as his source for information about international schools. The IB doesn't collect data on international schools, doesn't speak for international schools and frankly doesn't care very much for international schools who, as the DG says openly, only represent 20% of the total body of IB schools. When this is pointed out, his response is "a school in the US that does the IB is seen as an international school by someone from abroad". So if the IB doesn't see this school as international and the school itself doesn't see itself as international, that doesn't matter because Mr Psy can claim it's international. Duh.
His story changes about the number of school heads at the Boston fairs: "one of the few" becomes "I only said there were more heads at UNI".
When his "perceptions" about candidate quality and background at the Sydney Fair are shown to be wrong, his retort is "Your experience is different to mine".
When his claim about the Bangkok fairs being "created" for experienced international teachers is shown to be wrong, his retort is "That is what the fairs have become so I'm right anyway". And don't you love the name drop of "John" in that post to show his familiarity? The "John" in question only ran the Fair for a year or so as it happens.
Meanwhile, he thinks he's so clever to be able to give the link to the IB headnet. No school head would ever trade confidential information on this listserve. International school heads use the head.net service provided by AAIE or AISH.net. Are you going to send out the links for these now, Mr Psy?
Frankly, none of this would matter if the things he claims were just "points of view". The problem is that he writes in with answers and comments about every subject under the sun and presents these with an air of papal infallibility. Some people who read his posts may just think that he knows what he's talking about - believe me, he really doesn't.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Again were just repeating ourselves.

US IB schools account for a third not 20%, the IB cares about its schools a great deal.

My experience at the Sydney fair isnt wrong just because someone else says so, neither am i wrong about the BK fair, just because someone says I am.

1) Your experiences dont invalidate my experiences.
2) Your claim that I'm wrong doesnt make me wrong.
3) Your reply doesnt nullify or necessitate a modification, amendment, or change of my earlier responses.

Were just repeating ourselves. Its like two 5th graders going back and forth with "your wrong, no your wrong, no your wrong, no your wrong, no your wrong"

I suppose we can just keep doing this over and over and over.
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Post by specialed »

So what are we saying? Are we saying that Psyguy is actually the admin/owner of the site? The site is registered in Arizona (fits in with the Texas/California posting times). He says he is from a school in Denmark, but no school was at Search Fairs from Denmark. This also fits in with Psyguy's defense of ISR concerning the blog post about Indonesia.

Sounds somewhat believable. Thoughts?
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Post by hawkeye »

Yes, here is the dictionary definition of Nemisis: an opponent or rival whom a person cannot best or overcome. Glad you have recognized this Psyguy.
You would be well served to remember that it is very easy to gather information these days. My friend who is a D.J. in San Antonio has told me some things that are interesting.
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Post by PsyGuy »

*Sigh*, we use different dictionaries.


Im not the owner, an employee, moderator, or admin with ISR.
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Post by hawkeye »


Im not the owner, an employee, moderator, or admin with ISR.[/quote]

For once a true statement from Psyguy. He is also not an administrator from Denmark and did not go to the Sydney fair. I love how easy it is to find information on the internet.[/quote]
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Re: Comment

Post by LilyBlue »


"Again, though we're just repeating ourselves, and all you've demonstrated is that you had different candidates, and candidate experiences then I did. Though I really appreciate your response, my POV isn't the only one, and I'm glad you contributed yours. We need more not fewer of them."

I agree…we need more people sharing their points of view BUT only if their advise is based on events that actually happened. [/i]
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Post by lonesomeocean »

I'm more of a reader than a poster, but geez, what's with all the hating on psyguy? Maybe he is who he says he is. Maybe he isn't. So what? People who read any of the posts on here should take them with a grain of salt, since everyone is posting anonymously and you can't really be sure any of it is entirely accurate (I knows this certainly applies to the school reviews section. I believe maybe 1/4 of what I read on there).

I actually like reading psyguys posts and appreciate his perspective, and that of many other posters as well. I think it is clear that he is knowledgable about the world of international schools. If you don't agree, well, you don't have to read his posts. I have to say, from my perspective, the posters who keep bullying psyguy are coming across worse than psyguy, who at least keeps trying to steer this thread back to the original topic.
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Post by guru »

Thank you for your interesting perception Lonesome Ocean.
Unfortunately, it seems that some people who read this forum are more easily influenced and do believe, and even act upon advice from various contributors. If the advice is based on experience and knowledge then that's fantastic. If it is baseless and fraudulent, no matter how good it sounds to the uninitiated, then it can be quite dangerous.
I am not here to judge, but like you, I will take all the information that has been presented and I will make informed choices as to what is worth believing. I respectfully suggest that everyone else does the same.
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Once more into the breach

Post by PsyGuy »

My advice and comments are based on my own actual experiences. Some of them are based on my current position as a junior admin here in Denmark, and within my professional capacity, a couple posts have been based on my experiences and observations recruiting at this years Search fair in Sydney.

One thing Ive learned from this forum, the ISR reviews, other forums and message boards, blogs, job fairs, living and working abroad is that experiences vary across a wide range, more importantly one persons perception of an event can vary considerably. What may seem to one person like a professional conversation between an admin and teacher in the hallway can appear as a harassment to another person. Th IS field may be small in number but those numbers are really spread out, combined with cultural differences and you can understand how experiences can differ so much. I strongly advise anyone to consider any advise the same way they do fuel economy: "Your milage may vary."
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