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by Spawnboy99
Tue Feb 02, 2021 3:33 am
Forum: Forum 2. Ask Recruiting Questions, Share Information. What's on Your Mind?
Topic: Reference
Replies: 1
Views: 18823


Has anyone encountered someone from HR in regards to a job you have applied for, with two interviews now asking for Three Principals reference from your last three jobs? Finding it difficult to find a principal that I work with back in 2015 who has left the school. Can provide my current and the one before which is a written reference he wrote (if they contact him directly have a feeling may have changed his tune just a gut feeling talking to a former colleague who he burnt, also a principal that I work with for five years but dating back from 2009-2015. I thought the norm was to provide your current and with the other two, can be a former principal and someone in leadership.
by Spawnboy99
Sat Jan 23, 2021 6:09 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Step Down to Get on the Ladder
Replies: 2
Views: 4058

Step Down to Get on the Ladder


20 years experience, 16 years international and around 10 years of some form of leadership roles. Taught a variety of curricula from Cambridge, National, Foundation Stage, IPC, IEYC and a little of PYP. This year like many has been tough, do you believe in the notion, trying to get a foot back on the ladder may need to target lower-quality schools (less pay, fewer benefits etc). Youth jobs are about investing in career and not money 2-3 years of good learning and training on the job plus a good reference should set me up well. I'm looking at Early Year plus Grade 1 Head positions and the goal is within 5-6 years be a Head of Lower years or Primary in a better school and then in 10+ years Head of School. But again no one has a crystal ball.

Interested in hearing about other peoples experience moving up the ladder and how they did it. I have returned back home due to Covid but after one-year teaching back home, have no desire to teach in the classroom here.
by Spawnboy99
Tue Jan 19, 2021 4:32 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: External CV Company
Replies: 8
Views: 11439

External CV Company

Has anyone used an external CV company and had positive results, there was an interesting post on FB and teachers were recommending a few different companies, some in the past where teaching but have since made a career change. They all seem to be doing the same things, for example, Teacher Resume, Teacher Cover Letter, Teacher LinkedIn profile, 1 x 50min Zoom call (initial), 1 x 30 min Zoom call (follow up) etc also they teach you how to adapt your cv and cover letter for each job and school you are applying for. There are a few other bits they offer. Prices are around $800-1000USD. Would be interesting to know peoples experience and feelings on this.
by Spawnboy99
Thu Dec 03, 2020 2:48 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: What is your favourite 'thing' to teach and why?
Replies: 9
Views: 9746

What is your favourite 'thing' to teach and why?

Strange question, love to find out what teachers are thinking.

Looking from a Lower Years perspective
by Spawnboy99
Mon Nov 30, 2020 1:36 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Schools that pay in local and foreign currency
Replies: 11
Views: 11962

Schools that pay in local and foreign currency

Just asking, for those people that get paid in both the local currency and a foreign currency.

Schools are giving you the option if you would like your foreign currency paid in (Yen, USD, Pounds) etc and not of your home country (passport). Even some are paying this in Cash each month. When teachers are presented with this option, what do you choose? Do you stick with just getting in USD.
by Spawnboy99
Mon Nov 23, 2020 11:11 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Thank you email
Replies: 3
Views: 9744

Thank you email

After an interview how many people write a quick note expressing thanks etc, if you do what do you write without sounding to overbearing. The interview process is still ongoing and probably the school will be still interviewing until late December.
by Spawnboy99
Wed Nov 11, 2020 7:19 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: VPN For China
Replies: 6
Views: 7950

VPN For China

What is the best VPN out on the market now for China? So many to choose from what are people using and have you had any issues with them.
by Spawnboy99
Wed Nov 04, 2020 1:37 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Pollution Levels in SEA
Replies: 11
Views: 14177

Pollution Levels in SEA

Pretty subjective but we did live in Malaysia (KL). What would be the order for the following countries in regards to pollution levels over the course of a year? Let's just stick to capitals OK.

1) Malaysia
2) Singapore
3) Thailand
4) Vietnam
5) Indonesia'

by Spawnboy99
Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:38 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Singapore Cost of Living and Salaries
Replies: 12
Views: 16186

Re: Singapore Cost of Living and Salaries

@teachermun. Thanks a salary for someone in our current situation, my wife could find work with a Japanese company, but nothing set in stone as of yet. People are saying around 10k SGD plus housing could be doable.
by Spawnboy99
Thu Oct 29, 2020 4:11 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Singapore Cost of Living and Salaries
Replies: 12
Views: 16186

Re: Singapore Cost of Living and Salaries

Thanks @ fine dude,

Nothing set in stone, but will be a country that now is on my radar. There are so many schools there and of course and both end of the scale, so this information is useful to make a gage from. Regarding Health Insurance could you please expand on this, with Covid would be hard to go into Malaysia to seek treatment?. Do most schools in Singapore give international health insurance? excluding the US or do they give local insurance only.

I also have a couple of interviews next week for two schools there hence why I'm reaching out.
by Spawnboy99
Thu Oct 29, 2020 1:18 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Singapore Cost of Living and Salaries
Replies: 12
Views: 16186

Singapore Cost of Living and Salaries

Dear All, have posted a question on this and the private site but trying to seek out information in regards to the cost of living in Singapore and what would be a salary that could support a family of three, one person working and a 4-year-old and still having a comfortable lifestyle. I understand this is a pretty broad topic have had personal experience with Japan and Malaysia but not for Singapore. Also in Tier Levels where would these salaries fit.

Thanks again.
by Spawnboy99
Thu Oct 22, 2020 5:27 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: HCIS Mandalay
Replies: 1
Views: 5223

HCIS Mandalay

Anyone has any info on this school understand they may have two campuses.
by Spawnboy99
Sat Sep 19, 2020 6:47 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Pastoral Care in Schools
Replies: 2
Views: 4869

Pastoral Care in Schools

Would like to ask what peoples experiences so far in Pastoral Care in their schools are and what they may consists of. Have things changed since C19.
Have schools changed there lock down policies and what other things are your schools doing, are you doing a yearly child protection vetting etc.

Thanks Again
by Spawnboy99
Wed Jun 26, 2019 8:36 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: School in the Wrong
Replies: 11
Views: 13265

Re: School in the Wrong

GrumblesMcGee wrote:
> @spawnboy
> Given your previous thread about penalties for late notification and your
> revelation that the school was: a) being absurdly punitive in its policies,
> and b) ultimately decided to non-renew you for dancing around the issue,
> I'm just going to lump this altogether. And I'm not sure why you're pulling
> this awkward third-person phrasing (e.g., "The teacher..." and
> "but it seems is now actively seek new employment.") If you want
> feedback, provide clarity. Pretending you're not the subject of the post
> and therefore are not certain as to what "the teacher" is
> doing/thinking/wondering isn't going to get you good answers. And it's
> annoying.
> Yes, the school seems in the wrong on multiple levels. Yes, the penalties
> for not providing enough notice seemed excessive (but perhaps you shouldn't
> have renewed if they were opening back up the possibility of taking back
> benefits you'd already earned).
> Given the lack of information, it's hard to tell if/how the school is wrong
> in not renewing you. Let your lawyer guide you on that one.
> As for the pros/cons of legal action, you're best positioned to figure that
> out. Your lawyer can give you better - as to your chances (and what you can
> gain). You can speculate as to what you can lose (time, reputation, etc.).
> Then just decide if it's worth it.
> Now I'm just going to be blunt. You have to own up to your end. Sure, if
> the IS was wrong, you have every right to go after them and force them to
> employ you for two more years (or settle), etc. Sure, you could have fought
> over whether the punitive clauses in the second contract were
> appropriate/legal/reasonable. Hold the schools accountable. But this whole
> time I've followed your story (over multiple threads) I got the sense that
> that IS shouldn't renew you.
> You didn't want to stay, but with their unusual calendar, weren't sure
> you'd find work in the middle of the year if you didn't renew. Then you
> didn't want to abide by the decision deadline because you wanted more time
> to test the market, and repeatedly pressed them on how their terms were
> unfair. Finally, they decided not to renew you and you found problems with
> that decision, so you're trying to see how to get the maximum from them
> without jeopardizing your future prospects. Am I missing anything?

@GrumblesMcGee seems you have got slightly lost in your comments and missing things, firstly the teacher just asked the question to their HR department, nothing wrong with that, by simply asking the question has resulted in the teacher's contract not being renewed as a poor fit. All PR over the four years were excellent. There was no testing the market don't know where you got that idea from. The teacher asking the question about penalties from a completed contract should be challenged as to it's not written in the contracts. Under the circumstances, other Teachers also are challenging that issue. The bear didn't bite the hand, as the teacher is fighting the bear, and why shouldn't the teacher fight this when the teacher is in the right. Yes, you are correct the teacher should seek the advice of the lawyer which is currently happening as far as I'm aware. The teacher never had an issue with the penalties the issue was the penalties with the first contract so please stick to the facts and reread the post then (Teacher had an issue with paying back airfares and shipping on the first completed contract).

GrumblesmcGee you write well - but stick to the facts and no doubt you will write another reply.

Looking forward too it.

> At every turn, some agreed-upon provision didn't suit your needs, so you
> poked and prodded until the bear finally bit your hand off. Now you're
> wondering if you can sue the bear and still live in the woods.
by Spawnboy99
Fri Jun 21, 2019 9:32 pm
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: School in the Wrong
Replies: 11
Views: 13265

Re: School in the Wrong

PsyGuy wrote:
> I could see how this scenario would happen if the IT was automatically converted
> or considered a permenant/tenured IT as an exercise of statute or labor regulations.
> The IS had X amount of time under term limited/fixed contracts and the IS continued
> to offer those type of contracts until now it doesnt, but the IT was supposed to
> have been converted to a permenant tenured status and wasnt.
> I can also see a scenario where a contract is presumed to have been renewed unless
> either the IT or the IS initiates some form of termination process, that typically
> requires notice from the IT an notice plus some form of cause by the IS by some
> prescribed deadline.
> Violation of either could make the dismissal unlawful and invalidate it. the second
> is easier to get around for an IS, as they can either grit their teeth and keep
> the IT for the extra year and give the proper notice, or that usually would happen
> is the HOS/leadership suggests if the IT doesnt leave they will get a poor/negative
> reference. The first is more difficult as "poor fit" isnt typically the level of
> cause an IS would need to dismiss someone with a permenant contract or tenure. The
> reference isnt worth anything if the IT is going to keep the job indefinitely.
> @Spawnboy99
> Whats the IT want to do, do they want to stay, do they just want a financial windfall,
> what are they prepared to do about the experience?
> If they go, the IT has leverage to get some concessions out of the IS, okay poor
> fit, but if the HOS executive leadership writes a glowingly positive reference and
> supports that both in an opened and closed reference, than thats a strong benefit.
> Even more so if the HOS is willing to shop the IT off to another IS. The IT can
> probably get some coin and other benefits out of it. An extra months salary, summer
> housing, and of course all the benefits provided for EOC.
> If the IT wants the windfall, a whole year of benefits and salary for example, then
> they will likely end up with a negative reference, and significant problems going
> forward. From the recruiter aspect this was a professional separation, but an IT
> pushing for that kind of coin over what theyre going to see as a procedural technicality
> is going to resonate in a recruiters and leadership mind as 'I dont want that kind
> of risk and liability". Yeah the IS was wrong, but fleecing the ISs coffers over
> it isnt something an IS wants to usually take on.
> That leaves the It with what to do about the situation. On one hand they give up
> a lot of rights and possibly substantial coin and benefits but they get a positive
> reference and the experience on their resume, which isnt going to be a years salary,
> but could open up lucrative options sooner. If they dont exit nicely with the IS,
> than they have to strongly consider ghosting the experience, or else dealing with
> a very hard sell to future recruiters and possibly find them self dropped by the
> premium recruiting agencies.


That's pretty much what has happened even though the IT has had yearly pay rises as well, the IS has given the person their notice period and will not renew the IT contract as not a good fit. The legal counselling as stated this is unjust and that no due process was implemented. I think the teacher is ok that they will not be working at the school at the next academic year 2020, of course, the IT needs the reference even though these have already been done on SA/ISS as confidential. But of course, any new school is going to contact the previous school to seek more information.

So that's the dilemma does the teacher start negotiating a win/win for both IS/IT says pay full salary including all allowances etc until the end of the academic year + reference which is going to be of a higher standard, personal etc and then the IT is free to seek other employment without any penalties. Or does the IT dig in the heels fights the fight seeking full salary etc as technically they should be issuing another two-year contract knowing that that person will probably not be able to teach overseas again? But could be a big payday at the end which would mean for a year or so that IT may not need to work.

Of course, this is all hypothetically as we can't predict what the courts and how they perceive things.

Touch decision for this IT but at what point to IT need to stick up for their rights and fight these situations. This is probably not the first time this has happened to someone nor the last. But if only the school had conversations with the IT highlighting there concerns and areas the IT needed to work on otherwise the IT contract wouldn't be renewed. Then the due process would have been done in the correct manner, but this hasn't happened.