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by Yantantether
Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:47 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Getting your career back on track after a bump.
Replies: 15
Views: 19220

Well well Psy Guy, it didn't take long before you let your mouth run away did it!

Let's get one thing straight before we go any further - don't even consider mouthing personal insults at me again unless you are willing and able to do the same should we meet in the street! Stay off my threads and I will steer clear from yours.

This has nothing at all to do with me thinking life isn't fair or wanting to be vindicated. I came here for ideas on how best to approach a delicate issue and as usual you jump in with both feet and start with your sweeping genralisations and baseless assumptions!

Who told you I have been actively seeking employment for 5 years? Did I say I thought I was in the right? You accuse someone you don't know of not moving on and whining because they prefer to tell the truth - unreal!

Your spend your life on here claiming to be the font of all knowledge, spouting unmeasureable amounts of nonsense and opinions and then have the audacity to talk about ego and vanity.

Stop looking in the mirror and find yourself something useful to do - flower arranging perhaps?!
by Yantantether
Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:53 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Getting your career back on track after a bump.
Replies: 15
Views: 19220

Thanks for taking the time to contribute everybody, much appreciated.

I think there appear to be essentially two camps here: the 'don't go into detail' camp and the 'just lie' camp. Ideally I'd prefer the former, however this really just isn't reality from my experience. Just telling them it wasn't a good fit just doesn't cut it with the better schools - they want to know why. So then we turn full circle again and either have to divulge OR, do as some have suggested and lie outright which I am really not comfortable with at all.

Saying that, I agree that divulging the parent info. is not working but as said, if they ask for the reason I was there only 1 yr, I'm really left with those 2 choices; the truth or a lie.

A further complication is that I am still in the same country (city even) and ideally want to secure a position here as my partner is from here and works here. However, right now I'm accepting that I may have to get out for a few years just to get back into a decent school again, look to come back after a few years and push this further down the order of importance on my CV.

Perhaps ultimately, the best strategy for me personally is do as some suggest and just offer the 'not a good fit' line and hope they leave it at that, but do folks really believe a school that is going to offer you a good contract will really just settle for this? A simple call is all that is needed if they have any doubt.

Just goes to show what a moments spat with a stroppy parent can lead to, so be careful out there folks. I'm now in my 5th yr at my current school, have barely had a handful of days off in that time and was offered a coordinators position this year, yet still struggling to get this monkey off my back!

Oh Psy Guy, thank you for your thoughts, however I really have no idea what you base this assumption on at all: "aft 4 years the fact that you haven't put it behind you says you haven't grown from it." Do you consider my honesty and desire not to lie as lack of growth? I have certainly moved on, but unfortunately it's others who refuse to see it and accept this!

Thanks again guys.
by Yantantether
Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:51 am
Forum: Forum 1. From Questions About ISS & Search to Anything and Everything About International Teaching
Topic: Getting your career back on track after a bump.
Replies: 15
Views: 19220

Getting your career back on track after a bump.

Hi all,
Looking for some advice from all you veterans (and non-vets).
I was essentially 'forced' out of a school some years ago, primarily due to crossing a particularly difficult parent. To cut a long story short I wasn't fired and we 'mutually' agreed to part company after 1 yr instead of the full two yrs.

This was a good 2nd tier school with a sound rep. Because of the timing and circumstances I now find myself in a very shady 3 rd tier school. I have been here now for 4 yrs, so consider my sentence spent, for good behavior and being able to withstand heavy artillery for many years! :lol:

Problem is I just can't seem to put it behind me. I have secured interviews at decent 2nd tier schools since being here but just can't get that position and I'm sure a major factor is the past school. As soon as I'm honest and open and explain about the parent they smile and nod, agree that it happens, then I get the inevitable thanks but no thanks email. I'm sure they consider me a risk and just do not need to take it i guess.

I want to keep my integrity intact and continue to tell the truth but feel that it is getting me nowhere, if not indeed shooting myself in the foot. Should I change tact? Is there another angle I can take? Am I being too honest as my career trickles down the drain?

Any suggestions and advice would be most welcomed and thanks in advance.