Search found 2 matches

by Anou
Sat Jul 08, 2017 5:41 am
Forum: Forum 2. Ask Recruiting Questions, Share Information. What's on Your Mind?
Topic: SA Job Fair Questions and chances for employement?
Replies: 3
Views: 17931

Re: Response

PsyGuy wrote:
> First, location makes a difference. The Search Bangkok fair is different
> then the Search Cambridge fair. Its the same with ISS, and London. The
> Bangkok fair is more geared to teaching couples then Cambridge (its just
> bigger). You should touch base with your interested schools in advance if
> they want to interview you as a couple or separate. otherwise in general
> schools like to interview individually, but it doesnt hurt to ask if they
> would prefer a couple interview, if their are vacancies for both of you at
> the school.
> Second, come prepared, there is too much to do, and too many candidates,
> and not enough recruiters or time to come in unprepared. You should be in
> contact with schools you are interested in WELL before the fair and have
> slips for appointments already lined up. Know what vacancies are open
> BEFORE you arrive. Signing up for a slot your not qualified for or not
> competitive for is a big waist of time at the fair (yours and the
> recruiter). If your just interested in 10 schools and their high demand
> schools, you might be devastated to either not get a position with them, or
> find out by the time fair time comes around all those positions are not
> available. You should honestly plan to interview with all schools that have
> your position available, but rank order them in importance to you. The last
> thing you want to happen is not get offered a position at any schools on
> your "top 10 list" and have had free time you could have been
> interviewing with.
> Third, dont be intimidated. Long lines for a particular school can give you
> the impression you dont have a chance. Understand that most of those people
> in line are newbies. Well established and experienced teachers dont need to
> depend on fairs for positions, so most of the people in that line are just
> as much the same caliber of candidate as you are. If they were really that
> good they wouldnt need to be there.
> Fourth, In some ways fairs are like a car dealership. Most interviews take
> place in the admins hotel rooms, they may have a curtain set up, and may
> video tape or have a webcam set up for a live or recorded feed for other
> admins back at their school. Discussions and negotiations happen fast.
> Despite what Search, ISS, and CIS put in their literature, it is very
> common for a recruiter to make an offer on the spot (Many people walk away
> with a contract or job from the fair). If you did your planing and are
> given an early advance interview, the head doesnt want to have to interview
> 20 or 50 more people if they want you, but they have to wait. They need to
> make their time "pay off". If you want to consider, they need to
> continue interviewing. If you accept, they can scratch one position off
> their roster, and move on. Its important to be very mindful that the fair
> process is VERY grueling on a head/recruiter, they have many positions and
> interviews to conduct, and if your not one of the first they are likely to
> be some what tired of the repetitive process. That being said you shouldnt
> let your guard down, just dont be surprised if your interviews later in the
> fair come of a bit hectic and casual. The heads are just tired, and have
> 100+ faces and resumes in their head.
> Fifth, its important to remember that contracts are "as is" once
> you sign, you put yourself and the school in a difficult position should
> complications come up later. Know what your compensation and duty
> expectations and requirements are. Research the schools and the regions,
> and make a list or profile for each school of what you "want". if
> a position is offered to you this is the bargaining table and its going to
> most likely be the only time your going to get to have to "get what
> you want". Contracts are negotiable just because the school has a
> standard contract ready to go doesnt mean its set in stone (also understand
> your not a star football player). If a school is offering you a cookie, it
> means they have a cookie jar somewhere, and if they didnt think you would
> be adding value to their school they wouldnt be offering you a contract.
> Just go into every interview not just ready for the questions, but what
> your expectations are if you leave the room with a job. It will be very
> difficult to argue later after talking with other attendees, or doing
> research and finding out that others are getting paid more then you to go
> back and require more money. Remember whats "fair" as far as what
> compensation means to a school, does not mean it will be fair to you.
> Sixth, Remember your likely interviewing with people from another culture.
> They may have different approaches from what your used too. Most recruiters
> are male, and its not uncommon for them to act differently in some cultures
> to other men then it is with women. Be careful how you socialize, admins
> and recruiters are everywhere, assume that anytime your not in your room,
> that someone you may interview with later is watching or listening. Follow
> up with every interview, a simple thank you email is all that is necessary.
> 1) Use your spouse, they can wait in one long line while youre in another
> and save your spot. Signup is two hours and some of those lines can take 30
> minutes to get to the front and not get an interview slot.
> 2) You can be a shark or you can be a sheeple. This is like the Olympics
> everyone acts nice and social and helpful, but they are your competition.
> If you get an invitation dont wait in line (unless everyone has
> invitations) wait off to the side and when the recruiter is done speaking
> with the candidate walk up to the recruiter and invitation in hand state
> you received an invitation and would like to schedule an interview time.
> The recruiter has their first few earliest interview slots reserved for
> invitations, but you still want to get one of those as soon as possible and
> one of them is likely going to get the first offer, and you dont want it to
> be the person who interviewed before you. The other issue is that
> sociopaths act nice, and social and helpful, but people sabotage each
> other. They swipe resumes, go though your message folder, take out resumes
> and application materials from other candidates in the ISs message folders.
> Spill drinks on other candidates right before an interview. Fairs are
> stress, some candidates sail right through them and some have meltdowns.
> 3) You really need to plan signup and that starts well in advance of the
> fair. You want to try and get interview times in advance. By interview
> times I mean a commitment to a time slot, not just a "stop by our
> table". This solves two problems, one you get an idea how marketable
> you are, and two it saves you time. You want a balance of ISs. On one side
> of the coin there will be many tables that have no line you can walk right
> up make your pitch, and move on. Some of the recruiters literally just
> stand there looking at the wall for the entire time, but these are the ISs
> nobody is interested in and whats the use of a bunch of interviews if you
> wouldnt accept a position with those ISs. On the other side you have the
> high desire regions and upper tier ISs that can have a 30 minute line, you
> could easily spend all your time in lines for only a few ISs and not get
> any interviews. You also have dwindling resources (time slots) that have to
> match recruiters time slots. Many recruiters do not stay on the third day,
> so you have afternoon/evening of the first day and then the second day and
> all that time other candidates are interviewing and offers are being made,
> a portion of those offers will be accepted, making your later interview
> moot.
> 4) Bring an ichiro. An Ichiro is named after a long lost member of the
> forum, who was a very valuable contributor, much like the Reisgio effect.
> An Ichiro is essentially an alternative resume to describe marketing any
> type of flashy/gimmicky/creative method of introducing yourself to
> recruiters. It would generally involve color photos of you teaching,
> amazing students projects, etc and a more limited amount of text. Some
> people go all out and mimic advertising flyers, brochures, wanted posters
> etc (kind of a high risk/high reward approach).
> During signup your only going to have about 10-30 seconds to make contact
> with a recruiter and get an interview slot. A resume doesnt convey the
> highlights of you as a candidate. You want to convey the top three bullet
> points of what makes you special or at least worthy of consideration. Enter
> the Ichiro, which in its basic form is a flyer (in color) with basic
> contact information, some visual representations of your work, and a few
> bullet points of what makes you special. Ichiros are also good for slipping
> under doors and in school folders. A three fold brochure or business cards
> allow you to carry your resume everywhere without being cumbersome.
> Ive seen a number of Ichiros from business card resumes with a photo,
> contact info and a few stared bullet points with a QR code leading to a
> digital portfolio, to printed CDS, coupons (Good for one amazing teacher,
> time limited must be redeemed at [web address] and currency bills for a
> "1,000,000 teacher", 3 fold "sales" brochures, a couple
> teachers have done commercials and one did a full 22minute
> "info-mercial" that included a staged interview answering 5
> pretty common questions, that was distributed on flash drives (you get a
> couple of flash drives from schools in your invite folder). The best one I
> ever got was a full, professionally bound magazine on slick paper stock it
> was 62 pages long and had articles discussing their teaching philosophy, a
> center fold with their bio and resume, articles about differentiation,
> their approach to the whole student, special needs, learning support, a
> couple stories about past schools and what they learned, and what they wish
> theyd known. It was extremely well done. The most recent unusual one were
> bottles of wine the candidate had created custom labels for that had a
> photo superimposed over a vineyard, a mock review to one side and a short
> list of bullet points describing their strengths in a “Quality Profile”.
> 5) Go into every interview ready to negotiate. One moment your interviewing
> and then you blink and their describing the package and salary, and now
> they have a document template called a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) or
> Employment Intent document. Some ISs will print actual contracts, but some
> ISs have to have those done by HR, so the Intent Letter or MOU is what you
> get. They are supposed to be as valid as a contract, but the only thing
> thats as valid as a contract is a contract.
> 6) Only offers matter, all the best intentions mean nothing. Its important
> to distinguish flattery and compliments from offers. "Youre exactly
> what were looking for and youre a great fit for our school, I'll speak to
> the board president and get an offer approved tonight" smile and a
> handshake and you think you have an offer, you dont. You have nothing, you
> have consideration, you go right to your next interview, because that
> recruiter might tell half the candidates they interview for your vacancy
> that, and its true because they will get an offer approved that night but
> it might be someone elses offer.
> 7) Some recruiters are bat poop crazy. One spent the entire interview time
> showing and explaining all the shopping she did. One recruiter hired the
> first 10 people who showed up and accepted as they walked in the door.
> "Hello how are you, would you like to work for us, this is our
> contract". I had one recruiter who did the interview in his robe while
> sitting on his bed. One recruiter in a group was watching ---- on the
> laptop while the other recruiter asked me questions (could see the screens
> reflection in the mirror behind them). Then there are the recruiters that
> are pervs.
> 8) You can distill the entire success of recruiting to "fit" they
> already know you can teach or you wouldnt have gotten into the fair. The
> secret is too be very, very likeable.
> 9) You are always on when you arent in your room. Everything is an
> interview opportunity. The IS presentation to the social to who you are
> standing with in the elevator.
> Schools generally have two approaches to compensation either they have a 1)
> Public/Open pay scale/salary ladder, etc. In which case the school
> determines the contributing factors (usually years of experience and degree
> level) and your salary is what ever that box says. There can be
> adjustments/supplements for extra duty assignments, etc. The point of this
> scale is that everyone with a certain category makes the same. Its
> "equal" if not fair (fair in my opinion is actually pretty
> subjective). This is a lot like the "no hassle" car dealership.
> The price is clearly published and thats just "how much it is".
> In the second type 2): Negotiated/Closed (Private tends to be avoided, but
> still used) you negotiate or discuss a compensation package. This can take
> several forms in itself, the two most common are the face to face
> negotiation, usually over the phone or Skype where you politely try to sell
> your value to the head, and they try to get you as cheaply as possible. The
> second most common type is the "letter" type which either occurs
> with the head, or more often with HR, and involves a series of email
> exchanges. Where they make an initial offer, you counter offer, they
> "check with the boss" then they counteroffer, and back an forth
> until you stop seeing progress/change in the offers happening. This
> experience is a lot more like the traditional "used car" buy
> experience, where your essentially haggling.
> In my experience the open/public approach is the most popular, for two
> reasons (and different situations). The better schools are interested in
> fairness, equality and simplicity, its makes payroll easier (especially at
> bigger schools, which also tend to be the better schools). The second
> reason, is in schools that really dont care about the quality of their
> teachers, and they just want the cheapest body in the classroom they can
> get. They know they pay peanuts, and they dont really care, because anyone
> whos a decent teacher wouldnt teach there anyway, and likely has better
> offers.
> The Closed/negotiated salary scale is usually found at 2nd tier schools all
> over the globe, who are usually young schools, have small enrollments, or
> constant turn around in faculty. For them minimizing costs is very
> important, as many teachers simply dont stay longer then their initial two
> year contract before moving on, so investing in faculty is a lost cause for
> them. Lastly, they just have more of a "paycheck to paycheck"
> mentality, they dont know what their enrollment will be in the future and
> with a small school it doesnt take much change in enrollment before they
> are over budget. For them a good teacher at less cost is better then a
> great teacher who is more expensive.
> My advice to teachers, is that if there is nothing special about your
> qualifications, then you want the open/public type of compensation
> determination. If you have something thats special or "adds real
> value" (not to be confused with perceived value, like your "just
> a super great teacher") then your likely to benefit from a
> closed/negotiated compensation package, since the assumption is that you
> bring more "value" to the table then a comparable teacher.
> Trends i see, is that when it comes to closed/negotiated packages, woman
> tend to get the face to face approach (typically against an assertive
> male), on the assumption that woman are less comfortable with conflict, and
> will cave to negotiation stress quickly (there are a couple heads ive met
> who were proven VERY incorrect in that assumption). Men tend to get the
> letter exchange typically with what you would infer is a younger female
> contact at the schools HR department. The assumption that the intermediary
> (the HR contact) is just the messenger, and little old them has no power to
> do anything, except relay your demands to the boss. men tend to be less
> aggressive, in those situation, as they are indoctrinated to yield ld to
> the female gender, and to exercise restraint when confronted with an
> inferior opponent.

Thank u very much this is very comprehensive
by Anou
Sat Jul 08, 2017 5:39 am
Forum: Forum 2. Ask Recruiting Questions, Share Information. What's on Your Mind?
Topic: Recruiting time?
Replies: 8
Views: 16682

Re: Comment

PsyGuy wrote:
> @counselme
> You can safety ignore @eion_padraig. They dont know what right and wrong
> mean, the forum is a lot easier to read when they are ignoring me.
