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Re: Ghosted

Post by sid »

I agree. Don’t write off an entire school on this one point. It has the taste of sour grapes.
My school officially shares my viewpoint that all applicants deserve a response. We have an official requirement to respond. And we do, except for one of my colleagues who just can’t manage it. Best I can figure, it’s procrastination that eventually turns into “there’s no point now”. Drives me crazy seeing the accumulated messages in recruiting platforms, people waiting to hear. But there’s nothing I can do, and the people who get hired are happy. No one dodged a bullet by being ghosted. It sucks but it’s not the one true measure of a school or a principal.
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Re: Ghosted

Post by milesaway »

The original post stated that the "Ghosting" happened after several interviews...nothing was stated about just sending in a CV and complaining about not getting a response. Some how the topic has now become a fight over schools not personally contacting someone who has sent in a resume. Ghosting happens everywhere, sadly those who are doing the hiring neglect to remember that a person is behind the resume that was sent in and that a interview whether face to face or on zoom requires a response about next stages.
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Re: Ghosted

Post by Heliotrope »

milesaway wrote:
> The original post stated that the "Ghosting" happened after
> several interviews...nothing was stated about just sending in a CV and
> complaining about not getting a response. Some how the topic has now
> become a fight over schools not personally contacting someone who has sent
> in a resume. Ghosting happens everywhere, sadly those who are doing the
> hiring neglect to remember that a person is behind the resume that was sent
> in and that a interview whether face to face or on zoom requires a response
> about next stages.

My reply was in response to @jschott's reply, in which they do refer to simply applying, and not the OP's post (I quoted @jschott's message to make that clear).

But even if it goes beyond that initial application and you get to the interview stage, I wouldn't necessarily hold anything that happens there against the rest of the school. Sure, it could be a sign of a certain culture, but it could also merely be one bad recruiter in an otherwise great school.
If I get to the interview stage, I will have done my research on a school and I will know if it's a good school to work at, and how the recruiter treats me will have little impact on how badly I'd like to work there, or whether or not I will think I dodged a bullet by having been ghosted.
The research will tell me a lot more than the recruiter's behaviour, and so far doing thorough research has always paid off.

I do agree btw that it is sad that some people neglect to remember that there's a person behind the resume that was sent in and that an interview requires a response, especially since it's not too much effort to send that email. But the rest of the school could still be great even if the recruiter is a tool.
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Post by PsyGuy »

There isnt a person behind the resume, theres just the resume. Even if hired theres just a warm body in a classroom that reduces the leaders problems on any given day by one. Great ISs do bad things, and bad ISs can do some things well. No one in IE will care more about you the IT, your family, or your dearly loved goldfish more than you. You are very literally a human resource, that is a resource not unlike copy or printer paper, that happens to fall in the category of being human. You need and are best served by having teflon skin, just let it fall off you, and put your ego in a jar when it comes to anything edu related.
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Re: Ghosted

Post by sid »

A diatribe which reveals PG’s personal philosophy and should not be taken as revealing anyone else’s.
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Post by PsyGuy »

As opposed to a leader with an agenda for self promotion and advancing leadership propaganda.
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Re: Comment

Post by MusicTravel30 »

PsyGuy wrote:
> @expatscot
> Thats true, cow is worth USD$10lbs after its over, ITs are worth nothing.

Maybe that is how you view a human life but most other people see human life as something that has immense worth and value. Because it does.
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Re: Ghosted

Post by MusicTravel30 »

jschott wrote:
> justme123 wrote:

> Ghosting is of course highly unprofessional and says much about the institution (or
> people running the institution) that is at fault. Take the ghosting as a sign of how
> a place does business, and if anything, be glad that you didn't wind up working
> there.

I was ghosted once. The odd thing is I am not sure it was as you stated because the school claims they have a very low turnover rate. The teachers who go there stay. But, even after a phone interview, an interview in person, and a demo class, all during work hours for me, and they couldn't even get in touch. So I would think that would indicate the overall job, but apparently not. IMO it is indeed rude if you have gotten deep into the process to not hear anything back.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Thats how leaders view ITs.
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