Update From a Recuirter Regarding China

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Post by PsyGuy »

Just heard first hand one family that was told hours ago the IS can get the spouse in with some ESL support position but the dependents cant travel with their parents, which sort of sounded more like the IS was canceling the contract, then a real discussion or plan on moving forward. The email was two lines long and came from an HR assistant.
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Re: Discussion

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> Just heard first hand one family that was told hours ago the IS can get the
> spouse in with some ESL support position but the dependents cant travel
> with their parents, which sort of sounded more like the IS was canceling
> the contract, then a real discussion or plan on moving forward. The email
> was two lines long and came from an HR assistant.

You're right, this sounds more like a scummy way of cancelling the contract - everyone I know moving to China has gotten their dependents in without any problem.
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Post by PsyGuy »


How many do you know? More importantly how many do you not know? How would you know if some IT couple got dumped on by their IS? Its not like theres some clearing house that publishes or reports that information. The IS basically dumps them, and they go away.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

All I can say is that of all the teachers I know that are bound for China with dependents I know (personally, and teacher friends of teacher friends), everyone got their dependents in without any problems. Also what I've read online from others are similar experiences.

And of course I don't know how many teachers I don't know - nobody does. That's why I don't make any definitive statements about 'all teachers', just 'all teachers I know' (plus a good number of teachers sharing their experiences online whom I don't know).

But hey, we can disagree - you're welcome to think it's still difficult to get dependents of international teachers into China. What I've read and heard recently tells a different story, but admittedly that's a small'ish sample size. If I read enough accounts to the contrary I'll happily change my opinion.
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Post by PsyGuy »


"Bound for China" being the operative term. Your claim is equivalent to stating everyone finished the race when you were only at the finish line and dont know how many started.
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Re: Update From a Recuirter Regarding China

Post by shadowjack »

Folks I know hired in January through March. Dependents range form kids to spouses. All are in and in China now. Things have changed and procedures more relaxed and less -.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> "Bound for China" being the operative term. Your claim is
> equivalent to stating everyone finished the race when you were only at the
> finish line and dont know how many started.

A train bound for somewhere can still derail or break down halfway there, or not even leave the terminal...

But let me rephrase it then so it's clear: everyone I know who was interested in China and interviewed for a job there was told there would be no problem getting their dependents in, and they did indeed get all their dependents in.
So everyone I know who started the race made it to the finish line.

Of course I can't speak for all the teachers I don't know, that's why I don't make any definitive statements about 'all teachers', just 'all teachers I know' (plus a good number of teachers sharing their successful experiences online).
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Post by PsyGuy »


We disagree.


The situation is a lot better than I expected, but its not back to pre-COVID time and there are still inconsistencies and thats resulting in problems getting dependents in, but its much better than I anticipated.
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