Flight for Non-Accompanying Spouse

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Re: Flight for Non-Accompanying Spouse

Post by sid »

Excellent news! Thanks for the update. Freely offered, yours to enjoy!
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Post by PsyGuy »


Thats better, but its still missing the mark by quit a bit. Once an IS and leadership/ownership have determined who gets travel benefits and under what conditions, once those are approved and remitted thats it. Once the IS has approved the travel, and provided the coin, the non-employee spouse owes you nothing, they arent your prisoner and youre not their supervisor. Your post facto feelings on the matter are immaterial.

Your definitions, explanation, and conclusions are neither universal or authoritative beyond your bubble.
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Re: Flight for Non-Accompanying Spouse

Post by sid »

Case in point, the teacher at my school whose spouse left one October (as in, with permanent intentions, though not legal divorce yet), and took the kids. This teacher did not disclose to the school, and subsequently received the annual flight allowance based on family. When it was discovered by the school, the teacher was fired summarily, and the school recouped the family’s flight allowance by deducting it from the teacher’s end of service benefits. Rather than a parting gift of three months’ pay that he would have otherwise received, he walked away with a handful of change. (If you know your schools well, there are enough clues in this paragraph to know which parent organization we worked for, since few places pay such a large flight allowance plus end of service benefits of multiple months pay.)
Schools do not like being taken advantage of.
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Post by PsyGuy »


No, Correct.
That your IS was a thief doesnt change the scenario or the principals underlying it. The trailing spouse isnt your prisoner and they dont owe you anything. Nor does your ISs approach make it universal.
An It thats dismissed doesnt generally receive a bonus or other EOC benefit, that you think you recouped anything is just is just rationalization in your bubble.
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Re: Flight for Non-Accompanying Spouse

Post by sid »

I didn’t recoup anything.
You may argue that the school didn’t either, but I assure you, the teacher sure felt the loss.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Yes you did, the very first line of your prior post was "the teacher at my school", my school, possessive, yours, you.
I do not find your assurances reassuring.
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Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2006 11:44 am

Re: Flight for Non-Accompanying Spouse

Post by sid »

😂 LOL That may be the most ridiculous “argument” you have ever made.
You’re my favorite village idiot.
Loving this new interpretation of possession.
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