Update From a Recuirter Regarding China

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Update From a Recuirter Regarding China

Post by Spawnboy99 »

This was posted on social media,

Given that China has not been issuing dependent visa's since the pandemic began and currently there is no sight of this changing in the near future our China-based clients are clarifying with us that it makes no sense to interview candidates with families (Children or non-teaching partners) because at this point they cannot get them into China and we don't know when this will change. Our clients have been requesting we submit only those whom they can secure PU letters and visa - currently solo travellers or married teaching couples only. Also worth noting that schools in China are also still going to prioritise those candidates already in China - certainly in the early part of the season. As a result - it is clear that we really will not have many options at all for those travelling with dependents for our 22/23 season.
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Re: Update From a Recuirter Regarding China

Post by nathan61 »

Great post. Thanks for sharing. This kind of information is what keeps me coming back to the forum. It would be interesting to hear from others who are in China. I heard some schools were offering contracts to teachers who agreed not to leave China for two years straight.
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Re: Update From a Recuirter Regarding China

Post by shadowjack »

But yet over the past two years I personally know 4 families who have gotten into China. One is still in the process, but the other 3 went in with children from 2020 to now...

I am also talking 3 different schools in 3 different cities. I suspect it depends more on the positions hired for, the school's guangxi (sp?) and the location. And agreed, it IS harder, so maybe schools now want to avoid the hassle.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I concur with @SJ, I know personally of a couple ITs with families getting into China during the pandemic. I have no doubt guanxi and political currency play a heavy handed role in the process, and it is harder but its happening. At this point the ISs need ITs more than the ITs need Chinese ISs. Some recruiter might be saying this now but if they want their IS to actually open in the fall come late spring or summer and ISs are going to make things happen with what they can get.


A contract for a commitment of 2 years? Thats just standard recruitment terms for China, I heard that too, everywhere for the last couple decades.
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Re: Response

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> @nathan61
> A contract for a commitment of 2 years? Thats just standard recruitment
> terms for China, I heard that too, everywhere for the last couple decades.

I think Nathan meant that you promise not to leave the country during those two years (also not during Summer holiday), not just a standard two year-contract.
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Post by PsyGuy »

That is a very needed clarification, that indeed is a significant difference.
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Re: Update From a Recuirter Regarding China

Post by Sol »

"China-based clients are clarifying with us that it makes no sense to interview candidates with families (Children or non-teaching partners) because at this point they cannot get them into China and we don't know when this will change"

Curious if this applies to schools in Hong Kong for 2022-2023?
Helen Back
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Re: Update From a Recuirter Regarding China

Post by Helen Back »

It shouldn't, as those with work permits may enter Hong Kong with their dependents. Of course, this may change, but currently dependents can enter.
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Re: Update From a Recuirter Regarding China

Post by kellysensei »

FWIW, I am in China, and my family (husband and two kids) is getting on a plane to Shanghai as I type this. And my school has hired at least three couples with kids - coming from outside of China - for Fall 2022.

So it really depends on the school, whether they will consider teachers with kids.
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Post by PsyGuy »

And a lot more of those ISs, vastly more than before the pandemic, are saying they arent interested on ITs with trailing dependents.
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Re: Update From a Recuirter Regarding China

Post by Singablesong »

In the meantime, the Chinese government changed the rules about dependents. Now they can obtain a visa and come to China.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I will be more inclined to believe it in August when those dependents are actually traveling.
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Re: Update From a Recuirter Regarding China

Post by IE_sciteacher »

Dependants are getting into China and the entry process has become much easier (removed some major steps) and quarantine is shortened by half in many cities.

Rumours of HK going to no quarantine in November helps would mean cheaper flights to HK and then signing up for the lottery to cross into SZ. This would make returning more affordable as the current barrier of insane flight prices might not be changing for a bit or at least until China removes the positive case suspension rule.

I wouldn't bet that China is open borders for another year at least but many hurdles of getting in have been reduced. They just need normal prices of flights, and then you are "only" looking at a 7-day quarantine with maybe another 3 in your apartment. This I feel would entice a lot more teachers and ex-pats and help put China back on the list. The dynamic zero COVID policy however is another discussion.
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Post by PsyGuy »

That is not what Im hearing. While the process has gotten more streamlined and that makes the process easier its not better. Given all the ITs are dependent on what their ISs are telling them, many ITs are still being told they cant travel with dependents. This may be because of flight costs, either the ISs just wont absorb them for dependents or the ISs feel that the IT wont absorb the costs and the ISs dont want to be left come September with an IT who wouldnt get on the plane. Its also just as likely that China like it has in the past has different practicalities based on prefecture, location, and relationships.
So dependents are getting in, but its not universal, and its not a fixed system, at least not this year.
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Re: Update From a Recuirter Regarding China

Post by shadowjack »

Three families I know travelling or just travelled to China. All in. Reduced quarantine. Three different regions. Three different schools. Things are changing.
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