Medical Insurance for Dependents Included in The Packages

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Medical Insurance for Dependents Included in The Packages

Post by McQwaid »

Hello ISR Community

Is it common to NOT have Medical Insurance for Dependents Included in The Package? I can understand if the national medical system of a developed country is of high standard and sufficient enough but what if you are in a developing country where your dependents are not eligible or can't safely use the national (govt) medical system?

My tier 2 International School gives private medical insurance for the teachers but not dependents and we are in a developing country. I have to pay for out of my own pocket for my dependents yearly medical insurance. It's expensive. They don't flights for dependents either but that's another story.

Is it common to NOT have Medical Insurance for Dependents Included in the employment package?

Thank you
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Re: Medical Insurance for Dependents Included in The Packages

Post by sid »

It’s seen more at second tier schools. Rare in first tier.
As with all packages, look at the whole thing and decide if it’s worth it for you before signing. It won’t do you any good to know what is typical, even if your school is the only one in the world that does it their way. They won’t change.
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Re: Medical Insurance for Dependents Included in The Packages

Post by shadowjack »

Unless the rest of the package was really good, I wouldn't work at a school which didn't offer insurance for my dependents. The school is hiring me as a package with my family - not just me.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Not at tier 2. Though I suppose if you were setting up a bubble and comparing 1st tier to 2nd tier, there would be a higher number in 2nd tier than first, it wouldnt be very meaningful though, youd likely have small sample size issues if you factored for region. That type of issue is very firmly a third tier issue.
Maybe youre not at a second tier IS.

I disagree with @Sid. Youre IS could be motivated to change, but that process is usually kind of slow, a couple years most likely. They have to renegotiate the contract, securing costs, build that into the budget, likely requiring an increase in tuition/fees that are going to have to be sold to parents. getting something like dependent medical premiums absorbed as part of your comp is one of the easier challenges.

I strongly disagree with @Sid, knowing what is typical for your tier and region puts you in a better position to negotiate your contract. After tuition/fee places/waivers, health care benefits are the easiest to negotiate in an IS. Its very likely your ISs has the ability to put whoever they want on the private policy, they just dont want to absorb the expense, either they dont think your contract is worth it, or their options are 'healthy' (::LOL::).
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