When is the recruiting season in the USA?

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When is the recruiting season in the USA?

Post by Phil »

I'm assuming it is more spread out than for international schools? Is there a particular month when it is worth it to start looking? I'm interested in both public and private schools.

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Re: When is the recruiting season in the USA?

Post by sid »

It tends to be last minute- think August for August. But at the moment, with so much attrition due to the pressures of Covid, there seem to be many positions open relatively urgently. Start applying.
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Re: When is the recruiting season in the USA?

Post by Phil »

sid wrote:
> It tends to be last minute- think August for August. But at the moment,
> with so much attrition due to the pressures of Covid, there seem to be many
> positions open relatively urgently. Start applying.

Thanks Sid!
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Re: When is the recruiting season in the USA?

Post by Ladida »

Each state has different guidelines as well for public schools. For example, in Texas you can choose to resign 45 days before the first day of school (which is usually sometime in July). So lots of people will wait until the last minute to resign at their current position to try and get another position in a different district. I think it works similarly in other states.

Private schools operate differently as they are independent of state rules.
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Post by PsyGuy »

DTs generally have between 30-60 days prior to some summer ending date to resign from their current appointments. It differs greatly between states depending on the regulating authority. Independent/Private DSs arent required to abide by those requirements, but they often do in their own contracts to maintain competitiveness. Most DSs know what they need around early may, with most recruiting happening in the early summer, particularly June.
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Re: When is the recruiting season in the USA?

Post by shadowjack »

Honestly, if you have target areas and schools, I would start looking around April. March is a bit early. It gives you time to get your stuff sorted so you can plan your international exit.

If you are looking at places like Alaska, they apparently used to (might still) do a state recruiting event.

Good luck!
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Post by PsyGuy »

Footprints is working with Alaska to fill positions.
https://www.footprintsrecruiting.com/al ... ching-jobs

Hawaii use to do a number of mainland recruiting and interview events as well.
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Re: When is the recruiting season in the USA?

Post by jschott »

Teaching in the USA at the moment is a bit like being sent to the front lines in a world war.

The question is, "why would anyone do it?"

I recognize that spending years in university/teacher training makes it really hard to entertain doing anything else. But gosh, this pandemic has shown just how much (or little) teachers are valued--if salary in most places had not already driven the point home. Certainly teachers' roles as babysitters are valued much more than their worth as actual educators, in many places. Opinions from non-educators like this are not so uncommon:

https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions ... fire-them/

Going into teaching in the USA...I hate to echo Nancy Reagan, but I will: Just say no.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Because there are DTs/ITs whose fields dont really allow them to do anything else. You know what the title "professional artist" means? My husbands job pays the bills and supports the lifestyle. Whats a PHE DT/IT going to do, they didnt make in whatever the pros league is for their sport, or they didnt make it to a pro team or on a pro circuit or the Olympics. So its teach or be a personal trainer/coach. Professional musician means youre either somebody with a recording contract or your playing dive c1ubs and posting online videos hoping, praying you get enough followers to get some ad revenue coin. Just how many historians or even wildlife biologists does the world need. Theres a dozen people making real careers in those fields or they arent really working in those fields, or they are a professor if they arent a teacher. Comp.Lit still means Starbucks Barista. Look at librarians who have been devastated by the pre-pandemic housing crises, all those districts gutted their librarians, and their libraries to salvage those budgets, and the ones that kept them put a para in the room to watch the room, and eliminated the librarians instruction.
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