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Post by Spawnboy99 »

Just interesting to find out, but who has ended up securing a job through someone reaching out to them via LinkedIn.
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Re: LinkedIn

Post by sciteach »

LinkedIn is a strange one. I've found that some of the better schools look you up before they contact you - which was the case from a few schools I've interviewed with. However - they all came through search associates. I have had schools contact me out of the blue for interviews on LinkedIn - but that's mainly for countries like China, Vietnam (unknown school) and the middle east.

So to put it simple. Have people got jobs from Linkedin - I think so. But it's just another tool - not THE tool
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Re: LinkedIn

Post by Smokegreynblues »

Got offers from schools with red flag reviews on the paid section of this site. Decided to not reply to any. All were in China and Vietnam. Paid 30-40k USD, nothing that a proper credentialed teacher would accept, probably that's why they thought they could bait me.

On a side note, Linkedin is such a cringe fest, of happy faces. Sycophants, who give glaring insights into their perfect school life, all in return for the extra step up the salary scale. Every teacher posting their crap worthy coursera qualifications, their "21st century learning" rinse and repeat PD. Principals who get bombarded with future candidates etc. The real teachers (10-15 years in education), that I know set up a profile like years ago. And never touched it. Some of the most positive admins that I know, stay away from the professional ladder hopping nature of LinkedIn. The best ones, are content with what they do, and have. They see no need to share with the Linkedin community.
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Re: LinkedIn

Post by sciteach »

Also confirming that none of the schools which have contacted me seem like good schools. I also agree with the general statements about Linkedin being a place for job related self flagellation.

I will slightly push back on it not being at all relevant. Keeping your general info up there (such as what you teach and when you've worked at a particular place) I think is very helpful. It only takes a 5 minute update each year.
Thames Pirate
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Re: LinkedIn

Post by Thames Pirate »

Not a fan. I have an account that isn't very up to date, and I honestly never felt like I needed it. I tend to agree with Smokegreynblues about the nature of LinkedIn. Lots of jargon heavy self-promotion and people into the latest trends using beefy verbs to make normal jobs sound like they held some major leadership roles or special responsibilities. Recruiting ground for sycophant-seeking leadership with no budgets to find teachers willing to jump on board with their latest and ever-changing initiatives. If you are really lucky and a bit slick, you can lure someone from a job at a decent school to your fun-fest of a low-budget startup school by making them feel flattered for being headhunted.

I mean, sure, I connected with people on there just to keep my ear to the ground and my networking options open, but the users I know who post frequently are those types, and I have never heard of good schools using it.
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Re: LinkedIn

Post by expatscot »

The problem I'm finding is that being in China, I'm bombarded with "recruitment agents" offering roles at schools which I wouldn't consider in a month of COVID-infected Sundays. That said, there are some schools and organisations on there who are more reputable and while I wouldn't necessarily make contact with them on the site, there could be some useful information (likely to be more up to date than their website) which I could use in an application or interview if it got to that.
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Re: LinkedIn

Post by muguet »

I've been recruited for a tutoring side gig on LinkedIn that turned out to be decent.
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Re: LinkedIn

Post by sid »

Muguet. Awesome name.
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Re: LinkedIn

Post by drosophila »

I was recruited into as a tutor in LinkedIn and was the best recruitment ever. I am earning 4 figures USD every month by just tutoring online part time.

Linkedin save my life during these turbulence Covid era.

LinkedIn is amazing!
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Re: LinkedIn

Post by grapms »

Thanks for this solution!
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Re: LinkedIn

Post by milesaway »

Any chance you both could share the tutoring agency you use, I am looking for some part time on line tutoring. Thanks

Re: LinkedIn

Post by Illiane_Blues »

About 6 or 7 years ago a very good school contacted me through LinkedIn to ask me to apply for a position. I think they used LinkedIn because they were in a pinch - it was late in the recruitment season, the role was very specific and I had the right experience for it. However I had just signed a contract elsewhere so declined. But apart from that one time LinkedIn has been basically useless.
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Post by PsyGuy »

A couple of legitimate opportunities have happened on Linkedin, but they dont come close to the amount of garbage that comes with it. Its just too many ET positions masquerading as IT positions. Even before the agent takes their cut the comp isnot anything Id consider past 2 seconds. However, as with @Illiane_Blues Ive had one tier 1 IS recruit for a very niche position using Linkedin and a not scammy third tier IS recruit directly using Linkedin with a new HOS who was trying to fill vacancies for their new IS on the cheap before going to the premium recruiters.The first example is a fluke and the second is increasing (slowly).
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