Avoid Swiss boarding schools

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Post by PsyGuy »


Thats my position, Im the one writing it. Im taking the counter position in opposition of @Sids position.

We know different people.

Says the person who took the coin.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> Thats my position, Im the one writing it. Im taking the counter position in
> opposition of @Sids position.
> Says the person who took the coin.

Just write 'I' instead of 'you' then.

Why would taking coin from an IS mean that I can't enjoy my job?
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Post by PsyGuy »


My own counsel will I keep on what I write.

Because you took the coin. If you enjoy it give the coin back to them. Otherwise you have no bases thats absent bias that what you truly enjoyed was the work and not enjoyment of the coin. If you wont do it for free, than weve established that what you enjoy is the coin and were just haggling over price. its just a matter of how much before you start enjoying the work again.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> @Heliotrope
> My own counsel will I keep on what I write.
> Because you took the coin. If you enjoy it give the coin back to them.
> Otherwise you have no bases thats absent bias that what you truly enjoyed
> was the work and not enjoyment of the coin. If you wont do it for free,
> than weve established that what you enjoy is the coin and were just
> haggling over price. its just a matter of how much before you start
> enjoying the work again.

Just because you say we've established that doesn't mean it's true.

If I enjoy it, AND they give me money, that's a win win - people need to earn money somehow.
If I didn't take the money, I would have to find another job that I probably won't enjoy as much, and I wouldn't have time anymore to still teach anyway.

If money was my main motivation, I wouldn't be in education. I once turned down a job that would have made me more money in less time, but chose to continue teaching because I enjoy it.

Plenty of people enjoy their work. Lots of teachers do. I'm sorry you don't.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Says the person who took the coin.
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Re: Avoid Swiss boarding schools

Post by secondplace »


It's okay to like your job and enjoy the money you earn from it. In fact, I'd say this what a lot of people hope for.

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Post by PsyGuy »


Says the person who took the coin.
Posts: 191
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Re: Avoid Swiss boarding schools

Post by secondplace »


I'm not sure that stating the fact I get paid is the massive insult you perhaps think it is.

Especially given your massive altruistic streak seems rather well hidden.

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Post by PsyGuy »


Not intended as an insult in any respects.
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