32K - Average Salary for International Teachers?

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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> Words dont explode when you misuse them. "It can be used",
> "the elevator can now be used", using "we" doesnt cause
> a fault in reality, your just inferring that you represent a larger group
> of individuals when in reality its just you. Standing in the lobby by
> yourself and saying "we can use the elevator now" is just
> yourself there is no we, we doesnt make additional people appear.

Nope, that's not how language works.
Saying 'we' doesn't mean always mean you're representing a group.
In this case I'm just saying people are able to do something.
But since you seem to need it, I can unequivocally state that I don't represent anyone but myself, and if you think that I think I do, thats your problem.

> Hitchens claim is no different than stating water is wet. Agreeing with you
> or aligning with your goals and outcomes doesnt make the claim more valid
> its not self authenticating, substantial or significant because you claim
> it to be and than clarify its obvious. Its just @Heliotrope claiming some
> person said something that you agree with and inferring anyone who doesnt
> agree with you is stupid or dumb.

You come up with a number, but refuse to back it up with data, as you frequently refuse to tell us where you've come across information (other than 'the internet').
So I reject it as a made-up number until there's any evidence that that average has any basis in reality.

And not that it's relevant, but water MAKES things wet, it's not wet itself - there's no 'wet water'.
I know you disagree - it's a discussion we've already had once before, and just like then we can agree to disagree.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Do your own research I dont owe you anything.
We disagree.
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Re: 32K - Average Salary for International Teachers?

Post by sid »

[quote=PsyGuy post_id=60935 time=1614930364 user_id=68047]

Do your own research I dont owe you anything.
We disagree.

Of course you don't owe us anything, and if you did we fully expect we would never see that debt paid.

Our point (my point?) is merely that you have provided no evidence to back your assertion.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. I do not have to prove or provide you with support for my claims.
We disagree.
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Re: 32K - Average Salary for International Teachers?

Post by sid »

[quote=PsyGuy post_id=60938 time=1614931267 user_id=68047]

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. I do not have to prove or provide you with support for my claims.
We disagree.
Agreed. You do not have to prove or provide us with support. Which is probably for the best, since you haven't.
On the other hand, if you want to have your assertion accepted as true, it would be helpful to provide evidence, support, a source, etc. In this virtual room full of educated educators, it's unrealistic to expect that unsupported assertions will be taken as gospel, particularly when they run counter to common sense and are posited by someone with a known disdain for providing evidence.
And if you don't want to have your assertion accepted as true, why in the world are you investing so much verbiage in the conversation?

Re: 32K - Average Salary for International Teachers?

Post by Illiane_Blues »

Every time Psyguy refuses to link to a source I assume he doesn't have any and he just made it all up.
The "Do your own research" is him trying to get away with not having a source.
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Re: 32K - Average Salary for International Teachers?

Post by EyEyEy »

Ha! That's what anti-vaxxers and conspiracy thinkers always say: "do your own research", "it's out there if you just google and I'm not going to do it for you" and other things to obscure that they can't produce a credible source themselves other than maybe some dodgy easily debunkable conspiracy website or Youtube video where Wakefield's research is still quoted to prove that vaccines cause autism.
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Re: 32K - Average Salary for International Teachers?

Post by ILMathTeachr »

"Do your own research" is a standard gaslighting technique where its user deflects from the suspect validity of their assertions for which they can't provide evidence, with the added bonus of accusing their debate opponent of being lazy.
I can't believe I just read a whole page of that crap.
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Post by PsyGuy »

My own counsel will I keep on what evidence if any I provide. Still 32K.
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Joined: Sun May 13, 2018 1:48 am

Re: Comment

Post by Heliotrope »

You do you.
And I'll keep dismissing that number out of hand since no sources are provided.
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