Should we pull out of China move?

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Should we pull out of China move?

Post by Chickpea0000 »

My wife and l have been teaching in uk for 13 years, we have two primary school kids.
We have accepted jobs in Shanghai for August. Obviously worried it won’t now happen.

Should we
a. Stay in our current jobs in uk
b. Continue with China
c. Apply for other international jobs

Re: Should we pull out of China move?

Post by Rhysboy »

Well, if it were me I certainly wouldn’t give up two teaching jobs in the UK and move to China. Especially seeing as you have two children. It’s just too uncertain right now and with the stories that I’ve heard of contracts being cancelled at very short notice I would not take the chance. I would wait a few years until things get back to ‘normal’ and then start looking to move abroad. But that’s just my opinion.
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Re: Should we pull out of China move?

Post by sid »

How did that school do getting teachers in for August 2020? If they did well and treated people with respect, expect the same in 2021.
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Re: Should we pull out of China move?

Post by sciteach »

It really depends on the school. If it's a highly reputable school which looked after it's staff during the 2020/21 school year - then it should not be as much of a problem. The only problem is a lot of these schools can also get high quality teachers in China through cherry picking from the Tier 2/3 schools which is also cheaper for them in non-covid times.

Odd question to ask - but is it an international school or just one in name as taking primary aged kids into an environment where few of the other students speak ok English can be difficult. Others will know more on this than I.
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Re: Should we pull out of China move?

Post by secondplace »

Why won't the move happen?

Have the school been in touch with you about how the process will work?

Have you been in contact with them?
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Re: Should we pull out of China move?

Post by mysharona »

Shanghai is a fabulous city and very safe Covid wise, I highly recommend it, however coming to Shanghai right now is not for the faint of heart. There are all sorts of obstacles involved in traveling here from getting visas, to booking flights, meeting the health requirements to fly, to dealing with the arrival quarantine and you need to decide whether its worth it and how supportive your school will be.
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Re: Should we pull out of China move?

Post by offwego »

I agree with the others. Sid has good advice. How did they treat staff in 2020, and were they able to get new staff into the country?

I have accepted a job in China, and I have three dependents. But my school got positive comments on these forums about how they handled things last year, and I know for a fact they got teachers into the country in fall 2020, albeit 1-2 months late in some cases. So I'm optimistic and will go ahead with our planning and preparation for our move to China.

I think the concern is not so much teachers but their dependents. My situation is a little different than yours, because my husband can stay behind with our kids for a couple weeks or months, if necessary. (We're hoping it wouldn't be longer than two months.) We know it's a risk, but again, we're optimistic, and my school is being very supportive and is keeping up communication with me.
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Re: Should we pull out of China move?

Post by Chickpea0000 »

My gut says it isn't going to happen. I will wait until April to make a final decision but we have resigned ourselves to staying in the UK permanently.
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Re: Should we pull out of China move?

Post by sid »

Then pull out now.
International life isn’t for everyone, and this level of doubt suggests it’s not for you.
Nothing has changed, since you signed, except your mind.
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Re: Should we pull out of China move?

Post by shadowjack »


Your gut and reality are two different things. However, as Sid says, it appears you are now second-guessing your desire to go overseas. If you are going to Shanghai, some things to keep in mind - Shanghai is a very open city. Large schools have a lot of influence on getting their people in. People ARE indeed getting in - if you are serious about going to Shanghai, make sure (a) you are vaccinated; (b) make sure you have the right test for entry; and (c) follow your school's instructions EXACTLY. If you have been hired by an established school, they know precisely where the sticking points are, exactly what hoops to jump through are necessary, and the order in which things need to be done.

Yes, it might be you get in a bit late (I have friends (a family) who didn't get into China until January, after being hired for September. Trust the process. Not every school wants to poach in-country teachers from other schools.

Good luck whichever choice you make!
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Re: Should we pull out of China move?

Post by mysharona »

Actually large schools in Shanghai seem to have very little influence in getting their teachers into China and even if they did have influence there are so many other variables in play that school influence would be negligible anyway. I say this from personal experience. I disagree with other posters and don't see anything wrong with questioning your decision, its not unreasonable in today's ever changing climate for one to sit back and ask themselves what's best for their family.
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Re: Should we pull out of China move?

Post by shadowjack »

YMMV but I have friends at several different schools in Shanghai. While there was some downsizing at one or two, every school has their staff back and some recruiting going on for next year.
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Re: Should we pull out of China move?

Post by mysharona »

I am one of the staff that got back in the fall, and I agree for the most part that (2019-20) staff are back, but that doesn't mean it was easy, happened in a timely fashion, or for the faint of heart. As for new (2020-21) teachers, we still have teachers sitting in the US and Europe unable to come to China and probably soon to be cut loose. Most of the teachers recruited for the next school year are coming from schools in China, simplifying their travels and the school's worries immensely.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Why not do all three? Continue with your current IS you have a contract with, keep your UK DS in your pocket as a safety and keep searching for yet another possibly better IS.

My coin would be against it happening for you, craps-roll probabilities.
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Re: Should we pull out of China move?

Post by Chickpea0000 »

We have a second interview this weekend for a school in Qatar. The salary is 25% less than China but the school is truly international unlike China. This would be better for our kids.

If offered the posts, l think we will accept and pull out of China.
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